Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Issue 239 New Years eve December 31, 2013

What do you do for New Years Eve? Is it a holiday to be celebrated? I'm not sure to be honest. Let’s discuss.

Survived another one: When you think about it, you can say that New Years is a celebration of life. We survived another full year on this planet despite all the dangers existing in our world. Don't believe me? Well if you look at the ancient cultures that celebrated New Years, they celebrated with a harvest and festival even though each winter could wipe them out. They survived the dangers of predators and disease each and every day. Now look at the modern day where we still face disease, war, famine and now nuclear holocausts. So saying we survived is not exactly a joke.

What should we do?: So how do we celebrate? The same way we always have, by having a party. Get together with close friends and family to enjoy each others company and to just be merry together. It is a similar feeling to Thanksgiving, but with the twist of it being about ushering in the New Year.

Anything special?: Because it is the ushering of a new year and follows two important holidays (Thanksgiving where we are thankful for what we have, and Christmas where we give to those we care about or are in need) we have to do something right? Well, this is where New Years resolutions come in. No, I'm not talking about loosing weight or bland silly things like that. I am talking about trying to be a better person than the year before. So things like, "I will not get stressed over nothing anymore" or "I'll get angry less" are very good options. It is now a holiday that goes beyond surviving the year before. New Years is now all about betterment of yourself so that you can say that you are not the same as you were the year before. So that you as an individual can say "I've become a better person."

Conclusion: It is time again to make your New Years resolution. So I ask you, make one that matters, and that you can enforce upon yourself. But most of all, try to improve upon who and what you are so that you can be proud of yourself.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Issue 238 Voluntary Redistribution December 30,2013

What does it mean to redistribute the wealth? When is it theft and when is it voluntary? I attempt to answer these questions here and now.

Redistribution: To redistribute wealth means to literally have one person take there own wealth and give a portion of it to someone else. In to day’s society, this is typically done by wealthy individuals who are giving to the poor, or when the government takes money from people with money and gives them to the less fortunate. It can be forced or compelled. Even the poor themselves can have money taken from them and given to others as well. Redistributing wealth is just this, taking money or property from one individual and giving it to another.

When it is theft: This redistribution can be a form of theft. If a person or a government forcibly takes money and property away from the individual against the will of the owner, then it is theft of the highest order. A government has no right to a person’s individual wealth, nor does it have the right to take that wealth and give it to whoever they wish (an estimated 70% of welfare helps the rich rather than helping the poor in the U.S.). Governments play the role of a thief on a daily basis even when it is against the law for private individuals to take from one another. The Founding Fathers of the United States warned against an income tax because of the government’s thievery they experienced back in Europe and when the U.S. was still a bunch of colonies (also they felt the government would go broke just trying to enforce an income tax). What ever the reason for the government taking our money and giving it to others, if it is against our will then it will always be theft.

When it is voluntary: It is voluntary when people give money freely to those they feel who need it. We all call this charity. Rather than some government or organization deciding where our money should go, we can choose who gets what. Charity is all about the giving freely of your own wealth. You yourself are redistributing it to those you believe can do the most good with it. Whether it is a charity, a hospital or similar organization or an individual, when it is done by you it is voluntary. As the biggest advantage of this is that you can see where your money is going and maybe even see its effects on that individual. You also can see if the aid you give is actually helping. This allows you to adjust the type of aid you’re giving or to cut it back if the person begins to abuse your kindness (an unfortunate but necessary evil).

Conclusion: Which is better? When governments take wealth and redistribute it, they do so in a blanket approach that may or may not help anyone. If you yourself does it, you can see where your wealth goes, how your former wealth is used and if it is helping or if you are being abused. It sells itself. Charity, the voluntary redistribution, is the best way to help those who need just a little help to help themselves.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Issue 237 Pray then do it! December 27, 2013


When you pray, do you ask God to do things for you? Do you then proceed to watch and wait for it to be done by God on your behalf? If you are then you are doing it wrong.

Don't just pray: In the Bible we are told "God only helps those who help themselves." We are also told that "give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime." So what does this mean? It means that just praying to God to make something occur will not work. God actually wants you to take steps to do something to further your own desire or need. Things don't go your way simply because you want them to or because you ask God, but because you started working toward that goal and acquire the knowledge to further achieve that goal. As such, by going out and trying to achieve the goal while learning as you go, you can succeed in what you want. Will you sometimes fail, yes of course, but you learned from it so you can avoid that failure next time.

Normally I would have at least said a bit more on this matter, but a story tells it better (it’s a variation of one I heard on the television show “The West Wing”).

A man is sitting in his living room and listening to the radio. The radio shouts that a storm is coming. Then the man thinks to himself, I'll be fine for I have God on my side.

The storm begins with trees being blown over outside the mans house. A rescue worker knocks on his door. The man is told you have to come with me, this place is not safe. The man refuses and says "God will save me" and closes the door on the rescue worker.

Now the house is flooded and the man is on the roof of his home. A boat comes by while the storm rages around him. People on the boat beg him to come aboard knowing that if he stays he will die. And still the man refuses, saying that "God will save me."

The man is now dead. He enters heaven and demands to see God. As he approaches Gods throne, he demands to know why he died claiming that he has always been faithful and has strived to remain free of sin. God looks down on him and exclaims "I sent you a radio broadcast, a rescue worker and a boat, so why the hell are you even here?!"

Conclusion: So what can we learn from this little story? The man had faith, and God did try to help him. One problem, he did not try to help himself. This applies to everything in life, if you want something done you can pray, but get to doing something about it. Try to reach your goal with all your might and then and only then will God help you on your journey towards that goal.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Issue 236 Joining Hands December 26, 2013

I have always questioned why the faiths have not teamed up to tackle issue like poverty and world hunger. With all of their resources put together, the faiths could give for free the knowledge needed by the poor to get ahead in life and even the financial means if necessary. So why don't they?

Differences: One of the primary reasons faiths choose not to cooperate is because of the differences of belief that they have. They look at each other with skepticism and sometimes derision (like how Mormons are typically viewed by the rest of the Christian community). But I question this. Is this not being so petty as to not accept aid from your fellow man? It is silly to not accept each others help. The Mormons have a fantastic disaster relief network with them typically getting to the communities in trouble long before the government or even other charities arrive. Catholics have a world wide network which allows them to gather information quickly so as to know what is needed where. Muslims who use sharia law integrate charity into all of there transactions (it’s obligatory), and thus gather large sums of money quickly. However, because of differences in faith and belief, many of these faiths choose not to help each other out. As such, when trouble occurs each choose to continue to do things on there own in there own way. This to me is counter to what my Christian teaching tells me as a Catholic. We do not know who are Gods chosen people and associating with people of a different faith will not make us sinners. So I feel that getting the community of faiths together, even if it is just in your own town and making an emergency supply center/shelter that doubles as a food pantry could be a nice start to something bigger. Who knows, maybe these faiths can even team up to do other things like creating genealogy trees like some Mormon communities do, and maybe revive some of the more stagnant churches by copying some of the Baptist singing and rejoicing in the sermons. If the faiths just cooperate they may yet grow and renew themselves.

Government: The other reason that inhibits faiths from going further is do to the government getting involved with things like welfare. Welfare used to be done by the churches and other similar community groups, but government decided to step in during the Great Depression when it was felt that these churches and groups could not handle the sheer amount of poverty that occurred. It can be argued that the government perpetuated the depression though by slaughtering livestock and burning crops which raised the price of food (see book Grapes of Wrath), the same food that would have been much cheaper and affordable for the poor to buy if not for there interference. Add in price and wage controls and government made it impossible to feed the poor on the cheap. Now there is a way of thinking that the Charities cannot handle the poor if government was to step out of the picture for even a little bit (which I believe is false). This mindset has even infiltrated the churches and as such they have no incentive to go beyond the current services they are offering. Charity used to be local for a reason, to ensure that those who need help get help. But with government, anyone can become a freeloader.

Conclusion: Each of the faiths has much to offer by getting together. They can learn from each other, share resources and information and even set up interfaith networks to handle things like health care, education, the obvious welfare aid and maybe even sanitation if a community needs it. Together the faiths can do it; they can show that government is not needed to survive in the modern world. So start coming together, and start saving people the way God intended.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Issue 235 Merry Christmas December 25, 2013

Well every one, it is now Christmas day.  Time to say a prayer of thanks to Jesus and God and then exchange gifts with your loved ones (whether those gifts be physical or spiritual is up to you).  Thank you for reading today and every day as you all have given me a gift as well.  The gift that my words and ideas mean something to someone else.  So thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog.

