Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Why I will not vote for Hillery

Yep, another unnumbered.  This time to show that candidates on both sides suck (in my opinion).

Now, as to why I will not vote for Hillary Clinton.  While Trump taps into anger and fear, Hillary does similar with respect to tapping into emotions, but in her case it is about giving hope to people.  But her hope is a false one.  She intends (from my view) to claim that she will help the impoverished and middle class, but will ultimately tax the middle class and higher to "aid them".  But this aid will not actually help the poor, but instead keep them as a voting block to continue to be used by her political party.  Yes, she does intend to raise taxes as well (in the same manner as Trump), so that multi-thousand page tax code grows and thus further increases the divide between the rich and poor (I don't know if that is intentional or not).

She is power hungry as well.  Hillary has stated prior that she would not run for president, but then does so (she is not the first to do this though).  I find this lying to be distasteful on its own, but she set up her campaign while continuing to say this so she can personally try and lay claim to being the first woman President (plenty of more qualified women can replace her, and with integrity to share).  So this power hungry woman who wants her name left in the history books kind of freaks me out.

Final Word:  I cannot see myself voting for her or Trump.  If they are the two nominees, then I will not be voting for either of them as I see them as dangerous and will pervert and ignore the Constitution to suit their own ends. This is my personal view, so all I can say my readers is choose wisely.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Why I will not vote for Trump

Welcome to one of the unnumbered issues, designed to be issues that can sometimes replace regular issues, while meeting the need to talk about issues of immediate importance without the wait.  In this instance we have my opinion on why I will not vote for Donald Trump.

Let's see, the main reason I will not vote for him is how he is attracting people.  He feeds on their anger and fears to gather support.  Now if you know religion, or even Star Wars, then you know that tapping into such dark feelings leads to people allowing horrible things to happen.  Examples being are internment camps in World War I with the Germans, and World War II with both Germans on the east coast and Japanese on the west coast.  In both instances the government confiscated people's valuables and denied people of their rights.  Both were done under Democratic Presidents, President Wilson and President Roosevelt.  However, Trump is a Republican, but he is also a progressive like Wilson and Roosevelt and will say anything to win.  Remember he taps into anger and fear, hence his moratorium on Muslims coming into the country.  But how far will that go?  If he gives in more to people's fears (or simply tries to keep them as supporters by doing so) then there is no law, let alone president to prevent the internment camps from happening again.  He already is vengeful and lashes out at reporters who mock or disagree with him (or just plain challenge him), so he is an angry prideful man himself which makes him weak as a potential president.  Basically he is a ticking time bomb in my opinion.

Final word:  I will continue to review and present information on Trump in future issues, but I will do my utmost to ensure I write them from an objective standpoint.  Please understand, as a libertarian, anyone who seeks power is potentially a dictator waiting to happen, so I am cautious even if I agree with their policies or not (I agree with a select number of Trumps policy ideas).  Anyway, I write this to let you readers know I am concerned about this wannabe commander in chief.  Be cautious my readers, for we will always get the leader we deserve.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Issue 733 America Exceptional December 14, 2015

Why is America exceptional?  It is simple really even if people do not realize it.  Let us begin with the answer to the question.

Why America is Exceptional:  America is exceptional because we seek to correct our mistakes.  We do not want to make the same mistakes ever again.  Our rule under a monarchy was a mistake and we broke free and designed a Constitution to do so.  Slavery was another major mistake and the country was washed in blood during the civil war.  Now we are currently trying to make up for segregation.  As such, a dialogue is continuously trying to be brokered.  However it seems that America is losing that dialogue due to it losing what allows the country to be exceptional.  So what is that component?

The key ingredient:  To remain exceptional we have to keep learning our history.  But this must be done in an objective way without biases to understand the context of why things happened the way they did.  Basically, no opinion, just the facts presented in a clear, concise and understandable way.  We want to achieve what Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. espoused, that we must be judged by the content of our character, and that our progress and how we go forward with our lives is our character. 

Conclusion:  Our schools are no longer just giving objective facts.  We do not learn the whole Constitution or even how it is applied to our everyday lives.  All we know from schooling is that things are bad, that people caused everything and we do not even see their motivations or their motivations are presented in such a way as to blame a single group for the horror and oppression caused.  That is not objective history.  We do not judge people by their character because schools are not equipped to teach students to judge and think for themselves like they were in the past.  Unless this is corrected, we will face the same problems and the same bloodshed again.  Once that occurs, America falls as we will have completely lost whatever has made us as a country exceptional.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Some updates on what is going to happen to the Blog.

I can assure you all that I will continue to write more.  That is a given.  However, I will be making some changes.   The change that I will be doing is that I will cut down my posts to four days a week.  This allows more flexibility for me to potentially write more or do more in depth research into a particular topic, and also to have a little bit more free time between work and my writing here.  So pardon my selfishness.

 Also, even though I will be reducing my postings to four days a week, it does not mean that there will not potentially be a fifth post.  In this case it could be a current event that is happening right at the moment that is worth mentioning or something fun.  These will be unnumbered and could potentially replace a typical numbered "issue" if I feel it is important enough.

 As to my health, I am getting better, but the time away from writing has allowed me to read and think.  It has thus allowed me to try and better integrate private life with work and hobbies which ultimately resulted in this decision which is overall better for my mental health as well (it can be stressful making a deadline even self imposed ones).  I hope this pleases you my readers or at the very least understand why I made these changes.  Again as always thank you for reading, and I look forward to your continued readership.

