Monday, March 28, 2016

Hillary Clinton and Taxes

Hillary's tax plan is non-specific to a degree at this point in time.  So I will present some of the details here that I have garnered from her campaign site.  For one, she intends to reform the tax code by ending the carried interest loophole and implementing the "Buffett Rule".   What this means is that Capital Gains (money derived from sources other than labor) taxes will be integrated into our regular income taxes, thus eliminating two different taxes and merge them into one.  This allows the "Buffet Rule" to be put in place which taxes the total income a person makes, from whatever source derived, thereby taxing people on wall street more "effectively".  Key note is that Republican Candidates like Senator Marco Rubio and Senator Ted Cruz will do something similar with their plans.  

Hillary does want to cut taxes in other areas though, such as keeping the $2,500 tax deduction on students, and an additional 15% tax credit on businesses that share profits with their workers on top of wages and wage increases.  She also intends to remove loopholes in corporate taxes that have encouraged businesses to send their money overseas, and provide tax relief to small businesses.  How all this is to be done though is not clear with respect to what constitutes profit sharing and other small details which would shine light on how these ideas would work.

Final Thought:  So, much of what Hillary wants to do is what the Republicans want to do as well, but in different ways.  Republicans like Cruz will create a flat tax, while Republicans like Rubio will adjust the current income tax.  However, the key difference is that Hillary's plan targets people who make more than people who are considered middle class.  Ultimately though, her plan will complicate the tax code more and encourage businesses to find other loopholes or to lobby for new ones.  So the net result is the same problems with the current tax code, but with an us versus them mentality against the more successful in America further integrated into it.

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