Thursday, January 15, 2015

Issue 506 Technology: rewards the skilled January 15, 2015

Well, the gap between rich and poor is only going to increase.  The reason being is that technology rewards skilled labor and reduces those who are unskilled to the poorest class of society.  Allow me to explain.

How the skilled are rewarded:  In a technology driven society, the business climate and technology itself is constantly in flux.  Basically it is adapt or die.  As such, people with skills generally are able to survive in this environment as they can adjust to these fluctuations on the fly.  So skilled people who specialize in computers, using computer programs or repurposing techniques and technologies become the upper middle class and higher.  In addition, people who once worked the dull, the dirty and dangerous jobs are slowly being supplanted by either new methods of doing those jobs, or those jobs becoming outmoded due to technological changes.  Case in point is the robots working an assembly line as opposed to traditional workers.  But this too rewards skilled labor.  Blacksmiths, carpenters and others who make things by hand can know sell their wares at much higher prices due to the fact that what they sell is hand made.  Their skills allow them to create novelties that fetch much higher prices at markets and thus makes them richer as well.  

The Unskilled:  On the other hand we have the unskilled.  Those who are just starting out in the workforce, and without any particular skill set.  These people get assigned menial jobs that pay very little and thus they are relegated to a less fulfilling existence.  As such, these people are the new working poor.  Until they find a skill of some sort or they move up the corporate ladder (something that becomes much harder with the slow decline of middle managers) they will always be on minimum wage.  Hence why skilled labor makes the big money, while the unskilled will not.

Conclusion:  We are in the start of a new industrial revolution that will see the rise of new methods of manufacturing and greater standards of living.  However, it comes at the cost of many people becoming poor first to get there.  So my best advice to you my readers is find something you are skilled at and embrace it while you can, you never know if that skill will save you from obscurity.

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