Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Issue 325 Debate April 30, 2014

Argumentation and debate are skills that can keep the mind sharp and allow you to hold a well informed and informative conversation.  Here today I am going to explain why it is important to debate people and do it in a fun way.

Debate itself:  Some think debate is all about winning against your opponent and defeating them.  This is not always the case.  Debate itself is a discussion that follows a conversation while holding to a specific topic.  So you can be discussing economics, the final four in a sports contest or more and it can be considered a debate or even a form of argumentation.  In fact you are allowed to agree and disagree in a debate as it is nothing more than a form of discussion. Thus it can be fun and interesting and you will not even realize you are doing it.

It's important:  The reason it is important is due to how information is being transferred from one person to another.  When I was in political science class, they always said that things must be discussed so that the sea of lies will give way to the final truth.  In a debate the truth can arise from these forms of discussion.  As such this form of information transfer is essential to acquiring and advancing knowledge.  

Mind set:  For one, people just don't spontaneously want to have a discussion on world politics, sports and other serious topics.  Thus, some of these conversations are left for when the mood is good and proper. However you are never limited to serious topics.  People will always want to discuss the topics they are most interested in and usually they want to reply to any arguments you will make with their own.  As such being armed with actual facts and the ability to know how people came to those conclusions in the first place are key to continuing the debate and ascertaining the truth (this is part of the fun and can be enjoyable).  It is important to remember that in a debate there is usually no winners or losers as the two (or more) having the discussion are usually on their own without an audience.  So you should not try to win against your company, but dig deeper into their knowledge to gain more for yourself even if your side may in fact be wrong.  It is ok to be on the wrong side and it is ok to ask questions. A real debate is all about the gathering and sifting through knowledge.  This acquiring of knowledge is what makes debate and conversation satisfying and because of this any form of discussion can be exhilarating and satisfying.

Conclusion:  Debate is a good thing.  It gives us a window into other people’s thoughts, ideas and knowledge which can enhance our own.  So continue to have conversations on various topics for you have nothing to lose and only plenty to gain.  

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Issue 324 Non-athletic Olympics April 29, 2014

Many of us watch the Olympics.  It is fun and enjoyable to see athletes from around the world compete in various games which show off their physic, stamina and will power.  There is even the para-Olympics for those with physical disabilities and another for mental disorders which inspire us to rise above our own situations.  But there is a group of people left out.  A set of athletes whose mind is more powerful than their bodies.  Thus I call for a non-athletic Olympics that celebrates strategy, ingenuity, and mental skill.

Concept:  This non-athletic Olympics will host all sorts of games and contests that exercise the mind and demonstrate skill in some form or fashion.  Contests will range from traditional to out of the box with new games and contests being included so long as they meet the criteria of being skill based and require some form of ingenuity.  So let us look at the types of games that can be included.

Games:  So traditional games like chess and checkers along with their variants will be included.  So you can have traditional chess, 3D chess, shogi, Chinese Chess and circular chess all being played.  They can even have gimmick types where certain rules are added or subtracted or swapped to test the skills of the players and their ability to adapt mentally to the changes in the game. Card games like poker, Black Jack and rummy will be included as each requires a certain level of skill and strategy.  Again, rules can be swapped, or added or subtracted to test the players’ skill with these card games.  Other card games like the variants that use Hanafuda cards which are popular in Asian countries can be included too.  Basically, the non-athletic Olympics can also serve as a means to introduce other games from around the world to the world stage to entice people to play them.

Online Games and other popular games:  Online strategy games will also be included that are all about seizing and holding territory. So Star Craft, Allies and Axis and others can be used to test another dimension of skill for these players.  On the other hand, card games like Magic, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Vanguard compete for supremacy as the number one collectible card games in the world. So the top collectible games (probably the top 10) will compete as well with variety being added as time goes on due to new cards continuously being made which keeps the games interesting.

Contests:  Even contests like cooking with grill offs, pie contests, and cooking contests like Food networks Chopped (give chefs three random ingredients that are required to be used) and Cut throat Kitchen (where you can sabotage opponents in various ways) will be added.  Quiz types like Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune can also be added for other forms of out of the box thinking.  In this case testing knowledge and problem solving skills.  Art contests will work too, with different styles such as architectural, mosaic, musical, written and more included as well. In this case the art, music and written contests will be limited to the duration of the non-athletic Olympics where artists will have to create their works in a specified period of time. So you can have poetry, and short story contests alongside musicians creating musical scores and all these to a certain theme for each particular contest.  There can even be fun contests where we can revive the bards of old which will combine the skills of musicians and story tellers wrapped into one. 

Requirements to compete:  There will be no age limits, or need for any restrictions based on disabilities.  Reason is due to it all being about skill and not athletics.  Thus no need for unintended discrimination.  What will be required is that you must win (or place) in a specified number of contests in the three and a half years leading up to this form of Olympics.  This number will be specified based on type of game being played.  Also, more than one entry per country will be allowed.  So it may be possible to have a thousand players for a single game with half or more being eliminated each day. So it comes down to not just national glory but personal glory as well.

Conclusion:  Here in this form of Olympics, we celebrate the skill and mental discipline, creativity and more in this world championship that will be held every four years.  Also, this can act as an exhibition show for new games, forms of art and music to entice people into trying them and giving them a chance at national fame (so long as they fit the theme that is). Is it not time we stop celebrating just the athletes and their impressive bodies and celebrate the mind as well.     

Monday, April 28, 2014

Issue 323 Machine soul experiment April 28, 2014

Can machines have a soul?  Is it possible that God can give a machine a soul?  I have recently begun pondering that question after a few science channel documentaries.  So I devised a small experiment.  I do not know if it would work, nor if it will actually prove that a machine can have a soul.  However, it is a start and I hope you my readers may improve upon it better than I can.

Step 1:  Step one of the process to this experiment is have a computer or an automaton that is capable of learning knowledge and replicating human emotion.  Essentially a computerized baby.  Teach it in the same way that you would a normal child.  Replicate the bodily functions such as eating and more so as to make it as close to human as possible.  It is all about creating a human replica.

Step 2:  Once the computer baby has reached some form of adult hood, let it loose outside of the lab.  Let it work as an employee and give it access to any and all information it desires.  As computer programming and the learning and emotional replication programs develop and become better, upgrade the robot child.  The more advanced the robot in respect to replicating human emotion and being human the better.  

