Monday, July 7, 2014

Issue 373 Boarder crossing July 7, 2014

Sergeant Tahmooressi has been imprisoned by the Mexican authorities for well over 2 and a half months.  He was imprisoned for missing an exit on the American and Mexican border in which he claimed his guns were in the vehicle when stopped by the police down in Mexico (thus following the law).  The Mexican authorities then for some unknown reason imprisoned the Marine and has since been in fear of his life from the gang elements that run Mexico's jails.  We have no idea when the Sergeant will be released.  Hopefully by the time of this issues publican however this issue will be resolved.  Yet, no matter what, have to show a firmer hand with respect to border crossers, and I'm not talking about illegal migrants.  Allow me to explain.

The other border crossers:  Apparently numerous people accidentally cross the U.S. Mexican border each day.  When caught by the members of the U.S. border patrol, they are simply escorted back over the boarder after about three hours’ worth of paperwork (source: discussion on "Real News" on the Blaze Network which airs at 6 pm each week day).  Sometimes these individuals who have crossed have drug paraphernalia and even guns of their own.  These illegal crossings range from basic civilians to even Mexican military personnel.  Sometimes the line between drug dealer and Mexican police/military is ultra-thin.  So here is my proposal based on what happened to Sergeant Tahmooressi.

Proposal:  When a person crosses the United States and Mexican border illegally and are then caught, any and all drug paraphernalia should be confiscated immediately.  Any weapons that are non-Mexican police/Military with the exception of personnel who are caught with some form of illegal drugs will also be confiscated.  Then and only then will we send them back over the border.  This is to send a message to those corrupt officials in Mexico who, I would guess, want to hurt us, or follow the orders of the cartels.  On top of this I think it is stupid that we don't confiscate the drugs and weapons that they accidentally cross over with in the first place.  I mean, why are we not trying to hurt the cartels financially by taking more from them and taking the guns that result in deaths on both sides of the U.S. Mexican border.

We can also profit a little off of this.  Those drugs being confiscated can be tested for their purity and usability in either legal marijuana or for conversion to medicinal/medical purposes.  Once tested, they can be sold off to the highest bidder to either drug companies, universities doing drug research, or basic distributes that sell medical/recreational marijuana.  This money can then be used to fund the border police in further operations or other purposes they deem permissible via congress or through the State governments to secure the U.S. Mexican border.  The guns on the other hand can also be checked out, this time to see if they were used in a crime.  If used in a crime, they can be used to bring up charges on cartel members in Mexico or here in the United States to put them in jail.  If not used in a crime (or cannot be proven to be used in a crime) the gun can be stripped of its parts and sold as scrap or be sold as a whole to gun enthusiasts or licensed gun dealers for resale. Again, the border patrol gains more money to fund operations in this scenario.  

Conclusion:  So what do you all think of my idea as a reaction to what happened to Sergeant Tahmooressi?  Is this a good idea?  Will it really aid in or striking back at the cartels?  I really do not know, but what I do know is this, it is dumb to just let these illegal crosser's go back with drugs and guns untouched.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Issue 372 4th of July July 4, 2014

Today is America's Independence Day.  

We celebrate our countries birth, the sacrifices made to make it and then hold it together.  

We honor our soldiers who sacrifice for us and those who made this nation great.  

Yes America has gone through sever trials and tribulations, but we always come through and we always seek to correct our mistakes.

Today we celebrate our founding and our principles that made our nation so strong and resilient.

We will continue to grow, stumble and then set ourselves back in the right direction.  

However, we can only do this through the people who call America home.

It is the American people who make up our nation and to whom we owe a debt of gratitude to for our continued perseverance.

So God Bless the people of the United States for you are what makes this country strong.

Happy Fourth of July.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Issue 371 Computerized Education is Feared?! July 3, 2014

Why computer is based learning feared by teachers?  Well it is simple, it revolutionizes teaching so much that it may make a lot of teachers lose their jobs.

Why it's feared:  Computer based education does not require numerous teachers to be trained and employed.  In fact, the smallest number of teachers needed is one.  That is right, one teacher who is really good at presenting information can teach the entire country via computer.  While realities of competition will mean there will be more than one and that children may learn better with one teacher based on teaching method than another, there will be much less need for teachers to even exist.  You see, that same teacher who is teaching a video can end up teaching for 100 years or more without the need to be replaced even after they die.  Let's face it, if a teacher is that good at teaching via computer, then why hire someone else to take their place.  So what happens to all those other teacher's?

