Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Issue 52 Let them Gamble April 10, 2013

Yes that is correct, I say let anyone and everyone gamble unhindered. I speak out to you all as a libertarian who believes in the freedom of choice, and in this case about gambling.

We should not be arrested for betting: In some parts of the United States gambling is 100% illegal. And thus, people are subject to police raids. These raids are entirely uncalled for as most of the time the gamblers are just friends getting together for a game. Is it so wrong to gamble amongst friends?

The Cheats: I do understand that in some instances Gambling in the basement of ones home or in the back room of a basement can become a decent business. Also, I understand that the draw of money can cause some owners of these unlicensed gambling halls to rig their gaming systems. But, that is when we actually should be calling the cops to check the legitimacy of those claims as, then and only then that would be theft. We should not make common people criminals over a non criminal act such as running a small business. Sure, there are issues with taxation, but maybe it's time to start rethinking a tax system that punishes people for trying to make a living. Maybe we are just doing too much harm.

It's not income: Well the winning of the gambler is not real income. The gambling house, when people loose and buy stuff, that is income. However, gambling is un-earned money and thus should not be taxed. Government has become very greedy as they try to balance their books and has looked to take from every profitable person and business. So who do they turn to first, the businesses that they deem disreputable like gambling? People spending money to gamble is something adults should be allowed to do unhindered. It is their money and they should be able to spend it how they please, even if that is to risk said money to gain some more. The lotto is also a form of gambling, but people’s lucky win should not be punished by stealing most of it via taxation. It makes no sense for me.

The Fear: The main fear is that people will become addicted to gambling. This small segment of the population who would shall be cared for regardless, but it is not enough to hold back an entire population from their freedoms. People think that by limiting how often people gamble and where they can gamble will solve the problem. Well it never has, and it never will. The addicted gambler will always be an addicted gambler. We can help them after the fact, but it is useless to try and stop them. Society itself punishes the act, by descending into poverty, and their family leaving them. It becomes our duty as people to help them, but limiting and suppressing the freedom of association, to make a better life; to take a chance will not ever solve the problem.

In the United States, Internet gambling is illegal because it is felt that the gambling addicts will destroy themselves. Though, these victims are used as an excuse to protect the established gambling halls like in Nevada and New Jersey. It is corrupt capitalism that prevents private individuals from being able to have a game of chance, while fearing the cops. Can we stop making people victims of our own naïveté? I do not gamble, but I am not someone who is going to shut a good business down that provides jobs to people. I just want to stop making people into criminals. So let them gamble if they choose.

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