Final step:  At the age of 100, the robot child will have certain parts of itself turned off.  Its emotion, parts of its memory and more.  Each time you turn off a specific part of the robot, you will look to see if it reacts a specific way, such as the emotion fear, regret, anger etc.  See if it is capable of thinking independently and having its own decision making process.  If when certain parts of the machine are turned off, see if the robot retains emotion regardless of them being shut off, or regains certain memories despite them being closed off.  All this is to see if the robot is like us, a human despite replicating the damage that a normal person may face if physically or mentally damaged.  This may prove that the robot has a soul.  I am not sure if that qualifies as a soul, but I can only base the conclusions based on the dissertations of Descartes and his conclusion "I think therefore I am." 

Conclusion:  So what do you think?  An experiment that lasts a literal lifetime.  But that I believe is what it will take for an automaton to get close enough to being human for the experiment to be a success.  And no, the robot will not be shut down once the experiment is over.  That is because the experiment will not end.  It will continue to be left alive and every 25 years after that the experiment will be done again to see if any changes occur.  We may get the conclusion that machines cannot have a soul, or we may conclude they do.  It is about the experiment to see if the soul even exists and how time affects it.  Thus this experiment.  Enjoy pondering if a machine has a soul or not, I know I am excited to maybe one day find out.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Issue 232 Priced out? April 28, 2014

I'm am not talking about people in this case, but goods.  How does government restrict our choices?  By taxing something into oblivion.

What is priced out:  Currently tobacco products and Guns are the two main things that people are being priced out of buying.  Cigarettes, my father’s vice, cost $10 a pack or more depending on the brand.  However, without taxes they may be as low as a single dollar.  Guns cost thousands of dollars because the government taxes them in order deter us from owning things they don't want us to own.  It is why certain drugs cost more when bought behind the counter at a pharmacy rather than over the counter on the shelves.  Gambling is taxed and survives only due to how much money it rakes in.  This is how the government works.  Food, clothing, and more are taxed at varying levels to deter and steer people to buy certain things.

Works for some and not others:  The psychology is that people think based on how much money they own.  They limit themselves to within reason so that they can buy the things they need the most based on priorities.  It only does not work when people’s priorities and wants outweigh the fiscal hurdles they must overcome.  It comes family and the means to support them first and all else second.  Vices and wants play second fiddle unless those priorities align with the primary priority.  A gun is bought for defense and food in many parts of America, with any secondary benefit being bragging rights and fun.  Vices like gambling and smoking are for relaxation and fun for all need an escape. Thus while our choices become limited, people still overcome the obstacles that government puts before them.   

Conclusion:  I do not agree with this unequal taxation of goods, let alone selectively making people victims.  Sure we overcome, and sure we can adapt, but adaption is not what should be done.  In fact, resisting adaption to the government’s whims is more important.  The reason is because obeying government is the last thing that should be done.  We have our needs that need to be accomplished first and foremost.  The government does not know what is needed by the individual and that is why we should not obey.  Basic laws against murder, theft and assault are needed, but the picking and choosing of what is best for us is not.  Thus, I call for all of you to call for the equal taxation of goods and services within the country.  This will allow all goods and services to compete and thus enable us to make the choices on what we want to buy based on our own financial wants and needs, not the government’s desires. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Issue 321 Banning Words!? April 24, 2014

Sounds nuts right?  Banning words?  The height of ridiculousness.  But that is what some of these people in Hollywood are attempting with their idealistic friends.  Let's go over why this is just plain dumb.

Will not work:  For one you have to have everyone agree to ban the word in the first place.  And you know what, that is never going to happen.  Curse words, racial slurs and more despite being frowned upon are still said by both polite society and those who seek to harm.  They continue to use these words to express their feelings, and even alter the words meaning based on the situation.  For instance "f--k yea" is different from 
"f--k you" (notice I didn't actually right the word because even I find it stupid to say).  Words are malleable and thus subject to change and meaning.  Context is also highly important as well.  The only time a word is no longer spoken is because a different word has replaced it.  

Insults:  What the Hollywood people want to ban is the word "bossy" because apparently they feel it is insulting to women.  Fact is, you better be prepared to be called worse.  People will not stop using the word bossy for it is a descriptor of an individual who is, well for lack of a better word, "bossy".  Try banning the word stupid, idiot, and so on.  It will not work.  If we could ban all the insulting words then it probably would have been done by now (with no words left for us to speak for that matter).  Insulting words do not and will not disappear, they simply change.  These sensibilities on wanting to ban such words are naive.  Words cannot be banned as much as the word poor, homeless, handicapped and so forth will fade in and out as insults and descriptors.  People saying ban this or that because of some emotional connection or displeasure with a word will not solve anyone's problem.

How to really handle insulting words: Talk to the hand. I don't care.  Give them the cold shoulder.  Or just ignore it.  Words can hurt, that we can all agree with, but some are worth getting pissed off at more than others.  The reason you should react this way is because you diffuse its power over you.  Sure people will still talk behind your back and poke fun at you.  But you know what, unless it is constructive criticism, then you should just ignore it.

Conclusion:  Forget banning words.  It is a waste of your time as those words will only be abandoned in time or their meanings changed as time goes on.  This is how the language works, it alters and changes with time.  Focus more on your future and family than this waste of time. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Issue 320 Bad Racial Profiling April 23, 2014

As promised, I will discuss the dangers of racial profiling.  It can and has been abused.

Racism:  The most typical form of abuse is harassment.  The police officer may be a legit racist or just looking to get be rid of some boredom.  So harassing the individual with the excuse of following the law is tempting for such individuals as they feel they can be protected by the law themselves.  

Mishandled:  If the data is misinterpreted (a failing of all forms of statistical data) or old (in which it no longer applies) it ends up hurting a community rather than helping them.  Basically, it could cause police to stop and frisk individuals who have nothing to do with criminality more often which hurts the trust between the police and the community at large.  As such, all the data must be kept up to date at all times.

