Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Issue 274 Separatists February 18, 2014

What is a separatist? Why do they want to separate? Let’s answer these questions.

Separatist: A separatist is a person who wishes to have their region of land separated from a particular governments influence. So this can mean wanting to have your province gain self rule or to separate from a country completely and become an independent State. Examples of this are how some people of Long Island (consisting of a number of counties) of New York State want to become an independent State. In short they want to be the 51st State while separating from the rest of New York on account of taxes and their values not being represented. Other separatists exist in countries like Belgium where one part is deeply influenced by their French neighbors while the other is influenced by their German neighbors. This has caused cultural divisions which have some in that country thinking it should be split in two. So this is a separatist, a person who wants independence or self rule from another governing body.

Reasons to separate: The reasons really do vary. Long Island wants to separate due to taxation in a similar manner as the original 13 colonies did when they separated from British control in the American Revolution. In Belgium it is a cultural rift. Parts of California and Oregon States want to become their own country as they feel ignored by their State governments due to population size and geographical differences. Similarly, there are parts of States that are literally dead zones to interstate traffic and are thus ignored by State governments. Portugal separated from Spain based on Language and cultural identities that gained enough support to warrant their own independent country. So basically, it comes down to culture, representation and money.

Success rate: From all that I have read, the success rate for separation is very low. Typically war ends up breaking out (see America’s civil war) and the group trying to become independent usually looses. Long Island (where I live in New York) will never be free of New York unless the State legislature lets us go (which is not happening any time soon as we provide allot of money in taxes to the State capital). Quite frankly you have a better success rate in trying to transform your government by changing things from within.

Conclusion: People in America are made fun of for being a separatist. But in truth they are separatists because of their pride as a member of a community. It is also a warning sign that indicates that the country may be going in the wrong direction if their is enough people saying I want to leave. So these people should not be ignored or ridiculed, but listened too to find out what exactly they feel is wrong in the country. Separatists are a warning sign of the possibility of bad things to come. Embrace them to understand them or face the possible consequences

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