Thursday, February 13, 2014

Issue 271 Don't tax the military February 13, 2014

We have another set of hero's to stop taxing and with good reason. Here they are.

Sacrifice: Our soldiers fight our wars for us. They are separated from their families for months putting strains on relationships that unfortunately end in divorce. If the money was not so tight, then this strain may at the very least be lessened enough to allow these couples in the military a better chance at staying together. We place our soldiers into battle, and it is our duty to give them support.

Medical: Due to the unnatural nature of murdering another individual, our soldiers who defend themselves and our nation suffer from stress and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). We try to help, but that help is not always enough. As such letting them keep more of their money would benefit them greatly. Also, let us not forget that some return from combat with missing limbs and deformities. By letting them and their families keep a little more of their income; it allows them to have more economic options when soldier’s benefits and charity are just not enough.

Low pay: Many of the grunts (our basic soldiers) have low pay. Many can survive on their own, but add a family into that equation and it becomes a struggle. Letting them keep more money aids them in having less strain on their marriages and their daily lives once home.

Conclusion: We really do not need a long explanation as to why these men and women in uniform should not be taxed by the federal, State or local governments directly. They deserve more than what we can give. Give them one less thing to worry about by not taxing them anymore for life.

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