Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Hillary's Health care plan

Hillary's plan to take on health care builds upon the Affordable Care act, better known as Obama Care.  Her end goal is universal coverage, but it does not seem to work in the same way as Senator Sander's plan.  Her plan would attempt to make it easier and cheaper for people to purchase health care via the exchanges created by Obama Care.  To do this, she will provide a $5,000 tax credit to families to offset out of pocket premium expenses that are 5% above their income.  She will also enhance other tax credits and make it so that no family pays more than 8.5% of their income on health care for people who buy through the exchanges.  Also, she intends to fix the "family glitch" which would allow families to purchase health care on the exchanges if their employer's plan is too expensive.  Hillary will also look to expand Medicaid further to grant further access to health care for poorer Americans.  She intends to advertise to people to help them enroll more into the Medicaid and Obama care systems already in place to achieve "universal coverage".  She also believes that access to Medicaid should be granted to illegal residents and non-citizens alike.  Additionally, she wants to work with State governors to create a public option where people's health will be taken care of via a single payer system, but on a State by State basis.  Her other goals are to lower deductibles, health insurance premiums and drug costs, but she does not give any details on these subjects.

Final Thought:  It seems Hillary has not given up on the single payer idea, but does not want to lose the advantages of the health insurance industry.  So she seems to want to create a hybrid system.  The single payer systems will be implemented per State, while insurance companies will provide the backbone along with Medicaid to the exchanges.  She may be hoping that this hybrid system will counter the high costs and rationing of the European model that Sanders wants to follow for health care.  I personally do not think this system will work and will end up turning the health insurers into public utilities to implement a version of single payer health care.  But, this is Hillary's plan based on what she has stated in her campaign site.  So take it as you will.

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