God Bless you all,
Merry Christmas

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Issue 234 Christmas Means Decemeber 24, 2013

Christmas is short for Christ’s' Mass. It is a time we celebrate and honor the sacrifice that Jesus made for humanity so that we may obtain salvation. But, what is the salvation Jesus gave us and how best should we honor it.

Salvation: Unlike a good number of other religions, in Christianity the aid you give to the needy is voluntary. This is due to the salvation of the spirit being based on an individual bases. If some one else does something good, it bears no reflection on you. The same if you do something bad, it has no effect on the individuals around you because your sin is yours and yours alone. Jesus established a pathway for individual salvation for each and every one of us.

Giving: To honor Jesus' sacrifice we give gifts to those we care about or to strangers in need. But the gifts need not be in the physical form. Those gifts we give can be our kindness, or forgiveness, our hopes and our inspiration. Receiving something like a new PlayStation, car, or anything physical is nice and all, but the receiving is the least important thing. It is about the giving of oneself to another individual because you legitimately care. Not because someone tells you or because Jesus "asked" (key word here) us to give to those have nothing, but because you in your heart really do want to give aid and comfort to others.

Conclusion: This is the Christmas I know and cherish. I do not mind receiving nothing if it should ever come to that (although my mother always tries to get me whatever I want....I don't ask for anything because of that). For me, I am just happy to be surrounded by the family and friends I love and cherish. Being with them to celebrate together is all that I ever really want or ever need.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Issue 233 Faith and God December 23, 2013

There are so many faiths and segments of those faiths that exist in this world. But, what I wondered is why each says they have the right answer? Why does one say that they are right when the others say they are right as well? Let us look a little deeper.

Commonality: All the faiths have a common theme against violence, namely murder in all its forms. Generally they make an exception for self defense and war. They are all anti thievery and each sets up both a moral and religious code. Usually, they say to respect your parents, and of course to respect God (or gods) as the case may be. Many also have a holy day along with parables and stories passed down in holy books to teach life and moral lessons to current and future initiates. In the end there are relatively minor differences especially when it comes to Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

Differences: The differences generally stem from diverging aspects of belief. Jews do not believe that Jesus Christ was Gods son, let alone the Messiah. In Islam, Jesus is believed in as a prophet, but he has no divinity what so ever. Also, differences in how one view's the concept of marriage partners like how in Buddhism (or parts of it) do not even have the concept of marriage. Each faith has its own way of thinking that determines how they treat people and each other overall. But, which of these is the correct way of looking at faith? Which is the one to follow to find the salvation we seek? Well, you are not going to figure that out until you die and meet your maker. For the truth is we may all be doing it wrong.

Conclusion: Do not look down on another person because they follow a different faith than you. Never look down upon a person because they believe a little differently than you. The reason is because you, yourself, maybe doing it all wrong (or part of your worship is incorrect). It is much better to learn from each other and find that common ground so as to achieve understanding and knowledge than to fight it out, or tell them they are wrong and ignore a potential friendship. By interacting with each other, we not only share knowledge, but our faith. Some may develop new ideas on how to form a deeper stronger faith, while others may question their faith which could lead them down the path of a deeper more personal faith. So start listening to each other and what you all have to say, for we all may be right and we all may be wrong too. Let us form that personal relationship with God (or gods) that allows us to receive true salvation (which I hope and pray exists).

Friday, December 20, 2013

Issue 232 Track system of education December 20, 2013

The track system of education was designed in the age when production shifted to a factory based system. It was set up to give the top 10% of students the best education so that they would become business leaders and politicians. The next 10% was to be the primary support group for the top 10% with them serving as Secretaries and aids in multiple forms. As for the remaining 80%, they are regulated to the factory and to farm work. Today, the track system is still in place, but I feel that it is more corrosive to society than ever.

A dark deal: The idea was to insure that only the best, education wise, got into positions of power. This however left many other students to be subject to substandard education. As a result, education for the remaining 80% is stagnant. To make matters worse, the track system is still used with the hope of obtaining similar results with that bottom 80% doing the menial jobs in society. It is the opinion of this writer that this is purposeful.

My opinion: I believe they have kept the track system to insure that the majority of the populace remains, in general, uniformed save for what jobs they obtain. It inherently segments a society if your main source of education is what you are told by media, and taught in the work place. But that is exactly what is happening. By preventing the majority from having a coherent education with the ability to think for themselves the elites get a leg up in manipulating the masses into telling them what they can and cannot do. Not only that, the elite's get to decide what an individual needs and does not need. Before the track system, education was earned. If you search for test questions back prior to the industrial revolution you may find questions asking you to list all the kings and queens of the world, what countries they are from and their capitols. Yes, that is one whole question and there was no multiple choice. Students were at that time challenged by the education system so that they would be the most informed and educated in the world.

My other opinion is that the reason the track system is kept is due to the supply and demand principles of the job market. Just like goods and services, a person’s salary is determined by the demand for that person filling that job, and the supply of available people to choose from to fill it. Obviously the less people there are to choose from, the greater the pay. Lawyers and doctors (through various lobbying groups) already do this by making their degrees require a masters and a doctorate degree even if you can get the same quality of each profession if it was allowed to be studied as an undergraduate degree. The track system becomes another reassurance that most people do not make it to the intelligence level to be even able to be accepted into such programs. In essence the system is rigged against the remaining 80% so as to insure that the majority who cannot overcome the education (let alone financial) gap ever reach the higher level positions. As such, it again insures that only the elite not only gets those positions, but also that the pay remains high.

Conclusion: So basically, the track system tries to insure that a good portion of the American public stays below a certain education level. Education in America is so stagnant that test scores have not increased since the creation of the Department of Education in the Jimmy Carter Administration. But what you are not being told is that the tests have been continually dumbed down each and every year just to maintain the look of our nation maintaining its current level of smarts. I would bet anything that if you give a student a test from back in the 70s, let alone the late 1800s, they would fail miserably. Our students are being prepared to be mindless drones for employers to do with as they please, and for politicians to manipulate with ease. It is time to abandon the track system and give everyone a fair shot at the education they deserve.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Issue 231 Communism vs. Facism Decemeber 19, 2013

What are the differences between these two competing ideologies, and more importantly what is the same? Let's answer that question.

Differences: There are not that many differences between Communism and Fascism. In fact the only key difference is their overall approach toward reaching the same goal. Communism is primarily global. It seeks to impart its ideology on a global scale such that everyone becomes equal. Fascism is similar, but instead of everyone in the world being equal economically and socially, Fascism supports nationalism. In essence, Fascism has one group (ideology, religion or ethnicity or race) sitting at the top ruling over all others. In fact Fascism even embraces aspects of Capitalism as true equality is unattainable at both the social and economic levels. As such Fascism embraces some market mechanisms and nationalistic notions that cannot be stopped due to them being part of human nature (i.e. the need to work and do something of value which is why Nazi Germany embraced the ethnic form of Fascism). What is also important to note is that F.A. Hayek in "Road to Serfdom" explained that all Communist countries are doomed to fail as the ideas and concepts of equality fail in a communist system and give way to the nationalist based Fascism ideology. As such there really is only one true difference; one (communism) seeks world total social and economic equality while the other (Fascism) succumbs to the nationalistic notions where there are those greater than everyone else. However, the communist always in the end becomes a Fascist while calling themselves communist in name only.

The same: Almost everything else these two ideologies have in common is exactly the same. They are both based off of the Marxist ideas as portrayed in the Communist Manifesto and Capitilo 1 and 2. Capitalism to both ideologies is the source of all evils. Both look to create some form national government to govern the entire world. Both seek equality amongst the people as much as possible whether it has to be engineered or coerced. As such, all societies that embrace these ideologies have a national education system, a command economy, and either a single ruler or set of rulers at the top deciding what people can and cannot do. The roots of Marxist socialism run deep as people who spout these ideologies typically advocate violence to create their "ideal" societies. Each will have a national retirement system and a method of controlling public information. The list literally goes on forever. Aside from the aforementioned differences, both are almost exactly the same thing.