Targeting:  Some leaders in a police organization may use the racial profiling and other techniques to harass a particular group or an individual.  Very similar to how the racist cop targets individuals under the guise of the law, but in this case a particular individual or group is targeted at the expense of the others caught in this crossfire.  So an officer who does not like the Muslims in his community (who are predominately black) may be targeted at the expense of the rest of the black community in the area.  An individual of a particular race would also be targeted in the same fashion.  It is very sad when officers of the law sink this low, especially as they will usually have to be complicit in the act.

(Note: I simply chose the most convenient and easily recognized example)

Government tyranny:  The final most basic is when government targets a specific group for political attack.  This can be immigrants, people of a specific ethnic community or just a general group.  The profiling will be used in a disinformation campaign to paint the group of individuals as criminals, violent and worse so as to isolate them from the larger populace.  This allows the government to essentially do what they please with these individuals without fear of the populace speaking out.  The best examples of this are in America when the government removed Native Americans from their land, and in Nazi Germany when the Nazi's launched a disinformation campaign against the Jews to make them into the "enemy within".

Conclusion:  This is a basic list and description on how racial profiling can be abused.  Obviously the government and individuals must be watched so as to protect the people from government and bad officers going out of control and carrying out such horrendous acts.  So this issue will serve as a template on what to look for when individuals in power seek to harm others of a different race, color or creed.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Issue 319 Reactive Racial Profiling April 22, 2014

Reactive racial profiling is much less controversial than its active counterpart.  In fact you yourself have probably heard it numerous times on the news and not even realized it.  So let's discuss what you probably did not know was racial profiling in the reactive.

Reactive racial profiling:  This form of profiling comes after a particular indecent has occurred.  That incident is a crime of some variety.  How this form of profiling is applied is very simple, when the officer describes the physical features of the suspect in the indecent in question.  So when an officer says the suspect is white, black, hispanic or other, it is reactive racial profiling.  Very simply, it allows the officers who are perusing the individual to narrow down the number of possible suspects.

Application: Just as described, it is applied to narrow down the suspects when they are searching for any and all perpetrators to a criminal act.  Let's face it, the cops already have enough problems searching for criminals in a human haystack.   The last thing they need is to complicate matters by treating every single individual as a suspect. That is the sole function of this form of racial profiling and there is really nothing else left to say on the matter.

Conclusion:  This form of racial profiling is essential to police work.  It keeps people like you and me of all races, colors and creeds from being arbitrarily targeted by cops. Narrowing down the search not only makes it easier to find the criminals at large, but also gets the criminals off the street faster.  Thus, without a doubt, I support this form of racial profiling.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Issue 318 Active Racial Profiling April 21, 2014

There are two sets of racial profiling.  One active and one passive.  In this case as you may have surmised, I will talk about active racial profiling.  So let's get started.

Defined:  Active racial profiling is the type that has caused controversy.  Here police and other statisticians take crime data and overlay it with community data in combination with that community’s racial and ethnic makeup.  The goal is to get an idea of where in the community a crime is going to occur and by which group of people of a given racial or ethnic background.  In short, who in the community with a given skin color is likely to commit a crime and where.  Other data is thus factored in to try and achieve success in predicting where the crimes might occur.

Usage:  This data is then given to police so that they will send out more patrol cars to a given area where the crime is most likely to occur.  As such, the chances for illegal activity diminish.  

Another application is when it comes to such programs as stop and frisk.  Police will target the given ethnic group in a given area where those individuals are more likely to have drugs or illegal weapons on their person.  Standard police tactics of questioning are applied so as to reduce the need to search an innocent bystander.

Continued use:  Active racial profiling is controversial because you are singling out a particular race and ethnicity in a given community.  Thus it has been maligned as overtly racist and brings up bad memories when the police where harassing people of a given race rather than protect them.  As such, numerous laws have been passed to ensure that such data is not exclusively reliant on racial profiling, but used in combination with other prediction data on criminal acts to thwart crime.

Future:  The United States is becoming more and more a police like State which fears terrorism and strife more than anything.  From this fear (despite the negative feelings on the issue) racial profiling in the active is here to stay.  Unfortunately, the primary reason for this is due to the rise of radical religions and cults that seek to do us all harm.  As such racial profiling helps to root out the smaller dangerous elements in the communities at large in an effort to protect the community as a whole.  However, this form of profiling will be still combined with other forms of data to get the most accurate picture of a terrorist or worst.  

Conclusion:  I do not doubt that active racial profiling is here to stay. While politicians denounce it as evil because it is politically expedient, it will simply be given a new name or be included in other data gathering techniques to compensate.  The result is a predictive software to aid us in stopping crime and other forms of criminality.  As a libertarian though I am fearful of its misuse and misinterpretation.  It may lead to a more insecure society and more racial strife if applied wrong.  I like the idea of it being combined with other data so as to offset any overtly racial connotations, but I still fear it as a whole. I want smaller government, but this may allow the government to embrace tyranny. As such, so long as this is not used for nefarious purposes (which I will go over in a separate issue) then this technique will prove useful and thus I will support it until a better ( and maybe more reliable) alternative appears.   

Friday, April 18, 2014

Issue 317 Iron Clad Rules?! April 18, 2014

Are the rules rock solid?   Not really.  Some rules are designed to be flexible and that is a very good thing.  Let's review why having flexibility under the law can benefit society.

Rules meant to be broken:  With things like copyright laws, patents and similar protections, the law really gets in the way of progress.  This is why so many people look to break these particular types of rules in order to usurp and promote new inventions and technology.  It is also why they are under constant review for reform. Others have sought out ways to alter patent/copy right law to make it more flexible.  One such way is to make the blueprints to an invention as a tradable stock option.  So when a car company like GM wants to use patented Mitsubishi tires, they simply buy shares equal to the amount of tires they want to produce for their vehicles.  No I am not talking about stock in Mitsubishi either, but actually making the patent into stock itself to be bought in shares as a way of selling it with the owner being able to reap the benefits.  On top of this, if it becomes a publicly traded stock, it allows for more accurate supply and demand price changes and eliminates the need for cumbersome contracts.

Another idea that is already on the books (last I checked) is for the inventor to either sell the blueprints for his/her designs on the cheap or sell the whole product from a licensed factory.  Both options work to benefit all with respect to technological progress and advancement of society.

