Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Issue 395 Reincarnation and God? August 6, 2014

God is all powerful and all knowing.  Those with faith in God agree on this.  So is it out of the realm of possibility that God can allow for reincarnation?  Let's discuss.

What is reincarnation?:  This is the religious concept that a person who passes away can be reborn again in a new body.  Typically, the individual will not have memories of their past life, but aspects of one's past life can show through, such as a similar personality, body type and possibly personality, talent and physical attributes.  Some places have reincarnation of the individual being reborn for the sake of proving themselves worthy of the next life after failing in the previous one.  In some cases, the reincarnated can be reborn as animals as well, or even spirits.  However, the premise remains the same, you die and are then reborn.

Can God cause someone to be reincarnated?:  Seeing as God is all powerful and mighty, this is a possibility.  God could use reincarnation as a tool to further test his children who have yet to prove themselves worthy, or even sending them back for just a single moment in time to save a person from themselves.  It may even be used as a punishment as well rather than sending someone to hell.  Imagine the worst people in history being reborn as slugs just to be stepped on.  Some faiths don't believe animals have souls, or that at the moment of death the person’s soul is taken from their body.  Now imagine this, what if as the harshest punishment imaginable, that as the one soul is extracted, the soul of an evil person is inserted long enough to experience pain and suffering equal to what they caused on earth.  So going from God being all powerful this is all possible.

Another way to look at it:  Baptism actually has to do with being reborn.  It is not the forgiveness of original sin, but the rebirth of the individual into the Christian faith.  So this cleansing can take the form of reincarnation?  Perhaps, while we cannot know for sure, this definitely implies the possibility.

Conclusion:  Does any of this prove God can reincarnate people or has done so?  No.   However, it is a fun thought exercise to know that God may be capable of sending us somewhere else other than hell.  Enjoy pondering my readers on the question of reincarnation.

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