Conclusion: These are the Communism and Fascism compared. They are in fact parts of the same ideology, the Marxist ideology. There counterparts are Socialism and Progressivism. The ideology of Socialism in its most modern form rejects the idea of ethnic or racial control, but advocates for a benevolent group or individual leading the world over (they look toward the U.N. as that body). It too however still resorts to violence when needed. Progressives are the most advanced model in the modern era and advocate a peaceful transition toward their goal of economic and social equality, but they do this by infiltrating governments and manipulating laws until they get their way. Otherwise these two along with Communism and Fascism are also the exact same as they seek one unified world with social and economic equality. Of course, both in their youth embraced ethnic and racial purity like Fascism, though communism for a time did as well. In the modern era, these labels are really just for show (at least from my point of view). Communist China has fully embraced the same economic system of Nazi Germany, where production is generally allowed to continue so long as the government allows it or approves of it. Nazi Germany was in fact ruled by the National Socialists (this is what Nazi means). So when it comes down to the dirty little details the differences between each are none at all. Some groups want violence to achieve their ends, while others will infiltrate government and transform it slowly into their ideal utopia regardless of who may suffer in the end. Gone is the racial, ethnic and religious purity unless you are talking about small groups like the Neo Nazi's, and other small segmented breakaway groups in each. However, nationalism still comes to the forefront which will always morph the ideology and the government into a Fascist one (though they may be loath to call themselves that). As to the competition between these groups, it has nothing to do with differences in ideology as they both want the same thing. However, the reason why they compete is something more primal, the lust for power (which is why the communist French sided with the Nazi's in WW II, and then later competed against them for control). So in the end you can really just call them what they really are Marxist.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Issue 230 Drug war and the Cartels December 18, 2013

Who started the drug war? Well in the opinion of this author, it was the governments of the world, not the cartels who sell the drugs. Allow me to explain.

History lesson: One of the biggest bans on drugs was during prohibition. That drug of course was alcohol. Before the ban, the mafia and the gangs largely existed as petty thieves, extortionists and ran other illegal enterprises like gambling. However, these groups were tiny, and had relatively no impact on people outside of there area of influence. Prohibition changed this. With the banning of alcohol prices skyrocketed. Former small time crooks became big time crime bosses. Honest men saw the money to be made and went over into the illegal booze business. Soon, rival gangs fought for territory and control which killed many. Cops who sought to suppress the crime bosses were targets of assassination. But when prohibition ended, the mob largely disappeared due to their primary source of income gone. As such they either went into alternate illegal enterprises, legitimate business or simply changed jobs.

Parallels: The parallels of prohibition with the bans on illegal drugs like "weed" and "crack" are striking. Currently in Mexico all drugs are actually legal to take, but the violence stems from it being illegal in the United States as the cartels (in the same way as the mob) saw economic opportunity to sell illegal drugs for a profit and thus fight for territory and control. Basically, everything is the same except that the banned substance is drugs instead of alcohol.

What to do: Our only option is to legalize each drug in the same way as many European countries do. Start with personal use laws and clinics (who dispense an individual’s drug of choice at market cost) that require the person to go to a doctor to prove they are addicted. This keeps the addicts away from illegal drug dealers and the money making it back to the cartels. This also insures that the strength of the drug can be controlled so that if and when the person wishes to get off the drug, they have an alternative to doing it "cold turkey." At this point you make the least lethal of drugs legal (like weed as no one has ever died from smoking it) bit by bit. With these drugs legal and the money dried up, the cartels have to either switch to a completely different illegal enterprise or go into a legitimate business.

Conclusion: I am not saying that this solution is the perfect one, but the fact is that prohibitions on things create an illegal market for people to buy and sell illegal substances and goods. By legalizing it in the long run, drug use will decrease (as it has in European countries that have done legalization). History has proven a good ally in telling us what needs to be done to end the bloodshed on the U.S. Mexican boarder and the drug war as a whole.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Issue 229 Drugs and politicians December 17, 2013

With the whole Mayor Ford debacle in Toronto, we now have to question the morality of should we kick out politicians who do drugs? Do we let them serve their terms in office and decide if they are still worthy enough to hold office on Election Day? These questions need an answer.

Kick them out?: The argument for kicking someone like Mayor Ford out is simple, he did crack and thus he broke the law. As a matter of course, he becomes a negative example for his cities young adults, and looses legitimacy as mayor in the eyes of the people. No one can be above the law right? Well, it depends on the circumstances and what laws Toronto and the whole of Canada have that stipulate what to do in this situation. Likewise, if this issue happened in the United States, smoking crack is a crime that is primarily enforced on the local level and thus up to them to enforce. So do we kick a politician out for smoking crack or doing any form of illegal drug?

Wait and see: Our only other option is to decide on Election Day. If the mayor (or any politician for that matter) does a good job irrespective of his/her habits then maybe we should overlook this "indiscretion." Morality alone is not the sole decider on what will make a good elected representative. So do we wait and see to see if he/she is still up to snuff even if they may or may not still be abusing drugs?

Conclusion: We are left at a quandary. Many will say "throw the guy out", while others will say "I don't like what he did, but he is still doing a good job." What is the best choice? Is the use of an illegal substance enough to say that this elected official, or any elected official is unworthy of at the very least finishing their term in office? As a libertarian, I say let the Toronto Mayor (and any elected official caught doing drugs) finish up their terms. Yes, we can afford to wait to see if the drugs affect their job performance and whether or not they are even worth re-electing. But, I base this on the idea that drugs for personal use are not a crime, but label the person taking them as a victim. It is not worth ruining a man's or woman's life further by giving them an arrest record that may prohibit future employment. I am not saying that you all as voters should not make your voices heard. I am saying however, is to question the very notion of "is the Mayor of Toronto a victim of his own devices?" and is being a victim of drug abuse enough to tear him out of office? I would not only on account that he is still humanly capable of doing his job and thus people can afford to wait until the next election cycle to vote him out.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Issue 228 Why cities are liberal December 16, 2013

So, why are cities left leaning in the first place? Well, thanks to a Rabbi (who works for the Blaze network), we may just have that answer. Let's get started.

Cities: A city itself is necessary for a healthy economy. It is a place that people go to buy and sell goods. Without one, countries can descend into poverty like Somalia. Basically, cities do not need the countryside or factories, but they need the cities as a place for commerce to occur. As such a great number of people gather in cities and share ideas. In order to accommodate those people, the cities governing body maintains the roads, provides water and even electricity. All that is necessary to life in this modern era is taken care of in a city by its government. Now this creates the mindset that makes people in cities lean left.

The mindset: With most of the basic needs being taken care of by a government in cities, people look upon this as an example of how government can take care of everything. In essence, the people see this and that being taken care of by government and thus when a problem arises, an issue needs to be solved or a new service is to begin, people look to the cities government. This mentality is then scaled up to the national level as when the people in cities see how there government takes care of things, they immediately think that the national government can just as easily solve the problem. These notions are completely different to the self reliance model of the people outside of cities as they have no government to rely on. People outside of these cities have no choice to take life as it comes and solve it all themselves. As such, the mindset of dependence upon government evolves based upon where you live.

Conclusion: It is not the cities fault that people become liberal. It is the mentality people get by living in one. Is it bad to be liberal minded, no, but it is bad to become solely reliant on a government especially if they are going to simply compound the problem. Cities unfortunately dominate any election on the national scale due to the sheer number of people who live there. As such, there is not counterbalance to their people’s ideology. Thus, ideas of self reliance are shut out, the same ideas that allow people to become independent. What can we do about this is a question I have yet to find an answer for.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Issue 227 Bullet control!? December 13, 2013

Many people fear guns. That is a given as they can kill you if misused (duh). However technology has progressed to the point that traditional bans and restrictions on all forms of firearms will be rendered totally redundant (my pro-gun self is cheering right now). But, there needs to be a limit on who can carry a gun (at least that is what the anti-gun people say). So here is another one of my proposals for the public at large to satisfy both sides of the argument, bullet control.

The idea: Currently, people can make a gun in their own home using 3d printer technology. Truth is however, is that most people could make a gun even without a 3d printer as well, but the 3d printer simply made the process easier. As it currently stands people fear guns due to changes in cultural attitudes. In the United States, gun safety was once taught in schools and people respected guns and the power they had. But we will not be going back in time anytime soon and getting rid of gun control as a whole (even though gun control is entirely unenforceable). As such I propose an alternative. Rather than limit the type of gun and who can own one, limit the ammunition instead. That's right, only limit the ammunition, the bullet itself, and let everyone else own whatever gun they want. The concept is simple, a gun without ammo is only good for intimidation (or show and tell) and nothing more (but the criminals don't know if you're loaded or not).

How it works: The process is simple; abandon all current forms of gun control save limiting the sale of fire arms to semi-automatic (one shot per trigger pull) and the criminal background check. From there certain types of ammunition used by the most commonly used guns in crimes and murders will be limited to be purchased by those with a license. So a 9mm round for a pistol would require a license to buy. Basically, it switches the mechanisms of gun control over to the ammunition. Some forms of ammunition will not need to be licensed as some bullets are so small that they do less damage than a BB gun. So ammo that is used for non-lethal purposes like a bean bag round, pellet guns and the like would be totally unregulated. Bullets that fall into the less than lethal category like small palm guns would also become unregulated as the bullet is not just too small to overtly kill someone (save with a lucky shot), but the gun usually has to be reloaded every time it is fired. Outmoded ammunition, which can only be fired by guns that are no longer made, is so hard to come by that there would be no need to regulate them. Musket and other classical firearms have no need to have there ammunition regulated either. As such, only bullets fired out of handguns and some rifles need the limitations.

