Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Trump Clinches it.

 Donald Trump is the presumptive nominee for the Republicans in 2016s presidential election.  This is due to Ted Cruz officially leaving the campaign trail for good.   John Kasich is still in, but it is nearly impossible for him to win.

But why did Cruz drop out?  Was it because he lost Indiana's Republican primary to Trump?  I don't think that is it on its own.  For one, Cruz now looks like a political insider rather than an outsider like Trump.  While Cruz's voting record supports his outsider credentials, Trump's "attacks" and the non-aggression pact between Cruz and Kasich made Cruz look like another insider politician who would say anything to win.  On top of this, Cruz potentially was thinking ahead to the Republican National Convention.  If Cruz won with a smaller popular votes due to the delegates voting him in over Trump it would make Cruz look even more like an insider.  Also, Trump supporters could potentially riot, voters would feel disenfranchised and not vote, and even worse Trump could run third party and cause both him and Cruz to lose to Hillary.  All this was probably going through Cruz's head and thus with it now impossible for him to win the nomination without going to the convention Cruz chose to drop out.

Conclusion:  I am saddened and annoyed by this news.  I personally wanted Cruz as I was concerned about the Supreme Court nominations and I wanted someone who told the truth and only the truth (from what I know of Cruz he does tell the truth).  Basically I lean conservative despite my libertarian base.  Cruz left with class as he did not want to divide a nation.  So now we are left with Trump, though I personally would rather vote for Donald Duck.  (I not voting for Hillary or Sanders either).

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