Friday, July 10, 2015

Issue 631 Property rights under big government July 10, 2015

In the United States people are allowed to own their own property (for now at least).  But what would it look like if the government owned the land?  Read on to find out.

Big government control:  To understand what would happen we only need to look to the past.  In Europe under Kings and Queens, or even in communist societies, the government owned all the land and its resources.  Kings and Queens would give the land away to those that curried their favor, but if they displeased the king and queen, the land could be taken back at any time.  Under communist rule, land was equally distributed to an extent with those who played the system being able to get more land than the common person.

Today it would be the same thing.  Government would own the land and then distribute it in a way they saw fit.  However, if you fell out of favor with the government or you were just in the way, they could and would take the land back to accomplish whatever their goals are.  Understand that government is not benevolent, and that everything comes with a cost.  In this case, you cannot speak out against the government, or act against their interests or else they will make you homeless. Basically they can suppress your rights by threatening to take all your property away.

Conclusion:  Property is a right that is given to us under the Constitution under the 4th Amendment and 5th Amendment.  The U.S. Constitution even makes it so that Congress can punish certain crimes like piracy which is typically a crime against property.  So the U.S. is unique.  But, people with respect to ideas and good intentions gone bad are not.  Slowly but surely we are reinterpreting our constitution which results in things like Kilo Vs. New London where people's property was taken and given to someone else because government thought the new property owner would improve the land (which they did not do).   As such, be cautious and remember the abuses that can result if the government should gain full control over property.

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