Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Issue 101 Over licensed part 2 June 18, 2013

Many of you are already familiar with my previous issue concerning licensing which keeps prices high for general services, plays into crony capitalism, and limits who can get what job and where. But did you know that licensing was only the beginning of the problem. There are other hurdles that most be overcome.

They got you: What if I told you that if you want to teach how to put on costume makeup that you will need a beautician license just to teach, even if it has nothing to do with what you will be teaching. This was briefly gone over in the previous issue, but this is demonstrating how pervasive and corrupt government has become. You need a license from a field that has nothing to do with your occupation, and thus it prevents you from holding that job. In order to get the license you need to spend large amounts of time, effort and money going toward a State institution (usually staffed by those already in the industry) and all for the sake of information that you probably will never use.

It gets worse: Lets say because the same aforementioned person wanting to teach costume makeup really is going to teach what they know. Problem, they cannot teach it with out a teaching license on top of the previous license. Thus, that same person has to go and get licensed in a completely different area and spend even more money going toward the State to be certified by "her peers” even though they are not really her "peers" in the first place as she will not be teaching the same things that the license dictates that she is allowed to teach.

Insult to injury: Now the government decides to get ridiculous. The person in question gets all the licenses that they need to finally be qualified to teach. Problem, she is not allowed to teach without a proper facility. In other words where ever she decides to teach costume makeup it has to be of a certain size, hold a certain number of people, have specific equipment they deem appropriate and so on. These regulations prevent upstarts from ever getting into the field in the first place as they spend enormous amounts of money just to qualify. That cost inhibits there ability to function.

Let’s take another example of government regulations. We have a farmer, and he has a sink that he uses to wash equipment, his hands and the workers use it too. Problem, that one sink is not good enough for the government so he is forced to add another sink just for him and his workers to wash there hands. If he did not install the sink, then the farmer would have been fined and his small business would have been shut down. By the way, the sink was installed right next to the original one. Stupid isn’t it. But why do this you ask? Why the extra sink? Well local, State and Federal personnel need to (or at least feel the need to) justify their continued existence and thus continually make new laws and regulations which nets them money, allows for their expansion and they get rich off of it. This is especially true when lobbyists lobby government, but they lobby the government personnel more because our elected officials have passed off their law making powers to these corruptible unelected idiots.

Conclusion: The system is stacked against everyone. No one is an exception until you reach the top, which in turn makes you join the enemy in corrupting the system further. They who survive the mess of regulations and licenses make it worse because they know that they may not survive if regulations and licenses are reduced or eliminated. So they justify their struggle and grip their position of power with what little strength they have left hoping beyond hope that their efforts will not be in vain. Well I say too bad, so sad. The fact that you struggled and won is admirable but it does not justify making the system worse and pushing down the little guy (a position you yourself once held). So what can we do? Well every single regulation regarding employment must be abolished and then only the essentials for a safe work environment will be put back in. Specific licenses will be given out for only a few select job titles, like doctors and lawyers, but how they achieve those licenses will be changed. They should become undergraduate degrees so as to make it easier to afford the type of job you want rather than waste money on a masters degree that you may never use (as the system is always against you). Finally, the elected officials cannot pass on their law making powers to anyone, if a regulation is to be passed, they must pass it themselves and have it signed into law. This makes the regulators enforces and not victimizers who serve their true masters the lobbyist. So can we clean up this mess of government abuse and crony capitalism? Yes we can, but only if we all stand up and shout the bad guys in government down.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Issue 100 It’s A Commitment (voting) June 17, 2013

When you vote, you are carrying out your civic duty to bring about positive change to your life and your country.  However, we must remember that your vote, everyone’s vote carries with it the weight of an entire nation.  The moment you cast your ballot, you hope that the person you are voting for is the right one.  Then what happens next is up to fate.  It is your vote, everyone’s vote that can bring about success or failure to this country.  With this in mind, you the voter not only have to go out and vote, but know who and what you’re voting for.  It is our commitment as citizens to know who the person we are voting for, their motivations, upbringing, associations, and most of all what they stand for and their ability to accomplish their goals while in office.  The very same goals you are voting for them to achieve.

 Question them:  At all times we voters must look at politics and the politicians and scrutinize them.  If a program does not work, or a politician is ineffective, then upon the next election you vote for change.  These elected officials know you’re watching as you are their source of power.  Without your support, they can do nothing to exact change. But, is it the change you voted them in for.  Politicians gear their campaigns to make themselves look good around election season.  The political parties and their organizations act as the funding arm for their chosen political leaders and act as umbrellas to the true nature of the politicians seeking election.  In other words, just because they may have the label of Republican or Democrat does not mean they actually follow the same ideology espoused by the party itself.  But, in most cases, these politicians cannot stray from the party line out of fear of losing support from the party.  Therefore it is very hard to say what that politician will do in office.  Thus it is our commitment to find out who and what the candidates stand for.  So we must look into their background which includes their past commitments, religious motivations, ideology, prejudices, work and political experience, success rate in business and politics, their friends and other relationships and anything else that shapes the person into who they are.  With this background information we can begin to make a chart for ourselves on the best and worst qualities of a candidate.  Then you do the same for the candidate running against them.  From here it is a simple decision, pick the lesser of two evils or abstain from voting.  I personally vote for the lesser of to evils because it sends a message to the party leaders that we voters want more candidates with particular qualities.  A better way of saying it is that if you want a more conservative candidate in the future, vote only for them.  If you want more liberal candidates, vote for more liberals.  If you want a blend of ideologies, such as small government, fiscally conservative, but are pro union and pro stimulus, then you vote for candidates with those qualities. You can’t do that though if you don’t look and find out who the candidates are and what they stand for.  The background information on candidates guides you to figuring out who they are despite the party rhetoric and how capable they are going into office.  It’s tough though.  We voters have to take the time out of our work schedules and family life just to try and scour through the information and even then that might not be enough. 

