Governor Kasich seems to want to replicate the success he has had
in Ohio with health care, this time nationwide. Basically he wants to get
the whole health industry involved in being concerned about each other's costs
to generate a health system that is incentivized to save money rather than
spend it to profit. In what Kasich calls patient centered primary care,
all insurers work to incentivize doctors and other medical professionals to
treat the patient's issues with preventative medicine practices while reducing
as much of the costs as possible, but equal or greater quality of care by
rewarding them in some way. It seems that this is partially done by what
Kasich calls episode based payments. So while doctors are being rewarded
for preventive medicine, Kasich wants doctors, specialists, medical device
manufacturers and the rest to be rewarded in some way too to incentivize even
more savings and higher quality. This seems to come in the form of
insurances rewarding a higher payout to doctors who save them money for
conducting a procedure or operation in a way that saves the insurance company
money, but is of equal or greater quality that otherwise would have been given
Final Thought: Kasich's logic is that providers of
healthcare in our fee for service model of medicine are incentivized to perform
more services to treat the person who is sick rather than keep them healthy.
While the logic is sound Kasich is talking about a total revolution in
healthcare. However, his wording on his site worries me. While he
does say he wants Obama care repealed as it is an undue burden on businesses
and that it mistakes treatment of symptoms for treating the problem, his
wording indicates he is in favor of another Federal grab to interfere with
healthcare. I don't know, maybe it is just me. I like where he is
going, but I fear the idea of government getting involved more to create this
change in our system. So I personally think Governor Kasich should stay
in Ohio as governor and perfect this model so that it can be replicated by
other States rather than risk this model on the whole country when it seems
that Ohio is still revising and implementing this new form of health care
system (based this opinion on the articles he linked to on his site).