Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Issue 384 Underground Diners July 22, 2014

Our final alternative is about underground diners and dining.  This elite group of chiefs escape the usual rules, regulations and taxes in their own way.  Here is how they work.

The underground diner:  The concept is simple.  The chief accomplishes their task in one of two ways.  They either go to the home of the individual who has hired them, or they have the clients come to the comfort of their own home.  In some cases, the chiefs will procure their own ingredients, and in others the clients will have to get the ingredients for the meal.  The amount of ingredients is of course based on the number of guests that will be attending what looks on the outside to be a basic dinner party.  From here, the chiefs cook their clients the meal.  Of course the chiefs are paid off the books so as to avoid the taxation by Federal, State and local officials.  In addition, the chief need not worry about typical health code violations due to all the cooking being done in the comfort of home.  Thus, he/she escapes the typical burdens of over regulation.  The government tries to crack down on this citing possible health issues, but in reality, they just want to tax the chief and his/her underground business.  

Conclusion:  This is yet another fun and creative way to bypass the system to embrace your chosen profession.  Yes, there are potential problems, but those same health problems exist in regular restaurants as well.  Also, you know the risks of cooking in your own kitchen, and as far as I know, these underground chiefs take precautions as well for their reputation and business is staked to their cooking.  So I say cook on underground chief, Cook on!!!

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