Quote Sic Semper Tyrannus

Sic Semper Tyrannus means thus unto the tyrants.  The quote was made famous by the John Wilkes Booth when he assassinated President Abraham Lincoln in Ford's theater.  He said this to make a statement as he thought that President Lincoln was a tyrant and that ultimately all tyrants die.   But let us quickly dissect this.  The fact that a tyrant is a person who seeks to control and manipulate others as they have some sort of power over others.  Lincoln did to an extent have power over others, but he gave up his war time powers and then some as he wanted the North and South to reconcile as family rather than the north controlling the lives of the defeated former Confederate States.  So Lincoln was not a tyrant in really any respect as tyrants do not give up power as they continually seek more.  Real tyrants are obviously dictators with secret police like Hitler, Stalin and Mao.  Others such as rapists and abusive husbands can also fall in this category as well.  For you see, they want the power of control, control of others.  However, that control is only gained when we are intimidated and fear them to the point that we are paralyzed and can do nothing against them.  But you only have control over yourself.  That personal control is something that you must hold onto or else you become a slave.  So do not become a slave to others.  Do not submit to tyrants and thus make them powerless.  That is the true way of resisting and ultimately removing a tyrant from power.

Here is one of the unnumbered with more to come usually on fridays if a topic or something of importance does not come up.  Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Issue 732 Cost of food December 10, 2015

Getting away from government and raising some awareness today.  In this case, some info on why food costs can be so high.

Cost of food:  Did you know (this info all come from National Geographic FYI) that in 2010 21% of food at the consumer level went uneaten according to the USDA.  This un-eaten food includes all edible foods, post-harvest, that is available for human consumption, but for whatever reason is not consumed.  So this un-eaten food is the rejected food at harvest because it is deemed ugly, or defective in some way, half eaten pasta at restaurants and even spoiled food like sour milk.  It is kind of wasteful if you consider it.  In fact it is very wasteful according to the numbers.  About 25% of fresh water is used on agriculture, water that we could be drinking.  Over 300 million barrels of oil is lost due to this waste.  It is 2.5% of the energy production in the U.S. that could have been used elsewhere.  Total costs financially is $115 million.  That is a lot of waste and that hurts us and the nation's economy here in the U.S.  But what can we do about it?  Simple, take home and eat your leftovers.  Learn ways to use every part of a butchered animal, fruit or vegetable.  Be able to take leftovers say from turkey dinner and be able to turn them into something else edible so it does not go to waste.  Even learning to turn sour milk into yogurt may help.  Buying produce that looks like some twisted alien will help as well as much of those ugly foods are simply thrown out.  This means less waste as a whole.  

Conclusion:  Food waste could possibly become a bigger and bigger issue.  That fresh water could potentially become very expensive with the fear of a coming food crisis (hence why people advocate eating bugs and the introduction of other exotic foods into the world's diet).  Oil we already know has issues with price and scarcity and wasting money on anything (non-essentials and things that do not make a person's quality of life improve) is a loser's way to poverty if left unchecked.  So maybe it is time we start looking at what we eat and how we eat differently.  Maybe we can "change the world" (sorry could not help myself with that old cliché).

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Issue 731 Fixing Democracy 8 December 9, 2015

In the final edition of the fixing Democracy series (took me long enough) we discuss the final components of fixing our democracy and getting the corruption out.  So let us begin.

Property and Money:  The two final things that form the core of corruption is property and money.  In this case the government being able to take a person's land from them and using it for themselves or (unconstitutionally) giving said property to someone else, and money changing hands to supply subsidies to businesses.  In the case of property as per Amendment five of the United States Constitution, the line "nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation." has been perverted.  For one, everything as a whole in that amendment stipulates that if land is to be taken it must be agreed to by the owner.  However, not only has the government ignored the wills of the owners to take property away, they have even gone beyond public use of that land and given it to private businesses or entities because the government feels that they can make better use of the land over the original owners.  It is for this corrupt reasoning that Thomas Jefferson did not want this as part of the Fifth Amendment.  He knew this corruption and deals (with stadium owners, land developers, etc.) would happen that would take the rights of people away.  As such, the takings clause "only" should be removed from the Fifth Amendment to stop such acts.

As to money (although property had a little to do with money as well), let us take it out of politics.  We all agree on that right?   Well, this means we have to eliminate the patronage of businesses, charities and other organizations outside of foreign and domestic governments.  What does this mean?  It means that only foreign (and domestic) governments would be able to receive money from the federal government and by de facto organizations representing them.  This means no more subsidies to oil companies, or ethanol companies.  No money would go to Planned Parenthood or to charities.  Literally, every organization, businesses, advocacy groups, charities, support groups, you name it, will not be able to legally receive a single penny from the federal government.  As such, lobbyists will have no incentives to lobby as the politicians can no longer line their bosses pockets.  This also means less big money going into elections as well save when a business or group finds that the candidates’ views align with theirs as opposed to the status quo of I help you get in, you owe me attitude.  So we will be taking a whole additional chunk of corruption out of politics by doing this.   All it takes however is a constitutional amendment.

Conclusion:  So both these solutions solve problems.  The bigger problem is getting people's support to get them to be constitutional amendments.  Why do we need people to like these two ideas?  That is because our milk is subsidized, our poor are given money by the federal government, and powerful people with lots of money have a larger amount of influence and access to our politicians.  Sucks doesn't it.  But that has not stopped people before and if we are prepared to practice what we preach, then be prepared for prices to go up in some places and perhaps down in others.  We can get the corruption out, but it takes time, patience and a little sacrifice.