Who could buy these restricted bullets: Special dispensation will be given to all military, law enforcement and public servants (both active and retired) along with there families to be able to purchase bullets that fall into the restricted class. The only limitation would be the same limitation that normal people would have, if they committed a violent crime. My version would instead put a limitation to a violent crime within the last 20 years after they have finished serving their sentence with a total ban on anyone who has committed the act of rape and/or murder. Other people who would require special dispensation are people in the witness protection program or other people who need some form of protection like celebrities, people being stalked and people in high crime neighborhoods. Finally hunters would be given special dispensation as well as they perform a service in controlling the populations of animals. Applications for licenses would be categorized as personal defense, hunting and enthusiast, with enthusiast being competition and recreational shooters in general.

Conclusion: Well this is the overall idea. Limit the bullets and not the guns. Sure a large number of people will now be eligible to own a gun as traditional gun control is replaced with bullet control. This is the medium I have come up with that keeps people out of jail for simply making a component that can potentially be used in assembling a firearm. Restricting that control to bullets that are used in common guns used in crimes also ensures more practicality in respect to lessening violence. However, while my idea may have some merit to you my dear reader, it too will be outmoded one day do to technology. As people become more and more able to make goods in their own homes, bullets too will be able to made in the home just as easily as guns are being made today (both in the factory and in the home). Gun control in truth is a loosing battle with bullet control simply staving off the inevitable as bullet control will give way to gun powder control which would limit all forms of manufacture and purchase of explosive powders used in ammunition. So is there a true solution to solve this problem? Yes, there is, and that solution is to bring back the classes to schools teaching kids how to use firearms, teaching people that guns are not simply a weapon of attack, but a tool of defense and to hunt game. We need to show that firing a gun at the range is the same as playing a round of golf with family and friends. To have a society that respects guns and there use, American culture needs to change so that it does not reject guns, but once again embraces them. This is the undeniable truth that we must bear until guns themselves get replaced by newer and more lethal weapons and firearms.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Issue 226 Mix it up Baseball December 12, 2013

Here is a concept, mix it up baseball. In this idea, we do mixed martial arts (MMA) style competition, but rather than seeing which martial art can defeat which, we see which type of baseball can defeat which. So we have baseball, softball, stickball, cricket, and probably more that I can't remember or have never even heard of before. So how would it all work?

How it would work: Obviously you set up the field like normal with 3 bases and a home plate. You have the standard configuration of a man guarding each base and a pitcher. What would need to be confirmed is how far apart each base is going to be in comparison to the other sports that are similar to baseball. I do not know for certain if stick balls bases are closer of farther apart, and things like cricket have different variations of itself. So a standard, with a happy medium between all the sports involved, will need to be developed.

Bat wise, the player gets to choose which bat they will want to hit the ball with. So they can choose a cricket bat, baseball bat of any make and model, a stick ball bat or even a classical bat from the history of these sports. This will cause the pitcher on the other team to change balls accordingly to suit the bat (for the sake of fairness). However, the pitcher may throw the ball in any way he/she pleases. So a pitcher can throw a curve ball, a fast ball, or even an underarm swing like in softball. Basically this is to counterbalance the batters choice on which bat they are allowed to use.

The number of players will also have to be decided. Some variations of these sports have more players than a typical baseball or softball team. Others may have fewer players. So another medium will be needed to decide which is best for the overall competition. My guess is that a regulation size team from softball or baseball should fit the bill however.

Why play like this?: Well it comes down to the why not scenario. MMA was an informal way of looking if a karate guy could defeat a sambo guy, a kick boxer, or a military martial artist. Here it is the same deal, but with respect to baseball. It's all about that "what if" this type of team, went up against that type of team. We could even have exhibition matches as a test with using the most similar of these sports to see who would win in a head to head battle using these modified rules. From there it is all about the fun of seeing which group would win against which in a fun and surprising ways as a player chooses a cricket bat, while the pitcher throws him off with a typical curve ball from baseball. It is this kind of what if that is fun and exciting to watch.

Conclusion: These kinds of what ifs are fun an exciting. It causes debate and fervor as the different teams go head to head and maybe even learn from each other. Sportsmanship from each team and traditions from each sport will intermingle and these unpredictable scenarios become exciting. Some may be asking, why, just why would you suggest this kind of idea? Well my answer to you is why not?

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Issue 225 Women and baseball December 11, 2013

Did you know that women have played professional baseball? No not soft ball, I mean in the minors, in exhibition matches for the MLB and in leagues dedicated toward women in general. So why not have women be allowed to play with the boys (contracts for women have been banned in the MLB since the 1950s).

Ladies: Much of the arguments against women playing in baseball is that they are not athletic enough, don’t have long enough legs, big enough hearts, can't run fast enough....blah, blah, blah. Well I say that is all bunk. I have way too many women who deserve to be called Amazons for how athletic they are (and beautiful on top of that). The fact is that girls can be and are in some cases more athletic than boys. Sure girls and boys can and will have diverging interests, but allow these women at least a shot to smash that ball out of the ball park.

Why should they be allowed to play: It is silly not to. Baseball is a male dominated sport. Basically it is a boys club. Thus the only true reason to not at least let the ladies try out is because the MLB wants to protect their investment in the men who play. If these ladies get in on the action, then they may even show up big stars like Derrick Jeter or Alex Rodriguez. The fact of the matter is there is absolutely no legitimist reason that I can come up with as to why the girls should not be allowed to play the game.

Conclusion: Yes I am in favor of Baseball letting the girls get in on the fun. In fact, I feel that baseball has become boring as of late due to it (for me at least) becoming stagnant. So letting the ladies play ball should shake things up a bit. Baseball is America's pass time, and women have been involved in baseball since the beginning (Jackie Mitchell, a woman, even struck out Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig). So if a woman player can take down those all stars, imagine what would happen in today’s game if women were allowed to play. So batter up girls, and play ball.

If it is to your liking my readers, we can turn this Issue into a petition. Just comment yes in the comments section if you want to see women play in the MLB.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Issue 224 Donation to the debt December 10, 2013

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has a special part of its website which allows people to donate their tax dollars toward the federal government. Now, not many people want to give any more money that they already do in taxes toward this hated government agency (no one likes paying taxes). So what about an alternative idea? An idea where the money is tax deductible and goes immediately to pay off the national debt.

The idea: It would work by first making the donation go toward paying off the debt owed by the United States. So any donation would go to pay off the massive debt that the government has now. To incentivize more people to donate, the donations would be tax deductible. So you are still paying the government, but in this case you are using that money to pay off the debt exclusively.

How it works: For one, these donations would not pay the interest on the debt. The money to pay the interest on the debt would come out of the Federal government first before all other spending. This insures Congress and the President do not cause our nation to shirk its responsibilities. Also, the money that gets donated will be used immediately to pay off parts of our national debt. So at no time will it ever be held in an account. This will ensure that the Congress does not get any funny ideas about borrowing from the fund like they do with Social Security and Medicare. The fact that it act as a charitable donation helps to relieve people of parts of their tax burden like a traditional charitable donation, but the twist is that it helps them as the government will have to spend much less to pay off the debt the next time around. As such, potentially we will be able to lower taxes because we will have less to pay toward the national debt.

Conclusion: Again, this is an idea. It takes an existing program and tweaks it to help solve a social ill. In this case the worst ill of all, the national debt. I would personally put the treasury in charge of all of this (if I were in charge that is) as they would subtract the yearly interest payments on the debt before all other spending and would also insure that the money donated goes to pay off the debt as soon as it comes in. Let's face it; if we leave it to the politicians our debt will just continue to grow. In fact, if you add the unfunded liabilities (money we know that we owe in the future) our 17 trillion in debt skyrockets to 112 trillion dollars. America, we have a lot of work to do. Let’s pay off the debt and do it now.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Issue 223 Pay for organs!!! December 9, 2013

Did you know that in the United States people can sell for money their bone marrow, blood, sperm and eggs? Well, now you do. But what about our other organs like a kidney? Should we be able to sell one of the two of them? Let's discuss.

Selling organs: Iran is the only country in the world that allows people to sell a kidney legally. And guess what, they do not have a waiting list for recipients like in the rest in the world. In fact, there list is made up of people who want to donate there organs. Can you imagine a diabetes patient not having to wait months on dialysis just to get a new kidney? Think of it, Iran has probably one of the most tyrannical governments in the world and yet they found a way to save all these people who in other countries would probably have given up by now. This is the result of selling organs; people have a chance to live.

