Friday, November 7, 2014

Issue 457 The risk of sending help. November 7, 2014

With even me talking about Ebola, we have to discuss another issue that comes with it.  That issue is the risks posed to us for even sending people over to Africa (or any country for that matter) to fight diseases like Ebola.  Let's get started.

The risk of help:  By sending help over to Africa to fight this disease we are in fact risking further spread of the infection to not only our fellow Americans but to other countries around the globe.  Case in point is the doctors and nurses who have returned to the United States that are infected with Ebola.  They went there, got infected thinking they were safe, and then potentially infected others.  So now that we have sent soldiers and other medical professionals to fight this contagion, we have increased our risks of it spreading even further into the United States.  So even though we are only trying to help, we may also be digging our own graves.

Conclusion:  I am not saying that these people who are infected should not be helped.  I am never going to say that we should not send help either.  But, we must be aware that our desire to help can and already has come at a cost.  So we must be wary of who we send to Africa to fight this disease and other deadly pathogens or else we can become infected ourselves.  So we must be smart, and now that gaps in our disease protocol have been seen adjust to fix them so that we can help these people in need without hurting ourselves.  So good luck and Gods speed to all those who wish to protect and save lives from disease.  

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