Punishments:  Before all the types of crimes like "hate crimes," murder 2", "murder 3" "breaking and entering" and such there were basic laws with (usually) flexible punishments.  What I mean by this is that we can simple have laws against "theft", "assault", "murder", but the judge can base the punishment on the severity of the crime instead of predetermined punishments.  This allows the judge in the case of an accidental murder to sentence the guilty to one year, while in a purposeful murder sentence the guilty to death.  So one crime, different punishments based on evidence presented.  Some States in the United States have flexibility just like this, while others do not such as the case of 18 and 17 year old couples being convicted of statutory rape (sex with an under aged minor) ruining innocents lives.  So it all comes down to how well the law is written.

(Note:  the one exception I make is for child molesters and rapists. They should live in jail for the rest of their lives).

The United States Constitution:  Yes even the United States Constitution has flexibility.  Certain Amendments like the 13th 14th and 15th can be enforced by congress with appropriate legislation so long as it does not violate any other part of the Constitution.  Also, the Constitution allows for the document that governs our government’s power to be amended so as to have the flexibility to change (of course this is hard to do on purpose so as to make sure the change is truly worth it).  Thus the law that governs all laws can be changed and has certain flexibility built in.

Conclusion:  So flexibility in law can enrich people, advance progress and prevent people from becoming victims.  It allows laws to evolve and adjust to the changing face of society and crime.  I only provided some tidbits on how and where laws are flexible, but I think you are getting the idea on why flexibility is good.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Issue 316 simple life April 17,2014

What is a simple life?  How do we achieve such things?  From my personal experience I will tell you how far I have come to achieving that and how much I have left to go.

Cutting things out: The basic foundation of achieving the simple life is to cut out all the things that you don't need in your everyday life.  This means stuff.  Not just any stuff, but all the stuff that you do not need.  This means stuff that builds up in your home that has no value.  It means being rid of objects that my become a burden to you.  Such things could include collectors’ items, magazines, to do lists etc.  The list goes on for a while.  I myself have narrowed down my hobbies to three things (a collector’s game, martial arts and reading).  By narrowing down these things I have reduced the clutter in my own life and have given value to the things I continue to do.  Martial arts gives me both physical and some mental exercises.  Book reading exercises my brain and imagination, and finally the collectors game is just to break up the monotony of everyday life and acts as another social activity I can do with my friends.  Sure your hobbies can be different from mine and that you can in fact have more than what I have now.  But make sure they have meaning to them, as if they do not then they may just be a waste of your time.

Simpler path:  In this case you want to achieve the goals in life with the path of least resistance, but not at the cost of the journey.  What I mean by this is that while heading toward your goal it is ok to take shortcuts.  However, if those shortcuts break the law or create guilt, then they are just more burdens on the path of life.

Treating others:  This is very simple.  In fact, every religion has advocated it almost universally.  Treat others as you want to be treated.  A simple concept that is hard to follow.  Basically this rule allows you to kill any enemies with kindness, and not burn any relationships with those around you in a negative way.  I cannot say I have always followed this advice, but with the experiences I have had I can say it is worth the effort to try.

Knowing when to let go:  It is unfortunate that sometimes living a simpler life means letting go of people in your life.  The member of your family that gets you into trouble with the law.  That friend that will not seek help for drug addiction while still hanging around your family.  There are times people have to hit rock bottom to wake up to their delusions and thus seek help.  Even then, they will struggle to crawl out of the whole they dug themselves.  So letting that individual go and then recognizing when that individual is finally ready to try saving themselves becomes very important.  Love is also another area that this falls under. If the person is being held back by you, then it may be time to put some distance between you and that individual.  It is sad and heart breaking, which is true. However, if the person you loved can achieve happiness then it is worth it in the end (at least from my perspective).

Conclusion:  Living simply is unique to each individual.  The reason is because we each have our own burdens to bear.  By recognizing those burdens and either letting them go, or changing ones situation we can a achieve a more harmonious life.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Issue 315 Bug out bag April 16, 2014

A "bug out" is slang for getting out of an area or situation in an emergency. A bug out bag is a ready to go bag that you have pre-packed for those kinds of emergencies where you are forced to leave your home and survive for a couple of days. So what do you need?

Power source: Batteries are what typically come to mind. To bower flash lights, radios, and other gear batteries may be required. So if you are to bring any objects that require a battery source, pack the appropriate ones. Try and keep the batteries you need uniform if possible by packing objects with uniform power requirements. So that same AAA battery will power your radio and your flashlight. However, batteries are heavy so hand cranked radios, and flashlights may be a better option.

Radio: A small radio to hear the news and if it is safe to go back home is essential to knowing what is going on in an emergency. Also, a radio to communicate with friends and family is also important to relocating each other in case some one gets split from the group.

Flash lights and light sources: In an emergency, the power may go out so a light source will be essential to survival at night.

Food: At least three days worth of food should be packed along with three days worth of water (especially if you are in an area where fresh water is scarce). Any food packed must be able to go without refrigeration as well. If you expect to be away from water and food for a longer period of time, a fresh water purifier, and a small firearm, fishing kit and a survival guide on edible plants in your area would be prudent.

Sleeping gear: Shelter is a must to survival. If there are no shelters that can take you in, then camping gear may be needed to provide that shelter. This also means a sleeping bag as well for warmth on cold nights.

Clothing: At least one change of cloths, to three will be required for a bug out bag. Anything else is just dead weight. If needed, also pack a small sewing kit and some patches to mend damaged clothing.

Identification: Being able to be identified is essential. It allows you to prove who you are and allows you to access any financial/medical information once things start getting back to normal. This also means you need to have your tax and bank info as well for when things return to normal and to prevent thieves from getting their hands on vital information if they are to raid your property while you are gone. So keep it all in a safe place where it can easily be grabbed in an evacuation.

Games: Yes a game or two. In this case something easy to carry along like a deck of cards. This is used to take your mind off the trauma you are probably facing.

Weight: At all times be conscious of the weight of what is in your bug out bag. The heavier it is the more likely you are to be slowed down and not get away in time. So things like a power bar over a heavy can of soup may be necessary.

Customize: If you face a particular type of emergency situation more readily, then you can customize your bug out bag for that threat. A gas mask is useful for both chemical attacks by terrorists and for breathing through the noxious smoke in a wild fire. If you are in a cold environment you can pack walking skis and winter gear to aid you in getting through the harsh snow. I think you get the general idea here.