Benefits: Out side of the obvious people lining up to donate, there are other benefits as well. Iran's program has an adoption style system for the donor and recipient to get to know each other. What normally may have been a faceless transaction has become a way to create friends and extend families irrespective of blood relations. According to the "expert" on the show "Stossel" many of these people form family like bonds after the procedure. They invite people over for dinner, family parties and more as they now share a kind of bond. However, the donor has the option to remain anonymous.

Another benefit is that the people donating get money for their wants and needs. Some have used that money to pay for weddings, expand their businesses, add new additions on their houses, or even to just buy a car. So these people who are donating are in no way victims as they reap many benefits. Is there anything not to love about this?

Not loving it: Those who are opposed to such ideas see nothing but victims. The reason is due to the black market selling of such organs. They feel that the donors become victims (not true thanks to the Iran example), that it is faceless (again Iran defeats this senseless argument) and that it would create a larger black market. Well I have my doubts on the larger black market idea. A black market for things like drugs, prostitution and organ selling exist because of those practices being illegal. A system of organ donation works the same way as the current one with the only difference being that the donor gets paid.  This for the most part eliminates the possibility of a bad organ being given to a patient that needs it (especially one that is stolen from someone as you actually get to meet the donor before the operation). So these arguments are mostly baseless as the black market for such organs will shrink and become less profitable as the paid donor program progresses (if it were to be allowed in a country like the United States that is).

Conclusion: I myself was once against selling organs. I did not like the idea as it felt kind of like prostitution, except you were selling more then just sex. But, what I have found is that this is a voluntary transaction that takes place and allows people to profit off their generosity. So at least let the world experiment with the idea. Let's not have Iran be the only country that saves people from dead or dying kidneys.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Issue 222 Innovation/cash December 6, 2013

How does a person make money off a product? Well the only way to do that is to innovate. So how do we apply this in every day life?

Something New: The first way is to come up with something entirely new. This means something like the old slip and slide or a cell phone. Basically something that will be copied by others. So you can create a brand new way to buy goods like with electronic currency (Bitcoin), or a new way to use a computer like Google glass (the wearable computer). My idea for putting small water turbines into your plumbing systems to generate electricity is another of these concepts. Basically come up with something brand new that no one has thought of yet.

Make it better: Another way is to improve on something. Our cell phones are improved on constantly because we now have touch screens rather than key pads. Eventually we may just use our eyes to manipulate our phones in the same way Google glass uses peoples eyes to manipulate their computer screens. A person can innovate on cars like with the current 3 wheeled car concept or the "car tilt" technology that allows a car to shift its weight like a motor cycle for tighter turning radius and performance. But such innovation is not restricted to technology...how about food. Ever hear of an adult milk shake. Well I fist did on food network on the Show "Rachel Versus Guy" where they had celebrities compete for being the best cook. One of those celebrities made an adult milk shake (a milkshake with alcohol in it). I would later find another such type of milk shake at the restaurant Red Robin during their October fest celebration where my Uncle had a vanilla milk shake with drizzled caramel and Samuel Adams Boston Lager mixed together. It was yummy. I want to try mixing a little Vodka into a raspberry milk shake my self. Then there is the "Luther" a cheese burger that replaces the bun with two glazed donuts. No I have not tried it yet (but I want too so bad). So technology and food can be innovated with, not to mention clothing. If you’re already in a company, improve on an already proven product like a Dairy Queen Blizzard soft drink, the apple IPhone, or even proven computer software like Microsoft's operating systems. Never be satisfied with what is, you must want something greater out of the product to make it better.

Conclusion: Your probably wondering where the money comes in. Well that comes from selling your product(s). If it is your own invention, get a patent fast. From there you can have someone sell it for you or sell all your rights to that product for cash. Right now there is a 17 year old kid that created new apps for smart phones, and the companies are lining up to buy the programs he made. So you can do this too. If your already in a company, this could mean a promotion or at the very least a raise (beer companies seem to do this kind of innovation often). Start innovating and never stop. It comes down to the old adage, "if you build it they will come." So what are you standing around for, get to work, your not going to be the next bill gates by just twiddling your thumbs. Good Luck and Gods speed.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Issue 221 Wearable computers December 5, 2013

Well, I have not done an issue on technology and its potential in a while so I thought about talking about a concept that is still developing. That concept is the wearable computer.

What is it?: A wearable computer is exactly how it sounds, a computer that you wear. The overall goal is to make a potable system much like your cell phone but integrated into your cloths. So your jacket may have a radio, mp3's and phone built in (this in an actual product that is already in existence by the way). Already skiers are enjoying heads up displays in their goggles with built in cameras so that they can post their journey from mountain top to bottom (and any crash in between). Google has its Google glass concept where a set of eye glasses has a mini computer attached that you can manipulate with movements from your eye. We also have a product that is taking the market by storm, "smart watches" which hook up to your phones via blue tooth technology so that you can screen your calls and access your phone all the while never taking it out of your pocket (basically a watch with a touch screen). These are just some of the concepts that have already reached the consumer market.

Why did it take so long?: This is an easy question. It is because the companies selling them had to be sure that people would actually buy there product. So they tested and modified each one for ease of use and of course sex appeal. Cause in the end you’re not going to wear something that makes you look like crap.

What’s Next?: Here is where the futurist in me gets to give my opinion on the next version of the product. Right now NASA and other private research groups are looking into the next generation of space suit. What they envision is an article of clothing that can not only protects from cosmic radiation and space itself but also act as a life sign monitor which protects its wearer in case of harm. For instance, the suit could become entirely rigid in case of a broken bone through the use of something called memory metals/plastic and liquid metals. A memory metal or plastic is a metal or plastic that can remember its original shape from when it is first formed. So you can bend it into any shape you want and then return it to that original form by either applying heat, cold or even an electrical impulse. Liquid metals are a type of metal substance that combines several materials to make the metal behave like a liquid, but can solidify on impact or become rigid when electricity is applied. Much of this technology is being researched by the military for use as an active protection system for soldiers. But every day use can include safety gear that reduces the impact of a fall on a construction site, on the football field or even just doing some really dangerous stuff like fire fighting. Basically, the active protection systems can protect our bodies in the same way a cars air bag does in a car crash. This is not all, can you imagine the next Swiss army knife being a piece of cloth. By using electrical impulses it could manipulate the cloth into taking the shape of a screw driver, a knife or even a beer bottle opener. Clothing itself could become an everyday multi tool, or if the military and intelligence agencies have there way, a potent hidden weapon system. Already police are experimenting with a gauntlet that is bullet resistant, has a built in taser, a weighted glove and a communication terminal. Now with these smart cloths it can combine the ability to call forth whip like weapons to capture and restrain opponents or vibrate like a speaker to act like a sound wave crowd control device (regular people may simply turn their cloths into a boom box). Eventually we will have the ultimate wearable computer system, an exoskeleton that can help the disabled walk again or give soldiers and emergency response personnel super human abilities. The limit is really a person’s imagination and the current level of technology.

Conclusion: It is going to be a very interesting world as technology progresses. Articles like this will eventually fad as such technology becomes mainstream and gets taken for granted like how a calculator used to be the size of a grand piano. I cannot wait to see what comes next.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Issue 220 Only 1 winner December 4, 2013

Following on yesterday’s theme of not rewarding failure, I would like to discuss why students are now being given out participation trophies. So even if there is a single winner, everyone still gets a prize of some sort. Stop making our kids a bunch of sissy's.

Feel good mentality: The reason why children are being given all these awards is because of the feel good mentality. That you did something great even if you failed, or lost. People don't like the idea of children feeling disappointed and dejected after having lost a game of baseball, or in a contest like a spelling bee. They want all these kids to continue feeling great about themselves regardless of their results. So basically it is all about protecting their feelings.

Sissies: Cut the crap. By rewarding failure here you are doing a disservice to children. You are essentially telling the kids that when they fail at something that they will still be rewarded regardless. Problem is that the world has not, nor will it ever work that way. People are rewarded for their efforts if and only if they get results. Our society is merit based and the sports and contests should reflect that. Sure I don't want to see children cry because they lost, that they were not the best. However, crying about it gets you no where in life. If you want to be the best next time, if you want that reward, then you have to earn it through hard work. If parents and adults in general taught this to there children, then these kids might just grow a back bone and stop throwing a tantrum every time they don't get things there way.

