Monday, November 3, 2014

Issue 453 Illegal Immigrants and the Armed Forces November 3, 2014

Welcome to a new week.  Today’s topic is all about whether or not the military should allow illegals to enlist in the armed forces.  So let's get started.

The Military and its non-citizens:  It has been announced (though this is speculation) that the United States will let illegal citizens serve.  So is this a good idea?  Personally I think it is. For one, these individuals wish to serve in the United States armed forces which proves that they wish to be an American citizen (at least this is my take on it).  This builds up the numbers of soldiers who are willing to defend the country and it means illegals who generally may not be able to work due to legal barriers will hence have an income with benefits.  They can also get an education via the military while learning other valuable skills.  What can sweeten the deal is that if a husband or a wife serve, then their spouse and any children will become citizens upon completion of their first tour of duty (basically enlisting for the two to four years in the armed forces).   As a path to citizenship this is great as it eliminates the need to punish illegals financially for entering the country illegally.  Overall, I think it is a great thing.

Conclusion:  As an idea it is great.  It can be used to help so many poor individuals in other countries who wish to come to America, or are already here, but have entered illegally.  However, there is only one concern. Terrorists can infiltrate the military as it is now.  But, if this comes to pass, the terrorists may have an easier time infiltrating.  Or at least if precautions are not taken this can be the case.  I have nothing against someone wanting to serve, no matter their country of origin, or if they committed a victimless crime such as crossing the U.S. border without permission.  So I say let them serve, and show us their pride as someone who wants to be a citizen of the United States.

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