Conclusion: These tips are to help you get through a temporary situation. More extensive preps will be needed in much more dire situations. We face terrorism, earthquakes, civil unrest, tornado's, hurricanes and large scale accidents as part of our everyday lives. Is it not prudent to be prepped to get the hell out of dodge when things go bad?

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Issue 314 Good to know stuff April 15, 2014

So like my past interesting facts issues I will occasionally have issues like this. So here are some good to know things that you probably never thought about.

1. Do not store your medications in the kitchen, bathroom or by a heat source. The reason is because the kitchen stove, the hot steam from a shower, and heat in general can alter the composition of the medications you are taking. So your medications can become less effective, or even detrimental to your health.

2. Don't store medications in the same container if they give off a powder. These tablets made from compressed powders can rub off on your other medication which may prove detrimental. The reason is due to some medications having to be taken at different times less you want to risk a chemical reaction between the two.

3. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) if taken in excess can cause more harm to your liver than if you were an alcoholic. Likewise, antibiotics if taken in excess can do similar harm to your small intestines. So taking them if and only if you need such medications is a must in order to protect your body from harm. This also means taking alternative medicine if possible as well to vary the chemicals so as to avoid build up.

4. Think twice about flushing your toilet with the seat up. When you flush, the water sprays spreading into the air. This water contains fecal matter (pooh, urine, etc.) and goes everywhere. If you want proof just ask the Myth Busters on the Discovery channel as when they tested this, they discovered that not only does the fecal matter get on your things like your tooth brush, but also can make its way into the kitchen and bedroom as well. So put the seat down.

5. To avoid getting sick, you should not put your hands on your face at all. Your hands are literally the dirtiest part of your body as they are used to touch everything. So by not touching your face, you can avoid getting bacteria and viruses in your body in the first place.

6. When brushing teeth, you should only use a soft bristle brush. The reason is because the harder bristles will wear down the teeth’s enamel making them more sensitive and thus do damage to them. Brushing in a circular motion also protects from wear and tear as well by massaging teeth rather than rubbing them into oblivion. And this I just found out recently, brush the side of your teeth at a 45 degree angle so avoid the brush hitting the gum line as brushing with the back and forth motion at a horizontal angle can actually cause the gum line to recede for it is being rubbed away (so in the future you risk being called gum bee).

Conclusion: Some simple tips for a better life. Hope you found them useful.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Issue 313 Make Your own Game April 14, 2014

Ok, last week we talked about games and their value. So I thought, why not ask you my readers to take the next step. Basically, see if you can make your own game. Here is some of what you need to do to make it work.

Mechanics: Basic game mechanics dictate how to play. For instance the cross word puzzle was invented to find people intelligent enough to break enemy codes during war. The way the words crisscross and the clues is the entire premise of the game mechanic. It is a simple game with a more complex level of skill based upon the pattern of the words that are to be used as answers and how obscure the questions are themselves. Even games like Simon Says and patty cake function on patterns and mimicry as the basic game mechanic. Basically, the mechanics dictate how the game is played and thus influence the rules.

Research: If you want a more complex game, say some something like a trivia game, or a game based on history like Historical Conquest, then more research into the game will be needed. You will need to get the facts correct and develop the questions to match. Things like monopoly can teach us about the free market system only because someone did their research on how to mimic basic everyday business practices in a game format. Chess and GO mimic different aspects of the battlefield in various forms of combat. Chess bases its form on open field combat, while its original progenitor was based on siege warfare. GO goes for the asymmetric warfare that still directly correlates with today's battlefield (like our battles against terrorism). Knowing how to translate these bits and pieces into game form is what the research is all about.

Game play: Once done with mechanics and research you have to test out your game. Basically play it with your friends and make sure all your rules and game mechanics function at each level of play. In other words figure out if the rules are too complex, if your players can easily understand/play the game and work out any bugs that would make the game less enjoyable. In short be willing to change how your game works in order to ensure everyone can enjoy it.

Conclusion: Yes, you can make your own game. You can give it meaning like teaching certain values or just plane mental exercises. Heck, you can even take an existing game and convert it into something else like how chess and checkers have three different versions of themselves (some based on different rules, some based on overall play itself). So the sky is the limit. Go ahead and enjoy making your own fun game.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Issue 312 The use of games April 11, 2014

So you know why games exist? What exactly are they for? Well it is more than just simple entertainment value, that is a given. So let me explain.

Games: A game is something that makes us think. It jogs our brain to help exercise it in different ways to aid us in every day activities and builds our ability to think on the fly. Thus, why the game "Brain Games" and its series of small puzzles were created. They are meant to exercises your brain. Modern games are typically like most children's games, they (from my perspective) are meant to entertain and help develop and maintain critical thinking skills. Angry Birds, the original Mario games, and more continue to give us entertainment while teaching us timing and develop our ability to make simple choices. Other smart phone app games do similar with puzzles and activities. All are designed to help us learn in a fun way.

Games of higher education: I am not saying that some games are superior to others, but the games I list here are for those who want more than just mental (or meaningless) brain exercise. Games like chess, checkers, risk and GO serve to aid the battlefield commanders in the theater of war. Those in the business world use these same games to take on rivals and close business deals. These are strategy games that serve the purpose of teaching and fostering strategic thinking on multiple levels. Modern takes on these games are things like Blizzard companies Star Craft, and the strategy version of World of War Craft. In these more modern versions which seem to be a computerized version of the game Allies and Axis's (though simpler) you gather resources, build up your forces and move on the enemy with various strategies in order to conquer the map.

Monopoly is another game that is on the higher end of the thinking scale. It teaches the values of the free market and teaches people on how to make business decisions. Scrabble and its variants/spin offs teach vocabulary and expand your knowledge of the written and spoken word. So, games that do not function in the realm of war can and will be used to support and aid us. Two such new games that I am looking into are "We the people fight tyranny” which focuses on teaching the constitution, and defining acts of tyranny, and "Historical Conquest" a card game that lets you battle with historical figures while using flavor text to teach and inspire children and their parents to learn about history. So games can and will remain an important learning tool.

Conclusion: Games act as a support system to our culture. Their continued development and use help us think, learn and develop into better more knowledgeable and intelligent people. So next time you think that games are just for little children, think hard on what is being taught by that game. Then maybe, just maybe you will decide it is worth playing despite your age.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Issue 311 Don't Stop reading April 10, 2014

Reading is one of the most essential skills. It is something that you need to get by in everyday life and to educate yourself further on what you need to accomplish your goals. So here is why you must never stop.

