Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Issue 137 Obama Care: Really??? August 7, 2013

I will tell you that I never supported the Affordable Care act, better known as Obama Care. The reason is due to the fact that it was a law that I knew would fail from the outset, and that is disregarding its use of legal force to make the American populace buy health insurance. By the way the use of force to make some one buy a product from any company violates the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution with respect to the freedom of association derived from the peaceable assembly clause. Simple solutions could have been implemented that would have avoided all this mess and corruption that resulted, but I'm not here to discuss those today. I'm here to tell you why else it is a bad law.

Selective enforcement: The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has the discretion to give certain groups and businesses exemptions from specific parts of the law. And they have been giving out a lot of exemptions. Exemptions that have been given out so far are to Unions, big businesses that have the money to lobby the HHS and businesses and groups that supported President Obama. More and more people are trying to get away from as many of the mandates as possible. But here is the real problem beyond this selective enforcement of the law. It punishes small to mid -sized businesses so that they have those extra costs placed on them that hinder their growth to the point where they cannot grow to become big businesses. Let us face it, small businesses don't have the money to provide health care via insurance. There are alternatives popping up here and there (see past issues) but they are not enough to save the majority of these businesses and still act as a hindrance to growth. I am not saying providing health insurance, let alone health care is a bad thing, I am just saying the way it was done and how it is enforced in the law is corrupt, especially when the true goal of politicians should be dropping the costs of health care to the point that insurance is not required.

Constitutionality: As I said prior, this law is unconstitutional based on it violating our right to the freedom of association. That is right, the freedom of association expands to private businesses as well otherwise how are we be able to boycott a business without such a right. The penalties that force people to buy health insurance are also unconstitutional irrespective of the Supreme Court ruling that was handed down. A penalty is not a tax in any way shape or form, but the court ruled against the people in a 5 to 4 decision. However, there is a loophole that can be exploited. The U.S. Constitution lists exactly 4 types of taxation. They are Impost, Expost, excise and income taxes. Impost and Expost have to do with the import and export of goods while excise taxes are taxes on goods and services in general. Income taxes are obvious. So it can now be argued that the Federal government can only tax the American people with these 4 types of taxes exclusively. So as I said, it is another possible out.

They could have just spread the wealth: Obama care is going to cost over 1 trillion dollars. That is a 100 million billion. A very large number. But guess what, if the Federal government collected just 311 billion, they could have made each U.S. citizen a billionaire. As it cost well over a trillion, the U.S. can afford to give every single person on the planet at least 1 billion dollars. Does it make sense that it costs so much to insure and enforce a law that is made to make people buy health insurance, or to provide them with health insurance in the event they cannot afford it. Heck, some Native Americans, Blacks, Latinos, and other ethnic groups claim that the government owes them for what occurred during slavery and for when they were discriminated against. This could become the ultimate form of reparations. But no, we are spending billions to provide health care and enforce a law for an estimated 150 million people (those who can get insurance, and those who cannot afford insurance combined). It does not make sense at all does it?

Conclusion: Obama care is a total flop. It has provisions in it that have nothing to do with health care such as the usual pork barrel projects like shrimp on a treadmill, bridges to no where and studying the sex habits of drunk Chinese prostitutes (don't laugh, the Federal government actually paid for those programs). On top of that, Obama care adds taxes on medical devices, and other parts of the health care industry causing costs to rise. I have seen personally in New York, co-pays alone rise on prescription drugs. Namely Eye drops, Ear drops, and inhalers, along with selective increases in women's birth control medications where one is completely covered for a few months, only for coverage to switch to a different birth control medication later on, and then change again a few months after that. Our health care costs are rising, and that even includes health care premiums like that in California and Maine where cost have risen well over 15% and even broaching 65%. Can you see now why we need to repeal this law, and even some older ones with it to start from scratch?

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