2nd and 3rd: As this trend of rewarding failure continues, I question even the wisdom of second and third place. Third place is insignificant compared to first and second, while second is simply the first loser. Or the best out of the losers if you will. In society, there are never rewards for third place in anything, but in certain instances rewards do come to those who come in second, but it is rare. So why continue with concept of second and third place in sports or anything for that matter. I can understand the argument that they are the next two best out of all the participants, but that simply does not cut it. If they loose, tell your kid, "you did your best", and you can reward them yourself for their best efforts. But don't give them a trophy for it when it is not deserved.

Conclusion: I may be being too harsh. Maybe even zealous, but I want America's kids to be mentally prepared for the world ahead. Schools and parents that give out trophies for just showing up do not reward the effort that the child shows. It does not reward the sweat and efforts they put in if they know that they do not have to try hard just to get a prize. It to me looks like you are just showing America's kids that its OK to just out right fail without trying. I don't like the idea of that. So I will not tell you how to raise your kid, but just caution you that rewarding a loss may not be the best thing for your child as the feelings of losing may be more important to their potential future.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Issue 219 Don't reward failure December 3, 2013

A society that rewards failure is a society that is doomed to fail itself. By allowing those who fail to continue as they have been doing will only result in the same failures again and again. We have seen this stupidity with the Bank bailouts in the United States and Europe, and even with children who are passed in class because their grades were inflated to move them through the system. So let’s go over these two examples.

Bank Bailouts: When the United States and Europe saved the banks, it was in an effort to stave off a financial collapse. One problem, the collapse kept going regardless. However, those same banks despite new rules (many of which are unenforceable) keep trudging along as if nothing has occurred. However, if another collapse does occur, then they expect to be bailed out once again. Yes, that is right; they are in the position to be able to screw up as many times as they want as the taxpayers money will be used to save them once again. What the fools in Washington D.C. and in the governments of the world fail to realize is that failure is the primary motivator to keeping these businesses in check. If a bank or any institution knows that they will not be saved, then it forces them to think twice about taking an action. And if that action seems too dangerous, they will not continue. Those that will risk it will either succeed or fail. As such, those that succeed will be mimicked and progress will result. Those that fail will be seen as a learning experience by the others as to what not to do with the world and business still progressing forward. But the governments did not allow this. They kept those who line their pockets in power because they feel that they needed to save them and us from a threat. It is a typical human reaction to want to do something, but those that fail in the business world are replaced. People who lost their jobs typically get them back in a year as those who are seen as an asset will be snapped up by other businesses looking to use their talents. In the free market, this notion of failure and replacement is known as creative destruction. It is the main tool that will ensure that any damage in the short term is turned into a positive in the long run. As such, the government must not interfere in this for they inherently corrupt the market and thus create monopolies that snuff out the weaker businesses that would have replaced them if there was no interference in the first place.

Schools: Children are being rewarded for not being good enough. They have their grades upped by redistributing them to their academically weaker classmates. In my old high school and even at the college I attended, grades were raised up in this matter to artificially make students performance look better than it was. Thus, I say with all truth, that I probably did not deserve to pass some of the classes I took in high school and at least one in college. As such, it caused me to be a little behind when I moved further up in the education system. Thankfully, I was book smart and did decent in most everything else, but my fellow classmates suffered in many instances. Many were not prepared to move up in the grade levels and as such were forced to rely on this system of inflating grades. This is apparently getting worse. I saw this as a trend in my final years of high school that even if the answer was wrong, that the student would still get points for showing work. As such, a student could get a number of answers wrong and still pass. Now this foolishness is being set as a standard in the common core curriculum as now under that system 2+2 can equal 6 under certain circumstances. This same grade inflation was used to make schools look better than they really were. These same scores that make schools look good also dictate the aid they get from the government as well. As such, in America today, there are a number of students that cannot read properly nor do math while schools reap rewards. These same students who are moved up before they are ready are also more likely to resort to criminality according to some studies. By rewarding failure here, we are risking the future of our entire country. We are regressing.

Conclusion: Any reward for failure will result in negative consequences. We see this in the creation of government sponsored monopolies and in the decline in America's children's education. The more this occurs the further America as a whole will fall into depravity and hopelessness. Stop rewarding failure. Let bad businesses fail like they are supposed to and teach children properly by moving them up when and only when they are ready. Stop America failing by stopping the rewards for failure.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Issue 218 Cultural Diffusion December 2, 2013

What is cultural diffusion exactly? Is it just some concept we all learned in school? Well it is probably one of the most important aspects of social evolution. So let’s get into it.

What is it?: Cultural diffusion is when aspects of one culture are taken in by another culture. At least, that is the simplest method of defining it. It allows for people of different cultures to learn form one another. For instance, the aqua duct was a roman invention, the world’s first computer was Arabian, gunpowder was Chinese, and the concept of zero was Indian. All these ideas were shared and helped build modern society. Today, other aspects of culture spread through diffusion. New ideas in the stock market, inventions, and even customs like Halloween, and the Christmas tree are part of cultural diffusion. We would not be where we are today without it.

Why is it important?: It is crucial to man kind’s social evolution. By interacting with one another, ideas are spread and old concepts that are outmoded are removed. In some cases outmoded concepts return when life's circumstances dictate. But overall, it is the spreading of ideas, beliefs and technology all throughout the whole world. It allows us to understand each other, and even compete with each other. Because of the computer, cultural diffusion is spreading ideas even faster than before. New technologies like 3D printers are being shared along with ideas on how to use them. Sharia compliant loans as a concept are being adopted by some businesses. Ideas on how to dress and when one should wear a particular article of clothing are also spreading. Art is affected also as many artist are using different techniques, like oil painting or motifs, of other countries spreading out new ways to express oneself on a canvas. Cultural diffusion is the spreading of ideas which is the most essential component to not just survival in this modern world, but thriving in it.

Conclusion: I keep this particular article brief because there really is not much else to do save site more examples. We are surrounded by the ideas of others that in the end help to enrich our lives. Technology, art, customs, and ideas are all spread by word of mouth, ideas and actions. This is the essence of what cultural diffusion is.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Issue 217 Corrupt Science November 29, 2013

Science is not all fact. In fact the majority of it is theory. What they call fact is simply what they could not disprove given the current information available through experimentation. But, the science can be corrupted if money or ego gets in the way.

Ego: There are a number of scientists who want fame and the fortune that comes with it. This was most certainly the case in the earliest days of the scientific community as they searched for the missing link between man and monkeys. So much so that these so called scientists made fake skulls and even fake bodies that would only later be disproven through advances in science and technology. We also have a similar issue today. The scientists who said dinosaurs may have had feathers were at first vilified. It would only be later that his ideas would be accepted by the overall scientific community. However, a new issue has arisen. Now that the feathered dinosaur idea is accepted the scientific community rejects any counter argument to the idea. As such, scientists who present evidence to the contrary are now being vilified instead. All this pertains to ego, as the pride of these scientists gets in the way of questioning how our natural world works.

Money: Money is also another motivator for corrupt science. A great example is the global warming/climate change debate. Many in the media will quote statistics that the earths temperatures have risen 7, 20 or even 30 degrees within the last 100 years. One problem, within the last 100 years the earths temperature has only increased by 1.2 degrees according to climatologists. If you also look at the whole ice sheet melting you will discover that during the winter it completely recovers only to melt again. As to why the water is possibly warmer is still in question however. But what about the polar bears you ask? Well the truth is polar bears while listed as endangered have never sunk to a level that would classify them as an actual endangered species. In fact their numbers are only growing. So why all this misinformation? Well it is because government pays for the research on global warming. These scientists are being paid to prove something rather than seek the truth. So they fudge the numbers so as to "prove" what the government wants. These scientists know that if they contradict the people giving them money then they will loose their funding and thus be left without a sponsor for not just their research, but their lively hood.

Another example is the debate over what’s better to raise a child. Are gay couples, single parents or traditional families better able to raise a child? Well it depends again on who provides the funding. Usually I see gay advocates who fund studies on gay couples having the gay couple coming out on top or equal to that of the traditional couple. Likewise those who fund studies on single parents, or traditional couples have there group come out on top. So its not about proving who really is better at raising children, its about the funding these scientists are getting as there results are used to support the "dog and pony" shows put on by these advocacy groups.

Conclusion: Ego and money are the primary movers and shakers of science and are what obstruct the pursuit of the truth. Coercion and ideology also play a role as well, but from my perspective do so at a much lesser extent. So if someone says this is fact, make sure that the fact comes with legitimate information to back it up.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Issue 216 Thanksgiving November 28, 2013

What is Thanksgiving for? Well back in the early days before The United States was the United States, people and members of government would routinely announce specific days as a day to give thanks. When America became a Republic it was given an official day in November as a day to give thanks for what we have and had. This if I remember correctly was done by George Washington. However, the idea and concept of a day of thanks did not go away till much later in America's history, but now we only have one national day of thanks due to changes in tradition. So what should we be thankful for?

