Monday, July 11, 2016

On the Cops and Shootings

This is entirely my opinion and mine alone as a reaction to the violence going on between Black Americans and Police.  

I am watching the news and all I am seeing right now is misunderstanding, hate and anger.  If the cops in question are guilty, then let the system work. We must have faith in a jury, people chosen for their neutrality to judge innocence or guilt based on facts and arguments.  Yes, I know historically Black Americans did not get fair trials and likewise evil men got away with murder of black Americans.  I know my history, but we live in a different America where whites and blacks serve on the same jury and a consensus has to be reached.  In other words whites and blacks on a jury have to be unanimous for such trails in judging innocence or guilt.  So why are we not relying on the jury to decide?  Why are people commuting acts of violence against cops who had nothing to do with the indecent in question?  Those officers should not have been murdered in Dallas Texas or other places in the country.  We are not in a race war, but if we continue down this path then we may just end up in one.  

The media is not helping at all in disarming this violence.  All they show is an indecent without adding context.  As such all we see on the media is a black man being killed without knowing the circumstances.  Is not the media supposed to help report what goes on and provide all the facts they know as the first recorders of history?  I think they are, but all I see is a commentator making up a play by play of a man being shot.

Final Thought:  I think Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would be crying.  I think he would be asking where is the love for each other that overcomes violence and hate.  But no, we stab each other in the back because of a perception that people are out to get Black Americans, when I don't think they are.  I think the officers are scared because a country is turning on them which makes them jumpy.  I think they are victims too of laws that force police into confrontation with people who commit what are known as victimless crimes which in my opinion should not be crimes at all.  Our country is in pain and we must try to remember what we learned from Jesus and reiterated through Dr. King, to solve hate with love, to solve injustice with justice.

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