I will state this for the record, Muslims are not evil and Islam
is not a violent religion. However, Islamic terrorists who pervert Islam,
or believe in the ideology of death advocated by a radical version of Jihad are
the enemy. Are they Muslim? Yes they are. Are they
representative of all Muslims? Not at all and they never will be.
Why do I state the obvious above?
Simple, because if I say Radical Islam, or similar I would be bashed
because people are too stupid (my opinion) to realize I am only talking about
the psychos who pervert the Islamic faith. A faith that some of my
closest friends share. But the Islam my friends worship and the Islam
these radical monsters worship is not the same and I cannot stress that enough.
However, political correctness tries to silence people who criticize the
evil Jihadist Muslims because people cannot see the difference in criticizing
the evil Islam and the real one that would not commit such acts as the Boston
Marathon bombing or the recent attack in Orlando Florida. As such
politicians refuse to act to tackle the dismantling of the radical elements of
the Islamic faith that supports ISIS/ISIL. They do not want to be
politically incorrect or feel like they are isolating one of the largest faiths
that exists in the world next to Christianity. Basically they are afraid
to speak or be criticized and fear being called a hate monger which would
tarnish their "careers".
If we could attack this perverted version
of Islam we would be stating that it advocates killing your own family if they
do not agree with the cause. That it wants to enslave women as sex slaves
and advocates other forms of slavery. It wants to kill all who are not
Muslim unless they convert or are enslaved. We should say how these terrorists
want to make their own mothers into tools for men to rape at will. How
their sisters will be married to men 30 to 50 years older than them to be raped
nightly. Or should I mention that the Jihadists kill babies and young
children. That's right, they are baby killers. These Islamic
terrorist, who pervert the real Islam, commit act of mass murder. They
must be trounced.
Final thought: Crush the Islamists who pervert the
real Islam. Defeat their ideology by saying the truth. That they
are monsters who take a religion of peace and use it as a means to recruit mass
murderers. It is time to fight not just with arms and intelligence
gathering, but a campaign of words to say why these monsters are who they are.
Show the world their brutality and then crush them without mercy.