Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Issue 101 Over licensed part 2 June 18, 2013

Many of you are already familiar with my previous issue concerning licensing which keeps prices high for general services, plays into crony capitalism, and limits who can get what job and where. But did you know that licensing was only the beginning of the problem. There are other hurdles that most be overcome.

They got you: What if I told you that if you want to teach how to put on costume makeup that you will need a beautician license just to teach, even if it has nothing to do with what you will be teaching. This was briefly gone over in the previous issue, but this is demonstrating how pervasive and corrupt government has become. You need a license from a field that has nothing to do with your occupation, and thus it prevents you from holding that job. In order to get the license you need to spend large amounts of time, effort and money going toward a State institution (usually staffed by those already in the industry) and all for the sake of information that you probably will never use.

It gets worse: Lets say because the same aforementioned person wanting to teach costume makeup really is going to teach what they know. Problem, they cannot teach it with out a teaching license on top of the previous license. Thus, that same person has to go and get licensed in a completely different area and spend even more money going toward the State to be certified by "her peers” even though they are not really her "peers" in the first place as she will not be teaching the same things that the license dictates that she is allowed to teach.

Insult to injury: Now the government decides to get ridiculous. The person in question gets all the licenses that they need to finally be qualified to teach. Problem, she is not allowed to teach without a proper facility. In other words where ever she decides to teach costume makeup it has to be of a certain size, hold a certain number of people, have specific equipment they deem appropriate and so on. These regulations prevent upstarts from ever getting into the field in the first place as they spend enormous amounts of money just to qualify. That cost inhibits there ability to function.

Let’s take another example of government regulations. We have a farmer, and he has a sink that he uses to wash equipment, his hands and the workers use it too. Problem, that one sink is not good enough for the government so he is forced to add another sink just for him and his workers to wash there hands. If he did not install the sink, then the farmer would have been fined and his small business would have been shut down. By the way, the sink was installed right next to the original one. Stupid isn’t it. But why do this you ask? Why the extra sink? Well local, State and Federal personnel need to (or at least feel the need to) justify their continued existence and thus continually make new laws and regulations which nets them money, allows for their expansion and they get rich off of it. This is especially true when lobbyists lobby government, but they lobby the government personnel more because our elected officials have passed off their law making powers to these corruptible unelected idiots.

Conclusion: The system is stacked against everyone. No one is an exception until you reach the top, which in turn makes you join the enemy in corrupting the system further. They who survive the mess of regulations and licenses make it worse because they know that they may not survive if regulations and licenses are reduced or eliminated. So they justify their struggle and grip their position of power with what little strength they have left hoping beyond hope that their efforts will not be in vain. Well I say too bad, so sad. The fact that you struggled and won is admirable but it does not justify making the system worse and pushing down the little guy (a position you yourself once held). So what can we do? Well every single regulation regarding employment must be abolished and then only the essentials for a safe work environment will be put back in. Specific licenses will be given out for only a few select job titles, like doctors and lawyers, but how they achieve those licenses will be changed. They should become undergraduate degrees so as to make it easier to afford the type of job you want rather than waste money on a masters degree that you may never use (as the system is always against you). Finally, the elected officials cannot pass on their law making powers to anyone, if a regulation is to be passed, they must pass it themselves and have it signed into law. This makes the regulators enforces and not victimizers who serve their true masters the lobbyist. So can we clean up this mess of government abuse and crony capitalism? Yes we can, but only if we all stand up and shout the bad guys in government down.

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