Every day: Reading is essential to your everyday living. By reading the ticker on the news bulletins, you can find out the events of the day. Newspapers update you on politics and other important events going on. But you would never know what’s happening if you could not read. You would be stuck not knowing about your favorite artist. Never have a favorite author or writer. The reason is because, if you cannot read then what can you do to learn about the wonders and happenings in the world.

Job: You always need to read when you are on the job. You cannot read a person a price and know what it means without the ability to read. You could not tell the word hamburger from French fries if you did not know how to read. In fact, you could not even read your paycheck without the ability to read. On top of that, how could you know what employee benefits you are entitled to if you could not read. You would not know your preferred doctor, what medications you are being prescribed (let alone covered) or even how often to take a medication. In fact, if you don't know how to read, in all likelihood you don't even know how to spell.

This means one thing when it comes to having a job. It means you will never have one. Without the ability to read, you cannot go to collage, let alone complete any form of schooling and cannot even right a resume to apply for one. Yes reading is that important.

Conclusion: Those without the ability to read will not be able to read this. However, you my dear readers can. What I say here is just the tip of a very large iceberg with respect to how important reading is. Can you imagine a person who cannot read trying to vote? Not only do the risk voting for a different candidate than they wanted, but they probably don't even know what their candidate has accomplished save what they heard through word of mouth. People who cannot read will be taken advantage of and thus become virtual slaves to those with more knowledge then themselves. Don't let this happen to someone you know who wants to give up on reading because it is hard. The very future of each individual child rests on the ability to read, don't let them fail. They cannot afford to do so.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Issue 310 51st State (Puerto Rico) April 9, 2014

Have you thought about Puerto Rico becoming the 51st State of the United States? I have and it seems like a really cool idea. Here are my thoughts on why I think Puerto Rico would make a great addition to the United States.

Advantages: Puerto Rico is currently a United States territory in the form of a commonwealth. This means that all citizens of Puerto Rico are United States citizens already, but with one problem. That problem is if they are residing in Puerto Rico then they cannot vote in Presidential elections. In short, they have no say over the countries leadership. By becoming a full fledged State they would rectify this problem.

Tourism is another great advantage to having Puerto Rico become an official U.S. State. It is a tropical island in the Caribbean with a rain forest. There are clear tropical waters and great beaches. So this would add a great amount of revenue to the countries treasury through taxation. Not to mention this would alter electoral maps and representation in Congress possibly changing the countries priorities. At current, Puerto Rico operates independently, but as a State it can gain advantages in the national government it has not had before.

Problems: Aside from the fact that 50% of Puerto Ricans vote no to State hood, this means more people to take care of. Currently as it stands, the federal government seems to enjoy spending our hard earned money on welfare. As such anyone in Puerto Rico who qualifies will be supported by the federal welfare system (though this may benefit the Puerto Rican welfare system). Puerto Ricans will also be taxed the same as regular Americans which means they would actually become poorer. They also have a lower minimum wage which would increase if entering the United States fully which puts businesses at risk of failure. All this is an impediment to Puerto Rico joining the United States as a full fledged State.

Conclusion: Economically, unless something changes with respect to the American tax code and welfare system, Puerto Rico should not become a State. But if the changes do occur and in such a way that is advantageous to the citizens of Puerto Rico, then the citizens of Puerto Rico would benefit greatly as full fledged member of the United States. So it is up to our national government to fix its spending problems, tax code and welfare before Puerto Rico should even look twice about officially becoming the 51st State.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Issue 309 51st State (D.C.)? April 8, 2014

I am completely against Washington D.C. from becoming the 51st State or even becoming a State to begin with. I have my reason and I will tell you them now.

Bad idea: One of the main reasons I do not want Washington D.C. as a State is because the founders said so. They reasoned that if the seat of government had a vote in the making of the law that corruption and tyranny would come from it. So making a law that would limit powers to the States or increase the power of the Federal government would become all that much more likely. In addition, my feelings are that the city itself probably should not be a State. I personally feel that the residents were never designed to have a vote in the first place. My belief is that the founders may have foresaw the politicians today living in D.C. rather than in their home districts and saw it as a method to prevent the politicians from living in D.C. permanently and thus avoid their constituents. Of course this has happened any way. But, having D.C. become a State and having a vote as the seat of government is the most compelling idea in preventing it from joining the other States in the United States

My solution: Washington D.C. is a gift from the State of Maryland. Land was partitioned from Virginia (since returned) and Maryland to create D.C. As such, is it not right to return the residential areas of D.C. to the State of Maryland? Is it not the State of Maryland's land they should give back so the residents of D.C. can have a proper vote in politics as per what is stipulated in the Constitution? Is this not the best solution so that these people in D.C. can have proper representation in congress as citizens of Maryland? Well of course it is a good idea. We can just leave very specific parts of the city as the seat of government. No longer would the people of D.C. want for representation for they will be Maryland citizens and thus benefit.

Conclusion: You cannot make D.C. a State as the government has no right to do so as it is gifted from Maryland to the country (a gift they can take back). I don't want to see government corruption increase either by letting the House of Representatives and the Senate gain votes in the form of D.C.'s representatives. So just give as much of it back as possible (though I think some D.C. residents may disagree) to Maryland. Problem solved.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Issue 308 Defense Vs. Libertarians April 7, 2014

Many people think libertarians are isolationist. The fact is we are not in any way shape or form an isolationist based group. We wish for open and free trade with every nation with little to no impediments at all. But we are here to rectify the issues of national defense. So here we go.

What we do not want: Libertarians do not believe in permanent alliances. Reason being is that they tie us as a nation to countries that are very likely to go to war and thus drains us of both men and material. If joining in a war, then it must have a direct impact on the nation (us being or going to be attacked). If at all possible libertarians would like to remain neutral at all times so as to trade with all. Wars and alliances may prohibit this. If the war is won libertarians will not engage in any form of nation building or similar actions. It is not the place of our country to dictate what happens in another country. As such, overseas bases would not be allowed and all soldiers brought home. Basically, the entire concept is to mind our own business.

