So I was watching the Democratic town hall and here is my
reaction. Bernie Sanders was excellent with respect to his responses.
He knew what he had to say and said it. He addressed a number of
issues which primarily seemed to revolve around his economics principles.
What is key about Sander's though is that his economic and social views
are intertwined. As such, the reason he wants free college is because he
believes people should support each other. That we do not live in a
vacuum and what affects one person affects everyone else. So if a
negative thing happens to a person, it affects their families negatively, their
friends, and then ripples out. Therefore providing healthcare, raising
the minimum wage, free education, etc. all contribute to saving people from
being broken down by the negatives of debt, inadequate health care, and not
being able to afford a higher quality of life. If it was not for the fact
that his solutions scare the heck out of me due to how he would tax us all more
and that our freedom of choice would be limited, then I would probably have
voted for him.
Hillary on the other hand seemed to
meander through some of her answers. Her questions focused mostly on
social issues like the white black divide with "Black Lives Matter",
Social Security reform and women's issues. All her answers though had no
specifics and took on a shotgun approach in their attempts to give a
satisfactory response. I think this was due to two things. The
first is that there is no easy answer to solve these issues and thus trying to
solve issues with white on black crime and bringing up women are almost
impossible to give a quick answer too. It would need something like an
interview to answer. However, the short answers that give no specifics
give Hillary an advantage as she need not be beholden to any specific solution
and that giving a specific answer can be political suicide. Imagine if
she answers with specifics, but the American people or worse "her
backers" for her campaign don't like it. She would be out of the
Final Thought: This was one of the few times I was
able to watch a Democratic town hall, and I was pleased. Bernie shows why
he is popular as he is the outlier that people want because he is completely
away from the establishment and represents what the people in the Democratic Party
want. Hillary could have answered more concisely as she seemed to lose me
at points with how she meandered through each question. Needless to say
she tried and lost none of her supporters to say the least. Overall a
good town hall.