Thursday, July 9, 2015

Issue 630 Does the Constitution Protect Us?! July 9, 2015

Well the obvious answer is yes, but there is conditions that makes sure that it does.  Do you know these conditions?  Well, you will now.

The Conditions:

1)  Know it:  This means that you actually have to read the Constitution.  If you do not know what it says then how do you know when and where you are protected.  This is an essential first step.

2) Understand it:  This means you got to know what it is your reading.  As such, when there are exceptions if any.  The history behind each clause and how it is still applicable today.  By doing so you can make sure that you are secure from illegal harm by the government.  For example, the U.S. Constitution says in the 4th Amendment:

 "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

It means that your cellphone texts and emails are also protected as that is part of the papers and effects protections.  As such they cannot look at them without either your permission or a warrant.

3) Accept its Consequences:  Our Constitution makes no distinctions on what rights are protected.  As such, hate speech, and stupid speech are both protected by the 1st Amendment.  Likewise, churches that we disagree with like the Westboro Baptist Church are protected despite them preaching hate.  These are the consequences that burden us, but must be accepted for if we can silence one person by law, then all can be silenced.

4) Enforce it:  Enforcement means living life through its lens.  So if you know the government is doing something that is illegal constitutionally, then you must speak out or else the government may get away with it.

Conclusion:  If these steps are followed, then we will be protected by a simple paper document.  For you see, words on paper means nothing without the knowledge, and the wisdom to know, understand, accept and enforce them.

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