Thursday, March 21, 2013

Issue 38 Common Sense: Against Idiots March 21,2013

Here we will talk about stupid things our government does to mess up people’s lives and how to fix the problem.

1) Stop taxing the incomes of people under the age of 18. Some of our workforce is under the age of 18, but they cannot vote in any election by law. This is taxation without representation and thus is unfair to our young men and women who cannot have a say in government. The solution is simple; don't tax anyone if they are too young to vote. Some of these kids have these jobs to support their family’s income or are getting basic work experience, so why add an extra burden on them or their employer. In fact, if these young adults are not taxed, they may become more in demand by an employer who now does not have to put in the bureaucratic paper work and other difficulties imposed by government for a traditional worker (18 and up). This allows young men and women to get practical work experience and allow them to keep what they earn.

2) Stop taxing Social Security Benefits. Our seniors put into the Social Security and Medicare system through their taxpayer dollars. In effect, by law, Social Security is a form of welfare. So why would the idiots in government tax these benefits when technically it is not even actual income. Basically, I say stop hitting our seniors over the head with more taxes, they put in more than enough into the system.

3) Where will we make up that lost revenue mentioned in #2? It is very easy to make up that lost revenue. For one, why are we giving Social Security Benefits, or even Medicare benefits to senior that are so rich that they don't need Social Security or Medicare? Basically, means test the entire Social Security and Medicare system to prevent those seniors who are rich from raiding the system, but make it so that if they ever fall to poverty they can get Social Security and Medicare benefits. In short, make it a true safety net. However, those rich seniors who fall to poverty, and seniors who are upper middle class, but are still eligible to be in the system have their benefits capped. This will preserve the money in the system.

4) Why do we let people retire with Social Security when they will only end up or stay impoverished? It makes no sense that we allow people to retire at a specific age with respect to our Social Security and Medicare system. Shouldn't they know how much a year they will be getting in benefits and that they will not be allowed to retire till their benefits reach above a certain percentage of the poverty line. I am tired of hearing about seniors having to struggle even when they are getting Social Security benefits. Sure we can subsidize their income through welfare, but Social Security was meant to prevent that. That's why I at least support the means testing of benefits and disallowing retirement until it is affordable for our seniors to do so (note: Paul Ryan's plan does include this, see issue 28 for details).

5) We have so many welfare programs yet different standards upon which people are eligible to receive them. It makes no sense to have different sets of rules and standards for which people can apply to welfare. It is because of these disparate rules that it allows recipients to game the system in the first place. Basically, we need one form from which a single unified welfare office (yes I am advocating the creation of a single new department governing all welfare) can decide who is eligible for what benefits. Need help giving your kid an education, aid because you are a single parent, or just plain out poor, the form will be able to look at all this information and provide the best benefits (and only those benefits) that meet your economic situation. Apply the KISS (Keep it simple Stupid) method to the entire process to prevent that minority of welfare cheats from ripping the tax payers off.

6) Why can welfare recipients get cash back on their benefits cards? At one point I was working at a supermarket and about a full third of the people who were using food stamps got cash back so they could purchase beer, and other junk food that is not supposed to be bought with welfare money. These people cheated the system, and we the tax payers paid for their beer. Likewise this same problem occurs when you hear of welfare recipients getting cash from ATMs before gambling or going into strip clubs. The best solution is to get rid of the cash back feature and that 1/3 may scream about it, but at least the tax payer is no longer being robbed.

7) If you support school choice, why are you making some parents pay twice for their child's education? Has it ever occurred to you that if you are sending your child to a private school, Catholic school, or a charter or even home schooling your kid that you are still paying for the public school you were trying to avoid? Long story short, if your child is enrolled in another school other than a public school, you should not have to pay school taxes. It comes down to use, if you are not using the public school system in your area, you should not have to pay for your child's education twice. This also allows other parents a chance to send their children to a charter or private institution as with them being taxed less, other schools become more affordable. Also, more expensive schools that can better meet the needs of children already using a private or charter gain the option to go there instead. Basically, by giving families a reprieve from school taxes you open up more opportunities to children. It really is school choice (note: I will discuss more on school choice in future issues).

Conclusion Government does some silly things that are either unfair or are just plain out stupid. Can we just stop the stupidity and fix the problem already.

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