Thursday, February 12, 2015

Issue 526 Life long prisons February 12, 2015

So what if we could house prisoners cheaply.  There may actually be a solution to that.  So here is the idea.

The idea:  Basically we are using the same concept as a gated community, but in this case to house inmates.  They would be sorted based on their crimes, with rapists and child molesters in a single community and murderers in another (the two crimes that usually deserve or get life imprisonment).  We would still get giant walls, and triple fencing with barbed wire, but inside there would be no guards.  Inside would be a series of tiny living spaces, similar to micro homes for each inmate.  So this eliminates bad roommates.  Yes they would get a kitchen and all the amenities of such a home, but this is by no means a free ride.  

They would be forced to feed and cook for themselves every day.  To feed them, there will be a hydroponics garden which they must use to grow and harvest food on a daily basis. Their own waste would be harvested to supply nutrients for the garden with additional nutrients added by outside means if necessary. Meat will be provided in the form of small animals like rabbits, squirrels, chicken and even high protein bugs.  Basically, cheap fast growing food in both animal and plant forms.  They will be given recipes and equipment to be self-sustaining.  

For education/recreation they will have access to an online reading library and free movies via a restricted access internet connection (equivalent to parental controls).  They will also receive any and all correspondence with family via the internet.  Anyone caught misbehaving will have the internet shut down or electricity as the entire complex will run on a smart electrical grid powered by solar panels and wind turbines with only additional power coming from outside when those sources are not enough.  Also, there will be a community room with gym equipment, and basketball, tennis and other sport functions.  

Any excess food grown can be given up by said prisoners to a repository so it can be sold to people to support the cost of running this type of prison. Small factory based facilities, or IT jobs will be made available for them to learn and do as well. In exchange, the prisoners then can get special privileges for performing such work/tasks (privileges are as yet to be determined, but special foods like steak, or hard to get items like cigarettes seem the best candidates)

Guards will be posted around said community and have barracks.  They will live and work at the gated prison in shifts of a month at a time.  Their primary duty is to monitor prisoners via cameras and microphones, and prevent escape.  Otherwise they do not interact with the prisoners at all.

Conclusion: This is obviously a concept from which prisoners take care of themselves in a self-sustaining community so as to reduce costs while teaching skills the prisoners need to get by in life if for some reason they get out of jail.  Obviously men and women will be housed separately and great care will be used to insure only appropriate cases go to one of these facilities.  The idea of course is still being developed by yours truly and I have no way to stop these people from murdering each other if they so desire, though the goal should be to create a form of dependency on each other to prevent that.  Also, to prevent anarchy, suitable losses of privileges would/should work to incentivize good behavior (loss of meat privileges, cutting off electricity to the dwelling etc.).  So will it work, who knows, but at least in this idea we would not pay for these people anymore with them doing all the internal upkeep and taking care of themselves and us just paying for the guards.

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