Friday, August 9, 2013

Issue 139 Is there Global Warming? August 9, 2013

Count me as a skeptic. I am not sure if it is actually real, let alone a proven science. From my perspective based on some climatologist’s testimonies, this is the natural cycle of the planet. Here are the problems I have with this "science."

Climate Gate: This was what first got me thinking that this is a fluke. Two British scientists, the ones responsible for the hockey stick model that apparently "proved" global warming turned out to be to con-artists. Don't get me wrong, they are still professional scientists, but a hacker hacked into their accounts and found out (to the hackers delight) that they made up the entire model that "proved" global warming. They overlapped two separate graphs to create the model. These scientists as it turns out are funded by the British government along with other government entities who wanted proof that global warming existed. How else are you going to keep getting research funds in a science that is not exact?

Polar bears: There is a claim that their numbers are shrinking. It is claimed that because to northern ice cap is melting the polar bear is starving for a lack of means of finding and catching pray. One problem, the polar bear population is actually up and growing. This means there is plenty of food.

Faulty science: Scientist, out side of the ones in the climate gate scandal, have done tests themselves claiming that global warming exists. But their science is not yet complete as they took measurements at specific locations and those locations where not sufficiently measured over the course of time to get an accurate reading of the changes in climate. In other words, more locations need to be monitored and over a longer period of time to get the best and most accurate results.

Global Cooling?: Apparently in the 1940s they feared global cooling, then the 60s, it was global warming, then the 80s it was global cooling again. Now we got global warming once more. Every time, science backed the idea that the planet was warming or cooling. Is it any wonder that they started saying climate change rather than global warming?

Storms: The zealots claim that the horrible hurricanes, tornados and other crazy weather like Hurricane Sandy and its Nor'easter brother Nemo were all caused by climate change. One, the last time weather like Sandy hit New York and the upper eastern sea board was in the 1930s during the global cooling hype. If you talk to scientists like Joe Bastardi who study weather for a living, however that kind of weather is 100% natural when certain weather conditions are met. The tornado's, the hurricanes and the rest of that wicked weather happen in a sequence with the natural cycle of the planets weather cycle.

Final Nail: For me the last piece of evidence was when the spokesman for the climate change movement (former Vice President of the United States Al Gore) bought a beach house. Not just any beach house, but one in the so called 200 foot flood zone when the water level rises due to glo....excuse me climate change. If your own spokesman is buying a beach house in the same place that is supposed to flood, then a lot of red flags are going to begin to pop up saying something is wrong here.

Conclusion: There is a major lesson to be learned here. If the government is paying for proof of something, they will find it, especially if they are funding that research. Let us also not forget, they will not let a good crisis go to waste. Those in the climate change movement are supporting certain politicians and as such parts of the green agenda come through as policy. While I don't mind solar panels, wind farms, and other green technology, don't do it at the expense of people tax dollars. Also, don't lie to people about a problem that has been conjured up. Sure we should keep our planet clean, because no earth, no us. But convince us rationally and for those who aren't convinced, show them how to get rich being green.

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