Thursday, March 17, 2016

Marco Rubio on Health Care

Marco Rubio also wants to be rid of Obama Care.  That is a theme among the Republican Candidates, but with what?  That is what we are going to find out.  In this case, after Rubio repeals Obama Care, he intends to create a refundable tax credit towards buying health insurance for individuals.  After that he says he will reform health care regulations, create protections for those with pre-existing conditions and basically make the entire system focused on individuals so that people can afford to buy their own health care without the aid of an employer.  For Medicaid, Rubio will provide block grants that allow States to use the money as they wish to provide health for their poorer populations, but without the government mandates.  

For Medicare, Rubio will keep it for current seniors, but people coming in will have options.  In this case Rubio like Carson and Cruz will offer some form of option that allows Medicare recipients to choose from a variety of private health insurance plans and the traditional fee for service system.  Basically, it comes close to Carson's idea but still uses government by having the guys who run Medicare approve of which insurance companies and plans may be offered up to our seniors.  You could argue that this protects our seniors from making a mistake in choosing a bad plan, but it hinders the customizable options that comes with Carson's plan.  However, this is still a market driven approach and could be used to test the waters to see if Medicare could survive an evolution into a system like what Carson and potentially Cruz advocates.

Final Thought:  Well this is Rubio's health plan in a nutshell.  At this point I prefer Carson's due to the freedom it gives patients to choose the plans they want, but I want Cruz's idea to enable people to purchase health care over State lines without limit.  However, like Rubio's tax plan, it is an acceptable alternative.  In fact, if I did not know about Carson's plan, and Cruz's was more specific on details, then I may have been in favor of this plan as opposed to Carson's.  But this is just my opinion, and hopefully this gives you enough information for you my readers to make an informed vote.

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