Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Can Organizations Become independent like Countries?

So can they?  Can an organization like a business or a charity become independent like a country?  In the past this was not the case, but now given the resources and power people have it is.  Allow me to explain.

So in the past sovereignty and power were concentrated in physical property and thus, whoever controlled that physical wealth controlled all who lived on it.  However with time and technology this changed.  Property and wealth stopped being 100% physical and thus a king’s army or a countries military could no longer enforce their control via force.  The internet was the final death toll for countries consolidation of power.  Now disparate people can use the internet to generate wealth and power without need for permissions from a government.  The reason for this is that with the internet we merely have to pay for access and the rest comes free.  So a business need not need a store front, or a license to sell anymore.  Basically the internet created intangible property that is almost impossible to control or govern.  From their it was only a matter of time before things shifted and people began banding together via businesses, ideas, ideologies and religions into cohesive groups via this boarder less world created via IT.  But even then it was not complete until terrorists actually showed us the way, the Internet’s darker half.  They used the net to recruit, plan and act all in accordance to their own will and identity.  Now while we try to shut them down, people looked at how they organized and began to mimic it, but instead for the betterment of man.  As such, peaceful people can organize peaceful religions into online communities that span boarders.  The people who govern the internet itself are not governments anymore either, but instead various groups who meet and discuss how to maintain, enhance and preserve the internet and what it gives us.  Governments cannot readily control all these private groups because they are IT developers, businesses, entrepreneurs and more that span across multiple countries.  As such a single country cannot control all these groups to exert their influence.  They cannot go in and arrest them all if literally thousands of groups the world over based in over 50 plus different countries are all working together to overcome a single country that seeks to become a tyrant.  Not only that, there will always be a replacement.  As such, if a country is a Dragon hording treasure, the people who live, work and protect the internet are snakes who can never be slayed all at once and will always breed another to take their place.

Final Thought:  Essentially the internet created so many communities of people that they can amass equal or greater resources than that of a single country or even multiple countries as they can collect all the information and wealth they have in a single or multiple places making them practicably invincible.  These groups can function in any way they choose by mimicking a government itself or just dedicating themselves to a single task all the while coordinating themselves almost seamlessly.  They are a future where boarders do not exist and everyone can be a king of their own country.

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