Family and Friends: Family and friends support us. They help shape who and what we are and give us information and even empower us to push forward in life. I, at the very least, know that this was the case with me and my family and friends. It does not matter if the family is related to you or how many family and friends you have, for it is about just having them by your side in the first place.

Inventors and Businesses: Some may question why be thankful to this group. Well it is these people who make our lives easier. Think about it. The computer was an invention to make life easier. However, that invention would not have become so ubiquitous if it were not for a business that was willing to sell it. Same with the internet. It was designed for the military so that they may communicate in the event of a nuclear disaster. But, it was businesses that took it and made it essential to everyday life with more uses to come. Inventors and businesses make life convenient so that we have more time to do the silly, mundane or just plain stupid. But they also allow us to be more efficient and that also frees up time to spend with the family and friends you cherish.

The Troops: Our soldiers are literally sent into hell whenever they are sent off to war. All this while our politicians sit back comfortably in their chairs back in the capitol. Our soldiers come back scarred by the horrors of war and then face another battle trying to reintegrate back into a normal and every day life. Pray for them, and bless them for they do what many are unwilling to do.

Conclusion: Give thanks for what you have as you probably do not know how lucky you really are. On Thanksgiving these are the people I will be giving thanks to for everything that they have given me. Love, an easier life, and a life without fear.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Issue 215 Eliminate the Department of Education Novmeber 27, 2013

You are probably saying "why are you eliminating the department of education?" Well if you will give me a few moments I will tell you why it is one of the least needed Federal departments existing in our government.

Reason 1: The department of education was created by the Carter administration in an effort to increase test scores and overall student performance. Unfortunately, the student performance in the United States has actually stagnated since the department’s creation. So it had many wondering why this was the case. Well, the department of education is allowed to give out additional monies toward schools who meet certain standards. Let it be known that the department does not actually play a role in educating America's children, they just serve as a money tree for additional revenue to schools who desire extra cash for programs they may like and for the communities that surround them. How this works is by mandating schools follow certain rules to qualify for that money. The schools believe that they need the money in order to carry out their mission to educate children (though some may question where and how that additional money is spent). However, many a time the money is not even adequate to fund the program leaving the school needing more, but the money is not the issue at hand, it is the requirements that are put in place to get the money. The department of education mandates that the school implement programs or certain teaching methods in order to get that money. However, if the school deviates from that method the money is cut off. So schools have no incentive to give up the failing methods that are being forced on them. What makes matters worse is that some of those methods are actually incapable of educating children. It is not the teacher but the methods mandated that cause our children to falter in the education environment. This is basically forcing a cookie cutter education system on America's kids when they really need an education system that can be customized to each child as the need arises. Now we have "Common Core" being pushed by the department of education which advocates more cookie cutter approaches to education that makes education dull and sub par for America's kids. This cookie cutter policy is the main reason that students for years now have slowly been deprived of adequate education as standards are pushed further downwards to inflate the value of lower and lower test scores.

Reason 2: What also harms our student population is the student loan program run by the department of education. There are a number of race and other requirements that make it overly complex to get a student loan in the first place, rather than base the loan on the students’ ability to pay it back. But the problem is not necessarily the access to the loans, but rather the relationship between the amount colleges charge for tuition and the growth rate of the student loans themselves. The colleges know they can make the costs of colleges larger and larger, as the department of education will just give out bigger and bigger loans. The result is that students suffer massive debt while the colleges’ pockets get lined with cash. Also, the banks used by the government to distribute the loans get the money back if the student should default, but the student will still be left to carry the debt burden regardless which ruins their credit rating making it much more financially difficult to buy a house let alone a tiny apartment.

What the department of education also does is advocate exclusively for college for an individual. But that is not the only education option for a successful career. There are certificate courses, online schools and even vocational schools that are just as good, if not better at educating students in one particular subject or training the student to be a professional in a particular job. By advocating the college system as the only option to success, they disadvantage students by hiding their options.

Conclusion: America needs an education system that is customizable to each individual student. This allows children to advance at their own pace using the best method suited for their education needs. Also, colleges know that people continuously advocate their pipe dream of success and thus we ignore our other options. The department of education stands in the way of changing the system and allowing the schools to be governed at the local level where they can much more easily make the changes necessary toward the custom education model that will give students the advantages they really need in the education environment. So let’s do away with the department of education while we still can before America's children become doomed to mediocrity.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Issue 214 Work week my way November 26, 2013

Well we talked about a 30 hour work week yesterday, but how about an alternative. My idea is to keep the work week as it is, but have a workers income not taxed on the 31st hour. Interesting right?

The idea: People are desperate for money. Income has not kept pace with the economy in part due to governments’ monetary policies and market incentives which suppress many wages for low skilled workers. Part of that is due to Americas failing public education system which results in substandard reading, writing and math scores. As such skilled workers are higher in demand. So this is where my idea comes in. The economy may already be switching to a 30 hour work week, but people will be at a loss for the money they would have gotten if the traditional 40 hour work week was maintained. As such, let's not tax the worker on the 31st hour that they work. This would allow the worker to keep all the money they earn beyond the 30th hour. Who doesn't want more money in their pocket?

Possible benefits: The main benefits are that it incentives workers to work longer. If they work long enough then they get to keep much more of their income as they would not be taxed once they hit the 31st hour. It would help those individuals on the borderline of poverty by allowing them to keep more money rather than hand it over to the Federal government or even the State governments if they follow suit. It actually may enable some workers to get out of poverty especially if the mandated 30 hour work week goes into effect which mandates time and a half beyond that 30th hour. So a worker getting $8.50 an hour would get to keep the $15 an hour (if time and a half pay is applied) if they work beyond that 30th hour. Yes each $15 dollars you make on the 31st plus hours will be yours. The government will not be allowed to touch it at all. Of course, if the time and a half rule is not applied, then you would still get to keep that $8.50 an hour after that. Overall, more money stays with you in your bank account rather than going toward a government that may squander it.

Possible costs: A problem will occur with respect to filing for your income taxes. It may in fact make it a little more complex to file for taxes making it a bigger burden on individuals to file there taxes. A.K.A., it will be a bigger pain in the rear. Also, the government may loose too much revenue from this change, and result in a fiscal glut in the federal government. However, these issues are solvable thankfully with respect to cutting budgets and a revised and simpler tax system.

Conclusion: This is my idea and I want any and all critiques which may in fact help me develop it further which would allow it to possibly become more viable as an idea to be put in place. Overall, the intended goal is to keep money in the hands of the worker where it belongs and not the government that spends on useless things and on perks for themselves.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Issue 213 A 30 hour work week November 25, 2013

Currently the United States mandates by law a 40 hour work week with time and a half of pay being given for each hour after that. But there is talk of reducing that number to 30. So let’s discuss the cost and the benefits.

Benefits: Henry Ford was the man who set the standard for the 40 hour work week all those years ago. Many businesses would eventually copy it with it finally being set as the legal standard. The reason why it was copied so much was that it actually improved production in the factories and in other businesses. Thus, the concept of decreasing the 40 hour work week to 30 is believed to have the same effect. Not to mention, if this change occurs, the worker will therefore get time and a half worth of pay after the 30th hour by law. So we have two main benefits, a more efficient workforce and greater chances for the average low wage worker to earn more money.

Already workers hours are being pushed back to the 20 to 25 hour range due to new trends in business. The reason Henry Fords 40 hour work week idea was put into law was that some businesses would have there workers working 60 or more hours a week. Today the incentive is to cut down on hours to the bare minimum. This may in part be due to incentives perpetuated by the government such as forcibly providing health care if your business has a specified number of workers who work a certain number of hours. It may also be due to technology which renders a traditional staff load as redundant and thus less man power is needed. What ever the reason, the trend by business is to reduce the number of workers working per hour which is turning the United States into a part time work force. As such, the 30 hour work week is envisioned to make it easier for the worker to get their hands on higher pay.

Costs: The costs themselves seem to be negligible. Aside from a belief that greater efficiency will result, the only down side is that the 30 hour work week may push more people into the full time worker category. Some of you may wonder why this is bad, even though it is something good as they will have access to benefits. This is because businesses may further reduce hours and even benefits to absorb the extra costs. The reason this would occur is because small businesses will be ill equipped to handle the rules and regulations mandated by government with so many people being pushed to full time. And those that wish to escape it will simply reduce hours of the worker so that they will not even be considered full time and thus the worker may actually loose money or be faced with the business possibly shutting down. So this change will mainly help big businesses while suppressing poorer and smaller ones.

