Why do politicians write memoirs? Does it actually do
anything for them? How does it help them and their own situation?
Well I have gotten a clue, so let us discuss.
Money: The most obvious reason to write a memoir is to get
money. If you are a famous politician in some way, shape or form people
will buy your book to know more about you and why you did the things you did.
As such they will buy your book and thus line your pockets with cash.
Ego: Let's face it, many of these politicians have big
egos thinking that they are the best thing since sliced bread. So they
want to stroke that ego by writing a book to see how much people will spend to
read what they have to say.
Their Say: The final reason is because they
want to have their own say as to what went on and when. Say there is a
scandal, a crisis, or some other big event that occurs while they are holding
office. They want to say how they were involved (on not involved) so as
to boost themselves up or save themselves from looking like fools. It is
their chance to give their biased opinion on their bosses and how they
themselves feel they would have handled a situation differently. These
politicians do not want just anyone saying anything they want about them.
They want people to think in the context that they want on whatever issue
or world event that has occurred. And a memoir is a way to do just that.
Conclusion: So we have money, ego, and their
own take on what happened. Basically you can view a memoir by any
politician as something selfishly written for their own benefit. But that
is not to say that they are not a useful tool for political scientists,
historians or reporters. It gives us insight into the goings on inside
our government and depending on how much a politician is trying to cover their
own ass due to a crisis or a scandal, we can infer answers to questions on the
leadership of even a president. As such, stroke the politician’s ego,
line their pockets and see what they are rambling like idiots about, for we
somehow get something in return. That return is a look into the
psychology of the writer and insight on what we are too far away to see in our