Hunting, a practice that I have yet to partake in save in the form
of fishing (if that counts), has very distinct advantages over traditional
store bought food. It also aids us in everyday life. Read on to
find out how.
Chemical free: Yes that is right, hunting for food means
acquiring game without all the additives and chemicals. So no hormones,
antibiotics or any similar possibly negative chemicals. As such, you have
a more natural and arguably more organic meal.
Empowers women: Women who hunt are supposedly more
confident, and capable of handling stressful situations. They, having a
gun or other hunting tool, gives them the same power as that of a man holding a
gun in effect equalizing them. These women are also more independent as
well. This however, is not based on scientific study, but let the girls
play too.
Learning: Hunting imparts lessons in
patience, discipline and teaches survival skills. The survival skills aid
in everyday life by making the person more self-aware and likely to look into
their environment to seek the tools they need to accomplish whatever task is
put before them. Discipline comes from the fact the hunter must keep cool
and maintain a level head even in the most stressful of situations. And
finally patience comes from the ability to wait for the target to come to them.
So every aspect of hunting in fact becomes a tool to further oneself.
Conclusion: I may not be 100% right in my
assessment. In fact, I expect a few hunters to maybe yell at me for not
getting this all correct or leaving something out. However, despite my
never having gone hunting in the woods, I recognize this activity (survival for
some) as something unique and special.