Monday, July 28, 2014

Issue 388 Health and Nano-machines July 28, 2014

Here I will go over the potential problems with injecting microscopic machines into the human body.  Here we go.

Dependency: In the future our bodies may become dependent on these machines to actively fight diseases.  As such, our immune systems may actually become weaker and make us more susceptible to disease. 

Kidneys:  What is to say that as our kidneys remove the nano-machines from our bodies that they do not scrape and scratch them from the inside of our bodies.  This could result in irreparable damage to the kidneys and force us on dialysis.  

Further damage:  What is also to say that these machines will cause other damage to the rest of the body as well?  These machines can accidentally damage the heart, liver, lungs and other organs.  Imagine the bacteria they are meant to fight is in our lungs.  Now imagine a horde of small robots converging on our lungs to kill the bacteria.  We still do not know how that will affect our lungs as a whole.  The same goes for our heart.  The plaque that builds up in our bodies has pockets of bacteria in them.  If the nano-machines burrow through the plaque, that plaque will flake off and cause a blood clot.  So you can see that there are many problems here.

Differentiating:  As mentioned in the previous article, the machines cannot distinguish between good bacteria or bad.  This also means they cannot tell a bacteria from a regular human cell yet.  So this could be as bad as getting chemo therapy or worse.  As such, we can end up injecting the nano-machines just for them to rip apart our own bodies if we are not careful.  

White blood cells:  Now there is also the issue of white blood cells attacking these machines.  Will these machines defend themselves and thus weaken our immune systems by killing the white blood cells too.  Also, will these machines distract the body’s immune system from the real problem, such as bacteria or a virus?  Again another question to be asked, and hopefully answered.

Conclusion:  These possibilities are not the end to the research that needs to be done.  We must ask these questions so that our miracle cure does not become a curse.  However, if we can solve these issues, we potentially can create a superior fighter against a whole host of diseases.  Good luck scientists, and God's speed.

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