Friday, January 17, 2014

Issue 252 Helping Africa part 2 January 17, 2014

We discussed yesterday on what changes can be done to change how we give charity to the people of Africa. But today we are looking at the African governments themselves and what needs to be done to improve Africa so that it no longer needs to rely on any countries for aid.

Step 1: Create a true economic union. Yes, creating a union of all the African economies will aid in helping the African people. This means a unified currency (or currencies) with a stable value is essential to giving the people of the African continent buying power. Also, basic trade rules that are simple and easy to understand work to protect and ease trade between different countries in Africa. Basically, the African continent needs a unified banking and trade system with stable currencies and a form of free trade for goods, services, capitol (businesses) and labor (people). Once accomplished, a business once inside of the African continent can sell to anyone in any part of Africa. Also, if this is done, people can move from one country to another unhindered on the African Continent to find both work and to get away from conflict. Overall, a union of this type if applied correctly will help the people of Africa greatly with Africa having an advantage over its European Union neighbors in seeing where the EU went wrong and thus not making the same mistakes.

Step 2: Infrastructure is crucial to the future of business. As such, the continued expansion of the cell phone networks and internet will further Africa towards a better future. What’s more, the African continent needs better road networks alone the lines of the United States' interstate highways and rail networks. This would improve logistics with respect to the shipping of goods and the movement of people in the African continent. Not to mention, an advanced infrastructure attracts businesses from other countries to an area which of course means more jobs.

Who is to accomplish this: The ones who should do this is the African Union (AU) which is similar to the EU, but is made up of the member States of Africa. They would need to empower this intergovernmental body with enough money and authority to accomplish these tasks. By giving this responsibility to this multi-governmental body it also ensures that all of the countries in Africa are represented along with all their interests. Thus, by the AU doing the job, it prevents centralization of power and thus avoids conflict between Africa's diverse countries.

Conclusion: These are very basic things that must be accomplished for the overall success of the continent of Africa. I only assign the job to the AU because it is less likely to be corrupted by external governments and there interests (China, U.S., EU, Russia etc.). While none of this will stop the ideological and territorial conflicts still going on, it will allow for people to escape poverty and thus escape from ideologies attempting to recruit the ignorant and impoverished. So in essence, we solve poverty while denying terrorists and other violent groups a recruitment base at the exact same time. What is not to like about helping Africa. Long story short, this is what I feel is needed to help Africa in both the short and long term, but this is by no means a cure all. It is simply my opinion on what could and maybe should be done as a means to an end. That end being a prosperous Africa.

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