Defense: This does not mean libertarians are against a strong and formidable military. In fact libertarians like I seek a military so strong that only the foolish would dare strike against us. The reason is because libertarians understand that standing above conflict and seeking neutrality needs to be backed by powerful arms and armor. As such, the stronger the military the better.

How do we want it: While we want a strong military we want things done in a very specific way. We want the military dedicated to national defense with the ability to take the fight overseas if and only if necessary. Thus, no overseas bases. While limiting the speed to react, is not an impediment as we do not seek war with any country if at all possible. So we can have all our troops stationed here in he United States, but without the cost of renting property overseas. Also, let us not forget nuclear weapons. Libertarians are (while not unanimous) agree that such weapons are a potent tool in deterring enemy attack. So they do not violate libertarian values at all.

Conclusion: Our military is strong, but libertarians like myself feel they are being abused for political gain and foolishness. Libertarians seek to avoid sending troops into harms way by fighting only when we are forced. Others like the republicans and democrats want to send troops out to fight for their agendas. I ask you to try the libertarian method of policy, neutrality with a strong and formidable military. This policy is know as "separatism" and was inspired by George Washington's warnings to our nation in his farewell address upon his retirement. So let's head this warning and follow the libertarian separatist method of national defense.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Issue 307 EPA Vs. Libertarians April 4, 2014

Like the FDA, libertarians have some issues with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). While libertarians like what it is designed to do, we do not feel that it is being done properly or that it is not without corruption. So here is what we libertarians would like to see.

The changes: At current, the EPA is supposed to protect the environment, but libertarians feel it is being used by politicians to support agendas. One such area is the promotion of green energy, which is a worthy cause, is not meant to be supported by the EPA. Another is global warming which for the skeptics like me is not a complete science and promoting it while restricting and fining people in the pursuit of that agenda is corruption. The EPA that libertarians want is similar to what we want to change in the FDA. We want activities of choice unregulated, a negative reinforcement approach and to get the politicians and their agendas out.

National body: Like the alterations to the FDA from yesterday, we libertarians want an EPA that is as separated from politics as possible. So teaming up with universities, museums and the like would do well to get the politics out. Also, the more involved various governments at the local level and in part the State level would also decrease the politics as banning based on consensus would be the best solution to preventing corruption. Keeping it local and having the EPA essentially be a large community of scientist and engineers from various fields will aid in keeping thought diverse and thus prevent group think as well. With no single body, but a multitude of governments watching (and thus the people) corruption can more easily be routed out.

Forbidden: This body will not have the ability to support any candidate for elected office. Also, staff during work hours will not be allowed to participate in any political campaign or activity. Any fines for violating rules set by this body will be set in court where the accused violators may defend themselves with the EPA having to prove any and all wrongdoing. There shall be no prohibitions on any acts that do not have an environmental impact. The sole purpose of the EPA will be to prevent all man made products, bi-products and materials that would harm the environment from be inappropriately disposed of and stored. Fines collected will go strictly to supporting research and funding the EPA's activities. Any and all salaries will be set to the market so as to ensure no member is overpaid and that most of the money is used for the research into protecting the environment. Therefore, this body will be exclusively a non-profit organization. There will be no bank accounts or accumulation of money save a small fund for an exclusive use to aid in environmental clean up after a disaster (each branch office will have a small dedicated fund for this exclusive purpose). Government enforcement of these rules set by the EPA will be voluntary, but the EPA will be allowed (once proven in court) to publish information on any violators of their mandates with respect to who they are, what activity (or part of) they are doing that violates those rules and what they should do as an alternative. This is to shame the individual into taking action if they have ignored the courts rulings, or have not taken voluntary action. If the party in question that violated the rules takes voluntary action to clean up or change their practices, then there will be no court proceedings so as to prevent any harm to the companies (or individuals) reputation, and instead with their permission the EPA can publish a document commending the company or individual for taking swift action with a suitable award of some variety. (These ideas and rules extend to yesterdays article on the FDA)

Conclusion: In this I outlined what libertarians would like to see. An institution insulated from politics as much as possible and geared solely toward the goal of protecting the environment and by de facto "us". Hope you enjoyed today's and yesterdays articles and that they inspire you to think of other ways to accomplish what needs to be done without the use of government.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Issue 306 FDA Vs. Libertarians April 3, 2014

Libertarians have disagreements over what government agencies should and should not exist. One such agency is the food and drug administration. Here are some thoughts about how libertarians would change it to make it suitable to the libertarian philosophy (from my perspective).

Organization: Most libertarians believe in the free market approach to things. This means that if the people can decide what is unsafe for them, then the institution like the FDA does not need to regulate it. So, things like drinking raw unpasteurized milk would be left up to consumers. Thus much of the FDA's activities could be limited to more specific jobs regarding food and drug testing.

At current, the FDA, its agencies and other bodies of government do similar things such as an agency to oversee the feed that are given to chickens, another to turkeys and so on. Then there are offices that are dedicated to each bird’s living conditions and another set that oversee how each bird is slaughtered. In a libertarian world, these agencies that governed these birds living, food and slaughter conditions would be merged into one along with any other similar animal species. Same with respect to plants that we ingest for food or medications, anything that works the same way or can be merged to improve efficiency. Obviously we need something like the FDA, but how it operates should not be onerous to the people.

Negative reinforcement: In a libertarian version of the FDA, it would use negative reinforcement to provide for any rules and regulations. So basically, the FDA would list what cannot be done with what and at what stage of the process of food prep, or drug making/testing. Whatever is not listed is allowed to be done. As such, if the FDA bans certain chemicals in food, then only those foods that have those chemicals would not be allowed to be used. Simple and easy to follow rules, but with justifications for each banning being based on science and technology.

Which government: Now we get to the level of government that should run the FDA. I will say clearly that the Federal Government should not be the one to do it unless the Constitution is suitably amended to allow it. Instead of another amendment, it should be a series of offices at the local level and State level of governments. Most local government charters and State constitutions allow for such tasks to be accomplished which solves the legality issues. This also makes it harder for one government to influence this larger body as it would be run on consensus rather than politicians saying that something is banned on their own. Also, these agencies should be separate and distinct from the local and State governments by way of acting independently. As such, it would be a body that operates at both the national through local levels of government, but independent from politics so as to avoid corruption. So funding would come through donations from the people and contributions from each local/State government to fund the activities. However, in order to maintain independence from the corrupting force of politics this new FDA would need to be organized in such a way that they could survive on little to no money at all. This could mean teaming up with various museums and colleges to gather funds and have access to research needed to stay up to date and financially and intellectually independent.