The other teachers may never see a classroom. Reason being is that there will be no need.  While the teacher teaching via the computer can sit back after doing one single lecture which will be viewed by millions while they reap the copyright benefits, the other teachers will be relegated to a support role.  They will have two key roles, grading essays and providing one on one sessions for those who have questions on the material.  A teacher will never have to grade a multiple choice test ever again as that can all be done via computer.  They will never have to issue report cards and progress reports, or tell where the student is having trouble as the computer is easily able to pinpoint that.  So when it comes to something a computer cannot do, it means these supporting teachers will be grading essays and other documents written by students.  The other job they will do is be there like a tech support person to answer questions and troubleshoot where a student gets stuck on a part of the material they are studying.  So these one on one trouble shooting sessions will be these teachers niche roll, possibly with a rating system so that even these individuals can be in demand and receive special privileges like their video teacher counterparts.

Unions:  In this future where students learn at their own pace, unions will lose lots of money as there will be very little teachers left to represent, and even then, the teachers they do represent may not need them as they will be contracting directly with parents and students rather than government bodies or private institutions.  Basically, you will have private tutor capable of teaching a million kids at once and be paid for it.  So why would a teacher subject themselves to union dues and rules?  The fact is that they will not.  And as such, the teachers unions and its supporting bodies will cease to exist as we know them.

Conclusion:  The future of education is looking bright for our children and our wallets, but is dismal for the profession of teaching.  This is not a bad thing though as those horrible teachers that give other teachers a bad name will be completely pushed out, and the teachers who are better at grading (being tough on students written work) will be able to focus on that to insure students become better at reading and writing in general through tests.  Also, who knows how much education will evolve in the future once teaching becomes almost exclusive to computer based learning.  The sky is the limit and we may even see a resurgence of a new form of teacher instead of the near extinction of the ones we have now.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Issue 370 Stay at home Representatives July 2, 2014

 It has been debated and discussed since computers and the internet have become so reliable and world changing.  That debate centered on seeing if our representatives can vote via the internet so that they may be closer to us the people they represent.  So what are the arguments for and against?

For:  One of the key reasons that some want their elected Representatives closer to home is because they are typically unreachable.  Many stay in Washington for most of the year and thus the only way for a constituent to reach them is by phone, via a home office staffed by interns and employees who may not forward your message or to spend large sums to go to Washington D.C.  When a Representative is far away they lose touch with the wants and needs of their constituents and are thus more susceptible to special interests.

Right now it is easier for special interest groups like lobbyists and others who want their causes funded or supported by government to manipulate and bribe our elected officials.  It is easy because the Representatives that make law and dictate where money is spent are all concentrated in one place.  Thus, they only need to rent an office to lobby on the cheap.  If Representatives where to vote from home, it would be much less feasible for these special interest groups to meet up and bribe our politicians.  Also, cause they will be at home, we the people will know who outside of the community is meeting up with our Representatives and when.  Thus, it makes it harder to bribe politicians by keeping them in their home districts and keeping them decentralized.

This decentralized approach has another advantage.  It protects our politicians from terrorist attacks.  If a terrorist wants to attack our government, they have only to attack while congress is in session.  But if all the Representatives are voting from home, then there is no centralized target to attack.   

Against:  The biggest fear is hacking or some form of disruption of the voting process.  Voting by proxy of computer has the same issues as voting using a messenger or by mail.  It can either be intercepted or changed, or not arrive in time due to some other form of disruption.  So Meeting in person is much more secure with respect to keeping such corruption from occurring.

Conclusion:  While I am in favor of Representatives being home more often, I am not in favor of computer based voting by our lawmakers.  While voting for a representative is much more easily fixed if the constituents vote via computer, the idea that a law can be easily fixed after it has been corrupted is not.  So I am open to other alternatives that are more secure.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Issue 369 Characteristics of the wise July 1, 2014

What are the key characteristics of the wise?  I think I know what they are.  So let's discuss.

