Friday, March 29, 2013

Issue 44 Get Out of the U.N. March 29,2013

How best to describe the United Nations, Hmmmm. Once an icon designed to foster peace between nations, a failed corrupt organization, or a festive hive of scum and villainy. I think I will select the last one.

Corruption: The U.N. takes the money of nations to support its work, but not all of that money makes it to the desired destination. In fact, much of the money in the U.N. is used to prop up dictatorships which out number the members that are democracies. U.N. soldiers gathered from other nations form rape gangs while deployed. Food the U.N. gives out never reaches their intended recipients for the local government confiscates them to solidify their power. Money changes hands regularly to get what you want out of fellow nations. The U.N. is not about peace anymore, it is about power and manipulation.

Toothless Tiger: If the U.N. was a real organization dedicated to peace it would be taken more seriously. Nations of the world would try to settle disputes that they could not otherwise settle on their own. But, the U.N. is now about manipulation. Take the treaty of the seas that the U.N. is purporting. Designed to prevent disputes on mining and harvesting other natural resources at sea, it is now being used by China to take territory in Japan and Vietnam (the latter being one of their own allies). How about the International Criminal Court? It can be used to prosecute former world leaders for war crimes the moment they step out of power. This goes for all world leaders, and of course the standards are arbitrary and thus any leader of the world can be threatened with prosecution, both good and bad. Allow me to correct the title of this section, Toothless at maintaining peace, an expert in manipulation.

We need something new: What we need is a body that unites people, not nations. The people of a country with an evil dictator are not at fault for the crimes of their leader. We need an organization that promotes cultural exchange in the form of art, literature, athletics, sciences and math, and of course our shared history of the world. It would be and organization that is run exclusively (if aided by government) by democracies and donations from people around the world. It would support archaeological expeditions, under sea and space exploration and act as a single body from which that information is shared. If a person makes a new discovery, it would work with nations around the globe so that a proper patient is filed and recognized in all countries. It would take groups similar to the Peace Corps and make them an international body dedicated to helping rebuild after disasters, acting as teachers where there are none, and train people in ideas and techniques to improve their very lives. It would have a body established to aid the sick and infirm that resembles if not surpassing doctors without boarders (one of the few non corrupt programs run by the U.N.). But, alas, this is currently idealism.

Conclusion: No nation should be subject to the whims of another nation(s), if said nation(s) are corrupt and run by dictators. A nation should not have to give money to an organization that is now dedicated to manipulation and having brutes getting rich off the backs of the poor. There are so many examples of U.N. corruption that it would take multiple posts just to list them all (especially if you want at least some detail). The U.N., along with other international bodies are now failing. Is it not time to stop feeding the defunct, and corrupt and try something new?


  1. It would be nice if we could gather under the banner of humanity but until we find something else to hate and kill I don't see that happening any time soon.

    1. Obviously I agree with you, but hate is not the only unifier. There are also, common bonds, love, justice, faith and of course a common goal. It will just take the right moment, and or the right people to bring us all together. Thankfully this has become easier through the internet and so we never know when or if we will unite in some common struggle for a common cause.

      Our rapidly globalizing world helps too.

      Thanks for your comments :)