Conclusion: Libertarians want something like the FDA, but don't want to violate the Constitution, or have the negative influence (corruption) of politics. So separating it from government as much as possible and giving it over to the people seems like a logical conclusion to me. Though of course the idea that we control our bodies still stands and as such we would be allowed to drink raw milk or try drugs still in testing if we so choose. That is the kind of freedom we want and desire from a libertarian version of the FDA.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Issue 305 Soft Targets 2 April 2, 2014

We discussed safety abroad yesterday, but really fell short on the whole idea of what is a soft target. So I felt an issue dedicated to such information would be prudent. Let's get started.

Soft target: A soft target is a non-military or governmental target. It is a place where a large number of people usually gather and have no means of fighting back. In short it is a civilian target and is designed to maximize emotional impact as much as the physical damage. Reason being is so as to force pressure on the government and the society being attacked into capitulating to the attackers demands.

Airports: We are all very familiar with this as a target for terrorists thanks to the 9/11 terror attack on the United States. An airport is a soft target and the idea of turning a plane into a cruise missile was appealing to the terrorists. But this is not the only method of targeting an airport. In fact, a person bringing a bomb into the area before boarding, or even as one enters the airport can cause significant physical and psychological impact.

Bridges: Collapsing a bridge at the height of rush hour is another appealing soft target. It not only has the costs of human life but can severally hurt an economy. Major bridges are hot beds for truck traffic and workers getting too and from work. Thus, major economic damage can be incurred as a result as well. As such, our government and police take great pains to inspect bridges for bombs. However, what about a person in a van full of explosives? At rush hour in bumper to bumper traffic a van exploding can stop traffic completely. The bridge will be damaged, and those injured will not be able to be saved as the ambulance will be delayed due to the severe traffic from rush hour and the chaos of people fleeing for safety. Thankfully, law enforcement seeks to prevent this by monitoring people who buy "potential bomb materials in quantity.

Bus Depot: Similar to an airport, a bus depot is a place where a large number of buses and people gather together. As such bombing this or a bus on a crowded city street is also a potential threat.

Trains: Trains are another dangerous target of opportunity. Passenger trains being derailed (not including explosives) can be catastrophic. Think of it, a couple of terrorists can cause two trains to collide with each other by manually overriding the switches. If that same train was filled with noxious chemicals then entire towns and cities would have to be potentially evacuated (similar to those chemical spills down south and out west in the United States that can contaminate drinking water). Then there is the subway. In 1995, the Tokyo subway system was attacked by a religious cult called Aum Shinrikyo. They used home made sarin nerve gas to flood the subway system with toxic fumes. While not weapons grade, it was enough to kill and maim a good number of people. Similar can happen in New York's subway system as well.

Public events: Stadiums for football, Basket ball, and other sports events are targets. Music halls, plays, movie theaters, and other places where we can expect large number of crowds to see a major attraction are targets. Theme parks and political rallies are also major targets. These all have that one thing in common, large turnout of people, in small crowded spaces which amount to chaos in an attack. Even a few people with a few guns can wreak major havoc as well as no matter where they shoot they are guaranteed to hit someone.

Schools: This one is probably the most feared and with obvious reasons. Schools are where we place our children to learn and be safe while we are away at work. That sense of security is precious to us all, but yet it can easily be violated. We have already seen what a nut job can do to a school up in the State of Connecticut, so what’s to stop a terrorist from doing the same?

Conclusion: There is no such thing as a truly safe place for any of us. All the places we gather are subject to attack. Office buildings are vulnerable as well as that is another significant gathering point for mass numbers of people. Time Square is a tourist trap which attracts massive numbers of people (especially on New Years). So what is all this to you outside of making you want to live in a cave for the rest of your life? Simple, do not let them win. Continue to live your life to the fullest without fear of these terrorist scum. If you see something odd, then tell an authority. If you or a group see something and police cannot get there in time, react like they did when the shoe bomber tried to blow up a plain. Pounce upon the rascal and wrestle them to the ground. Basically, I am telling you to live and to fight to live when necessary. That is my two cents on this issue, and I hope you find this useful.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Issue 304 Soft Targets 1 April 1, 2014

A soft target is a non-military target that is subject to destruction by enemies like terrorists. These are places where large numbers of people gather and their being attacked is used to place fear in a society to make the government or even that society give into the enemy’s demands. However, we are generally safe here in the United States, but what about abroad?

Safe afar: While the United States spends millions on defense of the soft targets like airports, other countries do not have the same type of security. In short, other countries are not as safe as the United States or they may have different definitions of security. Also, their laws are different as well with respect to law and crime. Therefore, you may be subject to terror by terrorists more readily in a country like Pakistan, or India, than say in France. Judicial systems may be more lenient toward terrorists and then there are some governments that use terrorists like special teams to support their causes (like Pakistan's intelligence service and Al Qaeda). So, no, you are not safe outside of the United States.

What you can do: I will not say not to travel. In fact flying is by statistics still the safest form of travel in the world. Also, many countries are wonderful destinations that one can generally feel safe in. So the saying "know before you go" comes into play. Basically do your research. The State Department has warnings on its website about potential threats to travelers ranging from physical violence, to basic diseases. Other websites offer similar advice as well. Also, it is smart to just avoid war torn countries in general as they are unstable for obvious reasons. Know if the country you are visiting is friendly or hostile to your home country so you know whether to go there, or to just avoid saying your nationality. All violence is generally preventable with a few exceptions.

Conclusion: Sure I know you are probably saying that I am not 100% safe either in the United States. And you are right about that. You are also right if you think that security can still be improved in some areas, while revised or reduced in others (speaking of "requirements" for security). But with the disappearance of that Jet liner going from Malaysia to Vietnam, and growing world tensions between Japan and China leaning over a series of islands, or Ukraine and Russia in conflict, it is smart to be a smart traveler. By the way, in other countries it is smart to stay on the crowded main streets over the back allies (unless those crowds are rioting of course). Be safe in all your travels my readers.