On thought:  When a wise person obtains new information, they listen.  It is the unwise that ignore information or outright dismiss it.  In short, the unwise will choose to remain ignorant.  However, the wise man/woman will say to themselves "I have never thought of it that way before."  The wise man/women seeks knowledge and understanding as they believe that they are right, but know still that they could be wrong on those issues, facts or opinions.  So they open their minds to all information, process it and then see if they come to the same conclusion they had previous, or if their opinion has changed.  Wise people do not regret having the wrong opinion either as they are instead great full that they were able to gather the information to improve upon themselves.

On Intentions:  A wise person can also see through others intentions.  In essence they can perceive the motivations behind what people say and do.  This is something that comes with a wise men/woman's ability to accept and process new information.  If the wise man/woman is incapable of absorbing new information even if it is counter to their own, then they will not have the ability to judge why and how people present certain information and opinion in a specific way.  As such, once a person absorbs information they can then gain the ability to make judgment calls based on how and why people talk and act a certain way.  In fact they may even be able to see why, over time, those other people’s opinions change based on how society itself changes. Interesting right?

Conclusion:  I hope that I am a wise man.  Though I think that I like debate more so I have my doubts.  But I enjoy learning and I know, depending on the subject and how it is presented, you all do too.  So all that knowledge that you accumulate throughout your life, no matter how small, means something.  You, one day, can be wiser and you will be.  It’s just that some people limit themselves which makes it a much slower process.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Issue 368 Backing Money without Gold? June 30, 2014

You have all heard of the arguments to go back to the Gold Standard. But you probably do not know what that actually means or that there is an alternative to the Gold Standard as well.  Let's discuss.

Backing Money:  When they say they want to go back to the Gold Standard, they mean financially backing the currency by giving it an almost one for one value with gold.  The most simplistic way to describe how this works is that a government cannot print more money than the amount of gold in the government’s possession. This keeps the value of the currency from decreasing and thus prevents inflation.  At one point the United States looked at the Silver Standard which would have allowed the United States to print more money to pay its debts (along with people already indebted as more money at less value is much more easily earned to pay off debts in the first place).  As such, the United States does not have to rely solely on the Gold Standard.

Other backers:  Anything that holds value can be used to back money so long as it can be monetized. So this means coal, platinum, uranium, and other valuable items can be used to back the dollar or any currency for that matter.  Interestingly enough, Omar Qaddafi the now dead dictator of Libya wanted to create an international currency for Africa backed by its oil resources.  This meant that if a country wanted to pay back their debts to Libya or any other country using this African currency, they would be forced to possibly pay it back in barrels worth of oil. As such, depending on what you use to back your money, you can control the world economy.  The reason why Gold is typically used is because there is such a limited supply that its value can only go up.  It has been actually said on the show "Americas Book of Secretes" on History Channel that the total amount of Gold in the world is equivalent to a regulation size tennis court and about three stories tall.  Thus you can see why there is a search for alternatives to Gold. 

Conclusion:  We may need an alternative to Gold to get us out of the financial distress our country is in.  So the question is, is it actually worth it?  I think so, as the floating dollar we have now is too unstable for it to survive.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Issue 367 Bug Vaccines!!! June 27, 2014

Did you ever think there would be a day that you want to be bit by a blood sucking mosquito?  Well that day may be coming.  Here is why. (Compliments of Popular Science Magazine).

They are a delivery system:  Scientists have been discussing ways to use mosquitos as a delivery system for vaccinations directly to people with little to no expense.  Right now, vaccines cost a lot of money to not only produce, but to store, and then inject into people.  By using an animal based delivery system, it will allow for cheap effective delivery.  But how does it work.

Varying Methods:  One method is to place a weaker form of the disease into the animal (mosquito) for it to infect a person with so that the body can build up a natural immune response on its own.  Another is to place a bacteria, or special proteins inside the animal which when delivered to the person will have already attached themselves to the disease, but because of these bacteria or proteins it will make it easier for the body to detect and destroy.  Finally, you have retro viruses that boost the immune system, or add another element in the body that will attack the disease for the body, before the body itself reacts and destroys the retrovirus.  All these are feasible with today's technology and expertise.  

Conclusion:  This is a very interesting way to fight off things like malaria, and other pervasive pathogens.  It would be especially effective in Africa to fight off dengue fever and possibly in other countries to fight off polio and other diseases we have eradicated here in the United States.  So are you willing to be bit?