Thursday, August 14, 2014

Issue 401 Why Tesla never got his free energy. August 14, 2014

It is sad to say, but mans greed is what prevented Tesla's idea of free energy from ever coming true.  Let us discuss.

Free energy:  As you know from the previous article that Tesla coils can send electricity through the air.  It is these same coils that would have generated free electricity to America and eventually the world.  But business had other ideas.  While Westinghouse wanted to embrace Tesla's ideas, J.P. Morgan would eventually get Tesla and shut the idea down.  Reason was due to maneuvering by these giants of industry to one up one another.  So when Tesla placed a light bulb in the ground and it lit up due to his Tesla coil power station, he was asked how do we charge people for its use by Morgan.  Tesla's answer was that you don't.  And that spelt the death knell for free electricity around the globe.

Last laugh:  Today we have an energy crisis.  We need all the options we can get in order to survive in the current century.  Innovation is key to our survival and Tesla's coil may just help us do that.  It still has the ability to give out free energy through the air in the same way as radio waves, that we are bombarded with every day.  All we have to do is build one again.  On top of this, inventors will not let the idea of the Tesla coil go, and have thus continued to improve upon it and even find other uses such as in the realm of photography, music and of course electricity generation.  So we can do it again, we can have free electricity that everyone can enjoy.  Just got to figure a way around the big utility companies and their political supporters in government.

Conclusion:  Yes, we can make Nikola Tesla's dream come true.  It is possible as we are already expanding this free wireless energy concept to power all our home appliances and more. There will be no need to fear a downed tree or power line ever again.  So let us make it happen, the free electricity the world has always dreamed of. 

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