Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Issue 141 Race in America August 13, 2013

Now that the Zimmerman trial is over, and for the most part the race baiters have put down their swords, I feel I can do a little retrospect on the whole issue at hand. That issue is that racism is alive in America, but it is being upheld by its victims more than its former oppressors.

Tragic: If you have been following the trial you will know that George Zimmerman shot and killed Travon Martin. Zimmerman was a member of his neighborhood watch in an area that has been victimized by buglers in the recent months leading up to that night when he would shoot Travon. Travon with his hoodie was walking close to the neighbor hood homes in the area to try to get out of the rain and thus looked like a thief casing houses for later. Zimmerman saw him and followed, all the while calling 911. Zimmerman was not supposed to follow Travon, but report suspicious activity to the police and then move on. The 911 operator told Zimmerman to stop following Travon and move on. Zimmerman as far as we can tell moved on. But then Travon would appear later on to apparently confront Zimmerman. Here is where everything gets hazy. Zimmerman testified that Travon asked him (I paraphrase) "do you have a problem" before attacking Zimmerman. Whether Zimmerman did anything to provoke Travon beyond following him moments before is questionable. At this point, Travon is onto of Zimmerman who wants to go for his cell to call for help. He perceives that Travon sees the gun he has and apparently they both go for it. I think it is possible that Travon thought Zimmerman was reaching for the gun in the first place and went after it in fear of his own life. But Zimmerman got it first and shot Travon once in the chest. There was never any question about whether Zimmerman shot Travon; it was the circumstances in which he did so. Thus, I believe they both thought they where in danger and both instinctively went for the gun to protect themselves with a tragic result. However, the media then taints the entire trial.

The Taint: Instead of waiting for the facts, the media looks at Zimmerman's skin color in comparison to that of Travon's and automatically concludes the shooting is based on race. However, Zimmerman is a white skinned Hispanic, not actually white. This gets the attention of the race baiters and activists who go off and start protests and make Travon a symbol that racism is not over in America complete with pictures of Travon from when he was around 13 or 15 wearing a hoodie. Travon was actually some where closer to 17 or 18. Travon was at the time when he was killed 6 feet tall and muscular. This guy was no weakling and certainly not a kid anymore, but a fully grown man. However, the younger photo stuck and was used to garner out rage, while Travon's photos with guns, when he was high, and with jewelry where ignored. Zimmerman's actual race and his accomplishments as a tooter for disadvantaged kids, along with his friendship to members of the black community was also ignored. What was wanted out of this tragedy was not justice or the truth, but a ratings hike for failing television news outlets. Even the President got involved, saying (paraphrased) "I could have been him" and "If I had a son, he would have looked just like Travon." Last I checked a President is not supposed to get involved with any such incidents due to how it could create an unfair trial. In fact the pressure by these race baiters, and media forced pressure on the local police to arrest Zimmerman and caused the State of Florida to rush to trial before all evidence could be properly collected and analyzed. Who knows what verdict would have come out of the court if these fools looking for money and power did not corrupt the trial. But we know the result, Zimmerman was declared innocent.

Conclusion: The reason why race issues live on in America is because stupid people in the media and race baiters want to keep the lens of race alive. They do not want hero's that preach true and lawful equality, or people who say it is time to work and show our kids the right way to live. A race baiter and the media that supports them want these people in squalor, and subject to things like welfare so as to manipulate them when the need arises. Sure race as an issue will continue to exist, but don't keep people as victims for the rest of their lives, and don't take the death of a young man and turn it into your symbol for another round of blame whitey for all my problems for if you do that, then you are the same as the KKK and the Neo Nazi's who blame blacks and other people for their troubles. Don't be like them, rise above and see things for what they are. And as far as I am concerned, the Zimmerman and Travon case is a tragedy brought about because of fear and misunderstandings. No one deserved to die that night.

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