Friday, January 16, 2015

Issue 507 Jobs for the less skilled January 16, 2015

We talked about skilled labor making the big money while the less skilled of us getting relegated to being the working poor.  But there are jobs out there that the least skilled of us can learn and thus overcome this gap to a degree.  Let us discuss.

Jobs that last forever:  Basically, the unskilled will still have the opportunity to find jobs in the lower end jobs with respect to skills.  Jobs that are often looked down upon, but society thankfully cannot exist without them.  Those jobs include farming, plumbing, auto mechanic and other repair based jobs.  These three job types will last forever.  The reason being is that despite the jobs taking in more technology, the jobs simply become easier, but the human eliminate so far has yet to be seen as replaceable.  You still need the human touch to harvest most crops, and even if grown inside special facilities, the food grown there requires human beings at certain points and times.  Plumbing still as of yet is not idiot proof and thus plumbers still have their jobs.  Also, computers still need fixing along with cars, trucks and other pieces of technology.  Sure mechanics jobs have gotten easier with diagnostic computers to say what is exactly wrong with say a car, but it takes a human being to replace those parts in such a way that they will still work.  So there you have it.  The less skilled jobs that will be unskilled labors salvation.

Conclusion:  Yes I know, these jobs may not be enough to save all the unskilled members of the labor pool.  And no, there are other jobs they can learn that ultimately require even greater skills so that these unskilled members of society can achieve a higher standard of living.  But here I just wanted to make a point.  That point being that despite the future looking so grim for a large group of our society, there is still hope and places where you can advance and thrive in our ever changing world.

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