Monday, March 24, 2014

Issue 298 Why invest in technology March 24, 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen, technology is taking over. It is only a matter of time before the rise of the machine takes away many jobs of the past. But why?

The cause: Government has been one of the main culprits of causing the decline of the traditional worker. Mandates of health care, taxation in many forms and regulations have all compounded to make hiring new workers very difficult for businesses to do. As such, businesses reacted by reducing personnel hours and even investing in alternate methods of serving people that do not require people.

Then there is the tech industry. Ever looking toward the future, these inventors, tech moguls and more look to improve life by making either more convenient, solving key niche problems or just trying to be innovative in the market place. Thus, tech companies are driving the other half of the push toward a technology oriented and high skilled job future.

Reactions: Due to the government interference with regulations and other burdens, companies have been exchanging people with self checkout machines. Others have replaced workers in the dull, dirty and dangerous jobs with automation and robots. This is why you see robots mining in some places, robots welding car parts together and a single operator able to control an entire factory floor from the safety of a clean noise free office. This is only going to expand as now companies are looking at robots that assist people in their daily lives as a form of assistant. Some have been envisioned as aiding workers in lifting crates and depositing them where needed, helping assist in the operating rooms or acting as repositories of information so that the human can focus on the intuitive aspects of the task over the mundane parts. What the future holds is not stopping as even taxis and later commercial motor vehicles begin to be automated. It is a hard future to see, but it is clear, mankind is getting a future where they interact more with a machine rather than another human.

Conclusion: Based on these pieces of information I have acquired from the news (Economist, Blaze, NY Times, Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, Science Channel, etc) it is important to invest in technology. By doing so you can get rich on this growing and very broad field of business that is sure to change the way we live and how we look at the world.

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