Thursday, June 20, 2013

Issue 103 IRS Scandal June 20, 2013

Have you heard about the recent scandal involving the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)? For those who don't know, the IRS is America's tax collector. The scandal consists of the IRS targeting pro-Israel groups, conservative and libertarian groups and individuals who support those causes. This is very disturbing but it demonstrates how the income tax can be used as a weapon against the people.

What we know: The IRS target these groups and individuals with their auditing arm. Individuals were audited simply because they donated to the Republican Party or a pro-Israel group. Conservative and libertarian organizations applying for tax exempt status as a non-profit were asked questions about their donors, how much they get from those donors, how big their facilities were and even their member lists. These kinds of questions are normally not asked when applying for such status in the tax code. Normally it is what your goals are and how do you spend your money. We know for a fact that these groups and individuals were specifically targeted because almost all those who applied with key words in their groups name like "patriot", "liberty" or "tea party" were subject to this unusual form of scrutiny. So some of these groups changed their name to be more neutral or sound more ideologically progressive and they received their tax exempt status in about 3 months, the usual time it takes for such approvals to happen. Not to mention that they did not have to answer the same questions that their fellow groups did. The final nail in the coffin for this breach of trust is that the information was handed off to opposition groups. Those opposition groups then proceeded to harass and target members of these organizations and counter there pro-conservative and libertarian advocacy and support for Mitt Romney in the 2012 election. Donors were also subject to ridicule by opposition news papers and publications harming their reputations. Companies like Gibson guitar were targeted by the IRS for their open support for Republicans, while their competitors escaped such harassment due to the fact that they support the Democrats party.

What we don't know: We don't know how far up the chain of command this goes. It could have been ordered by the President himself or just a rouge staffer high enough in the White House to order such things while allowing the President plausible deniability. Either way, it was done by someone high up in the chain of command. Thankfully all those who are in the IRS who were involved are talking because they were literally thrown under the bus by the administration as scapegoats. So we may find out soon who was the real perpetrator behind this grievous display of abuse.

Conclusion: This behavior is not just indicative to a Democratic White Houses we have famously seen it during the Nixon administration with the Watergate scandal. But, every president has used the tax code in one form or another to put down certain groups who oppose them, and when the tax code could not be used other methods of intimidation followed like wire tapping (another growing scandal where the White House listened in on reporter’s conversations). So political party does not matter here at all for all Presidents are guilty of this in some way or another. The founding fathers of the United States originally did not want an income tax as collecting revenue from each individual would be so costly that the government would break itself trying. But they also new it could be used as a weapon, as it was used by the British government in a similar manner as it is being used in the current scandal, to impose fear and intimidate. Money to the founders was a form of property which could not be seized by the federal government, but now we have the 16th amendment to the Constitution which allows this weapon to be employed on the American public. This type of behavior will not stop if we simply get rid of the IRS (as some have called for), but by getting rid of the 16th amendment to the Constitution. We cannot allow our governments such tools of abuse for all governments no matter how benevolent are corrupt and even more corruptible. So I say let us end this weapon known as the Income tax once and for all.

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