Monday, March 10, 2014

Issue 288 Minimum wage lie! March 10, 2014

There is a piece of information that many do not know about the minimum wage. It is cruel and it is racist fact that cannot be denied.

It's racism: The minimum wage was not designed to help the poor at all. In fact it was designed to do the exact opposite, to create poverty. Developed by people whose ideologies reside in Marxist thought and furthered by the Socialist and Fascist groups of the time period (the progressives), it was meant to force the undesirable elements out of the country by putting them in poverty. That is right, the minimum wage was enacted by the United States government to make more people jobless so that only the "desirable" elements of society could find work while the undesirables where forced to look elsewhere in other countries. This is the truth about the minimum wage. But how is it all accomplished through the minimum wage?

How it works: To accomplish the goal of removing the undesirables the minimum wage was instated to give everyone a base pay required by law. So no matter which job you worked, the starting salary would be what ever dollar amount the minimum wage is set to or greater. Innocent enough, but also sinister. The reason being is that it prevented businesses from expanding which would have resulted in more jobs. Every employee is a cost to the employer, as such employers hire the maximum number of people they can to accomplish their goals for their business without going over and putting the business at risk of failing. Setting the minimum wage costs the business money which in turn prevented the business from hiring more or else the business would not be able to function financially. Remember, the amount of money a business makes is not how much it takes in, but how much it keeps after expenses. As such, many small businesses who make up approximately 70% of the job producers in America today struggle to hire people as they have their finances squeezed the most by any cost increases, taxes and any other expenditure for that matter. As such the overall result is more unemployed people.

It did not turn out as expected: While the net result is that there is unemployment partly due to the minimum wage, the racist intentions backfired. Businesses hired low skill labor who did not require larger salaries to work (many of them being those undesirables). Also, the undesirables that the racists in America sought to remove ended up with jobs or stayed via welfare and charitable support. Overall, the minimum wage has instead stagnated people’s salaries and created a class of citizens made up of those racists' "desirables" and "undesirables" who are dependant on others for support.

Conclusion: The minimum wage is in fact a curse on our society. It has left us stagnant and has harmed the worker and business alike. But what is the alternative? Is there a way out of this mess? There is one possible solution. That solution requires two key factors, one, that the Federal government raises the value of the American dollar which in turn allows people to buy more with less money, and two, for people to negotiate with businesses to receive a smaller salary if they so choose. While the first part of the solution sounds reasonable, the second sounds nuts. But, there are people who are willing to be paid less if it meant getting a job and being able to afford to live in their desired community. If we can tolerate this action, as I expect people will reject it out of fear of being undercut for a job by someone who is willing to be paid less, then we might have a chance at increasing employment and fixing a percentage of the poverty/welfare dependence problem.


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