Monday, November 17, 2014

Issue 463 Jihadists: the death worshipers November 17, 2014

Today I talk about why I do not see Jihadists as Muslims.  The true Muslims I have met are in no way bent on killing me, and are in fact ultra-nice.  A real Muslim is willing to be friends with me, but a Jihadist will try and kill me as soon as they look at me.  Jihadists to me are not Muslims, but savages who want nothing but death.  Allow me to explain.

My thoughts:  Jihadists believe that if they die they will be rewarded by God (Allah) in heaven with a kind of paradise.  That is how strong their faith is, because they actually believe this to be true.  That they can be rewarded for killing others and dying in the process.  But, God does not reward murderers like those in ISIS/ISIL, or suicide bombers of any kind.  This is because they are breaking God's command of not killing others save when you are defending yourself, others or are at war.  And there are even rules to go along with those three exceptions.  But a Jihadist does not care.  They feel that the murdering of innocents is justified for they see all others that are not of like minds as not human.  And you know what?  This is frightening.  These people have killed men, women and children without warrant and have in some cases turned their own family members into suicide bombers as well.  These people are no longer human when you murder a child, and become monsters when they commit acts of genocide like they are doing now as part of ISIS/ISIL and as components of Al Qaeda.  

Conclusion:  To kill a monster, you must become one, and then slay the monster you created within yourself or be slayed by another monster.  We live in a world where genocide did not disappear, it merely changed faces with a newer monster.  I may be a libertarian who wishes to avoid war and be friendly with others, but there is no negotiation with monsters who rape women, murder children and torture living human beings.  I hate to say it as my nation is war weary, but the time to fight these Jihadists (not Muslims) seems to have come again, for this may be a battle we cannot avoid.

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