Thursday, August 7, 2014

Issue 396 Crime: politicians punished double? August 7, 2014

Should a politician be punished double for the commitance of a crime?  Some people will be shouting yes!  However, I will say, NO!  Let's discuss the reasons why.

Those in favor of double:  The idea is simple, a politician or other government figure breaks a law, and as such they will pay a harsher punishment.  From this perspective the basic reason for doing a harsher punishment is that a government official who has been elected or appointed to a public office has broken the public trust.  Yes, a sacred trust that the politician or bureaucrat will uphold and protect the law.  That the individual in government will maintain that all are treated fairly under the law and that no one escapes.  Sound reasoning is it not, for a public official who breaks the law spits in the face of the people.

Those in favor of equal:  Well, while the public trust is sacred and extraordinarily important, that is no longer equal treatment under the law.  Basically, by making the political experience double the punishment, you are certifying that they are above the people that they are elected (or appointed) to serve.  Therefore, you make them the first among equals.  Here in the United States, we already have this culture in Washington where they think that they are above those who elect them.  Doing double the punishment will not solve this issue.  The law treats people as equals, it is not supposed to treat people as special, for it is the only place and concept that allows for equality which inherently does not exist in nature.

Conclusion:  So what do you think, are politicians supposed to be our equals, or be treated special?  My personal solution is simple, if you commit a violent crime, then you are barred from serving in all public offices for a set period of time depending on what form that violent crime comes in. In addition, enforce the law by punishing the politicians when they break it.  It should not matter if it is the lowest of the low on the scale of power, or the President him/herself.  All must be punished with equal measure.  So what do you think, can America finally enforce its own stupid laws to punish those who deserve to be?

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