Entertainment is a source of getting away from it all. To
stop thinking about the everyday. Thus we have gladiators. Who are
they you ask? Well, allow me to tell you.
Modern Gladiators: So the modern gladiators are very obvious.
They are:
1) Sports figures: these people who
play football, soccer, and the like are gladiators in their own sense.
They play a sport for glory and prestige, the same way gladiators of old
did. In short, they want to be champions in their team sports.
2) Boxers and martial artists: This
group comes closest to looking like the original gladiators. The only
real difference is that the brutality is put in check by rules, and there in no
3) Video game characters: We play
first person shooters, multiplayer online quests, amongst others. This
allows us to become our characters and gladiators so that we ourselves can be
the heroes.
Why have them: It is all based on entertainment.
And the reason we don't kill them off is because our watching them makes
them rich (or the franchises owners rich). You may even argue that
capitalism saved the gladiator from destruction, and our desire to see our
favorite teams, players and video game characters duke it out over and over
again keep these teams and such playing. We desire entertainment, and
that unto itself is all based on distracting us from the everyday problems we
Conclusion: Gladiators of the modern day fight for
prestige. We watch for entertainment. And in the end money is made
to continue this cycle. Let us face it, our everyday life is full of
pressures, and these fictional and nonfictional people help us get through the
every day.