Also, as a libertarian, the government should not be mandating how long the work week is or how much a person should be paid. It should be the market that dictates the persons wage based on their skills and capabilities. The majority of the time the skilled laborer will gain enough experience while working to be worth the larger income. Those that want more money will leave for higher paying jobs once they become available. As such, the work place as part of the free market usually takes care of itself.

Conclusion: I am in favor of the 30 hour work week. The only reason I am though is that businesses are depressing workers hours due to the changing nature of the market. If the government was not interfering so much we may already have a 30 hour work week. My own job as a pharmacy technician is considered full time at 30 hours (yes I am a full time worker). So, in my opinion, businesses will naturally trend toward this new standard on their own if they are given enough time. So if the change does occur, it should be announced a year or two earlier so that businesses will have a chance to adapt so that the negatives do not do any immediate harm.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Issue 212 Loan pay alternative November 22, 2013

Mentioned in the previous article was a method of loan payments in the form of a percentage of income being taken out of your paycheck to slowly pay your loan back. There is more to it than just being able to pay the loan back however. So let's begin.

Concept: Basically each paycheck, money is deducted from your paycheck to pay your student loan back. Simple right. Basically it acts the same way as traditional income tax would if it were to be deducted or automatic payments from your checking account. But here is where it gets "interesting". If you don't have a job then you don't have to pay. So if you’re unemployed, you will not have any money deducted to pay. So literally the paying back of your loans is put on hold until you find a new job. It’s actually a nice idea.

Variations: Similar concepts to this idea have been proposed. One option was to have the need to pay back the loan expire after a certain period of time. So say after 20 years if you paid a certain percentage back, the rest of your debt will be forgiven. I did not like this idea as people who were successful would pay off most or all of their loans before the cut off while others got off from their obligations. Also, those who wished to escape the rest of their debt may work at menial jobs for a short period of time until they reach the cut off so they would not have to pay back the rest of their loan. I find it dishonorable to do such a thing as to not pay what you owe (let alone the part about it being unfair to those who become successful).

Other variations mostly dictate varying levels of income being deducted; with the highest number I've seen being 30 percent. Also, some continue to charge interest even if you are not working. However, I mostly see the ones that charge interest combined with the cut off clause.

Troubles: The main purpose for giving a loan is one: to help those afford something they cannot at the current moment and two: to make a profit while incentives a return on investment. So it is unclear how a bank or even a government will break even on their loans to students. I know many (including myself) are fine with helping those who cannot afford to go to college to actually be able to go. But, college prices are beyond the pale as you and I well know. Something has got to give. I can see this method being applied with a form of the "Sharia Compliant Loans" where the traditional interest is added up front so as to make a profit and the person knows how much they must pay back. In short they have a goal. If this variation becomes successful, then I can possibly see it being applied to other forms of loans as well, such as loans on your home or other lines of credit. However, that assumes this method, where loans are paid back only when you are working, catch on in combination with the variation of the sharia compliant loan.

Conclusion: It is, overall a good idea. I like that you are only asked to pay a percentage of your salary if and when you are working exclusively. I also like my idea of combining my variation of a sharia compliant loan (interest tacked on upfront) with this concept so as to make paying all forms of loans more affordable and lessen the chance of a repo man knocking on your door to reposes your home if you miss too many payments. So I am willing to give it a shot, if the loan is done in such a way that makes it affordable and that the individual pays all of that money back.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Issue 211 Obama's school rating system Novemeber 21, 2013

We have talked about rating schools before, and there is no doubt that we will not be discussing it again. Like right now. President Obama has proposed a school rating system a few months ago which was summarized in the Wall Street Journal article "Obama to propose College Rating System on Bus Tour." So let’s examine it and see if it has any merit.

What it wants to do: President Obama is looking to tie federal student aid to a college's level of performance. As such colleges will be rated on how well they help disadvantaged students the most (all before the year 2015). Financial aid will then be dictated by those ratings (in the year 2018). Part of the rating will be based on how affordable the college is and the outcomes of that education which include graduation rates and transfers. The top performing colleges under this system will get larger federal grants and more affordable student loans given to student who go there. In addition, the plan calls for more innovation such as a 3 year accelerated degree and more online courses.

With this comes a pay as you earn program. This concept has you pay your student loans back by a percentage of your pay check. In this case, the plan calls for 10% of a graduate’s monthly income to be taken out to pay back the loans. Also, the race to the top program will have its funding raised with it being more focused on higher education reforms. So this is Obama's plan in a nutshell.

Critiques: I have come to not like overly complicated rating systems. Especially when the schools involved do not have a uniform standard by which to measure performance. As such one will need to be created either by the government, or the colleges. Both options are dismal as the government is prone to corruption by lobbyists and the colleges may purposely seek to weed out their smaller competitors. Basically, a rating system that favors elite schools would be created either way, even if elite is just another false title.

Also, giving out more loans only incentives colleges to allow their prices to rise. Student loans have a unique relationship with college prices. The higher the loan, the higher the price for college goes. Colleges know they can raise prices more because the federal government will just give out larger loans. But the people who get screwed by this are the students who end up with massive debt. The only good thing I like about this is the automatic loan payments taken out of the paycheck. It may make it easier for a college student to pay their loans back as they don't have to really think about it and they only are forced to pay when they have a job in the first place.

Conclusion: Colleges are not getting any cheaper. As such, alternative methods of education are rising to not only compete, but in some instances take the place of colleges in specific fields of work. I do not see this system working at all save the deduction to pay back a loan through the individuals pay check. It would also be great if the colleges made a bachelors degree a 3 year degree, but only if they make an associates a 1 year degree and make many of the masters and doctorates undergrad courses. Let’s face it, many of the programs and jobs done at the college level don't need a college to be taught, or to take more than 4 years of learning to learn. Especially as many jobs are forced to retrain many of their new hires which costs them money. So alternative education is winning and as such, I question if the federal government is focusing on the right solution to what seems to be an ever worsening problem.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Issue 210 Siphon Energy November 20, 2013

Is there a way outside of solar panels to make energy yourself? Can it be done simply and easily? I asked my self these questions as I too want not just the country to be energy independent, but us as individuals to. So here is my idea.

Water turbine: The technology has existed for years for us to harness energy from water. Every single power station uses this method where water is used to turn turbines to generate electricity. So can we shrink that technology down and place it in our own homes? I think we can. But where would we get the water you ask? Well, when water is pumped into your house through your faucets right. So my idea was that at some point in the system a mechanism like a turbine is placed inside the pipe. As such every time you turn the water on, the turbine spins to generate electricity for your house. If you are thinking that water and electricity do not mix, I invite you to look at my example of the damns that use water to generate electricity for our homes already. So why not copy that system to make our own homes independent from the electrical grid?

More water: Another water source that we can harvest for electricity using this technology would be rain water. If your area lets you capture rain water, then the same turbine can be placed inside to generate electricity for your home. So when it rains, you will get powered up. In addition, the stored water, if used for drinking/bathing can be stored in such a way, that when it is used, another turbine can use it to make even more electricity. Heck, the electricity produced could even be used to purify the water as well. Even water used for in solar water heating can be used to generate electricity as the water being heated up may even convert to steam to turn those same micro turbines. So it can be combined with other methods of water delivery to thereby produce electricity.

Economic advantage: This is advantageous as for one you are generating electricity off the grid yourself. You may even produce enough in combination with solar panels to reduce your electrical costs to zero. In some instances, some people with solar panels alone have gotten a check back from the power company because they produced enough electricity to sell back to those same electrical companies. So imagine this in combination with solar panels making a good portion or all of your electrical needs. What’s also good is that you are using water pumped into your own home or harvested from a well or rain water. So you can reduce your overall costs for water too. Sure it will not make you independent plumbing wise, but it is better then watching all that water just costing you more and more on your water bill. If done right and combined with other power saving methods, you can eliminate the costs for heating your home (electrical) your electrical bill and even your water bill. Some of those savings come in the form of just eliminating the need for the power company, or selling enough electricity to the power company to get a check back that can help pay for your water bill. So it can work and it can help us get off the grid.

Conclusion: This method of power generation uses a magnetic field and metals that pass by each other to produce electrons which are used for power generation. As such, the water merely has to spin the turbine for the metal and the magnets to interact to generate those elections. So the only hurdle to actually making this technology work is making a small enough version to fit into a homes plumbing system and determining the best method of installing the device safely so that people don't get hurt by stray electricity. What also may be a nice by product is that it may increase the water pressure coming out of your faucet which would be beneficial with new regulations demanding reduced use of water to flush toilets, and coming out of the shower head. But again, the technology must be developed. So even though it is my idea, I invite anyone to come up with this technology to make it cheaper and easier to become energy independent for us as individuals. Good luck and happy inventing.