 Who are they?:  It does get easier to find out about the candidates.  All you have to do is take one to two hours to watch/read the news, or go to the various home pages of those for and against the candidates.  Generally that is more than enough to know who you’re voting for, but you must start as soon as campaign season starts.  The reason is that some important information on the candidates may be presented, but because it has been addressed earlier on, it may become a non-issue later in the campaign.  However, that does not make it a non-issue for you.  So you must make a commitment to pay attention to all the details before they disappear.  Most of all though is you cannot stop looking into the candidates until the day of the election.  Yes it can be hard, but that is why it is a commitment.

 It's not just about people:  You have the same commitment when it comes to voting in a referendum.  A referendum is when the populace is allowed to vote on a government action or law. Basically, we are allowed a form of direct democracy and we thus vote to pass a law, not our representatives.   In this case, we the voters are looking at how the law or action affects us and those we care about.  We must look at both the positive and negative affects the law or action will bring about.  Some of these affects are not straight forward so we voters must analyze any possibility for a negative to occur and is it worth the trade off to pass such legislation.  Also, we voters must avoid being selfish.  We cannot vote simply because one particular group will be affected, such as the rich or businesses.  Nor can we afford to vote based on skin color, religion, or ideology alone.  To vote that way is to skirt your commitment as a voter and you fail your nation by degrading the integrity of the vote in this manner.  Not to mention, voting in any way based on skin color is racist, and voting based on gender or sex is sexist.  Thus, if you do consider such things in making your decision, I kindly ask you not to vote because you are ruining the voting process by voting on something that is irrelevant to who the candidates are as people.  Discrimination based on non-factors like race, ethnicity, sex, gender and even age should not affect your decision to vote.  Vote on capability, and who the person is on the inside where it truly counts.     

 Conclusion:  We voters have a commitment to vote for the individual.  As voters, we must commit ourselves to find out who the candidates are as individuals so as to make an informed vote.  Superficial things like race and sex should not enter our minds when voting for the best candidate.  It takes time, effort and sacrifice to exercise our privilege to vote, a privilege denied to people in some countries. It is our commitment to the success of the nation to be informed voters.  If a person should tell you otherwise, tell them that no matter what, every vote counts.  

Friday, June 14, 2013

Issue 99 Your right to work! June 14, 2013

   When is a union good and when are they bad?  Unions are good when they protect labor and represent workers and employees at the bargaining table.  Not to mention the right to be in a union is an expression of freedom protected under the 1st Amendment of the Constitution, peaceable assembly which allows for the freedom of association.  Unions become, emphasis on become, bad when they represent people who do not wish to be in a union, do things that don’t have anything to do with employment like political campaigns and dealing with an entire industry rather than an employer to employee bases which jeopardizes that industry risking its shutdown.  The result is anti-union sentiments and workers that they are trying to protect loose their job.

 So when is a union good?:  Only when it operates under these three principles, one, association with the union is 100% voluntary.  Two, union activities are limited to collective bargaining.  And finally three, bargaining is confined to the employer and the workers concerned.  It does not span an entire industry, but is the factory worker and the boss of that factory negotiating.

So how do we keep unions within proper bounds?:  The first is to forbid any contracts that make union membership mandatory for employment.  That means union shop agreements must go as under that agreement a union is recognized as a bargainer and the employee is forced to have that union represent them.  This violates the first amendment right of the freedom of association through the peaceable assembly clause.  As a result of this freedom of choice it aids the employee in keeping the union boss responsible to you.  If you feel that the union is no longer representing you, you can switch to another union or abstain from union membership altogether.  In other words the union boss and leadership will fear loosing membership and will do whatever it takes to keep their membership up.

 They must work for you:  Another way to keep unions responsible to their members is to forbid both unions along with corporations from making any kind of financial contribution to political campaigns.  The reason is to protect against union dues going to candidates or causes that go against any of the members’ values, ideology or moral choices.  This though is a bit controversial as it limits the freedom of speech, but is supported by proponents who believe this form of speech is individually based and not collectively based in a union or corporation.  It’s a debate that must be had, though I hope the unions will do this voluntarily or its members force the leadership to do so to protect their union dues from being used in ways that do not fit their values nor protect their fellow members.

 Placing limits:  The final way to keep unions good is to limit collective bargaining to the employer and the employee within a specific business.  An example of this is Ford employees will only negotiate with Fords owner and Chrysler employees will negotiate with Chrysler’s owner.  This is opposed to the current situation where the entire auto industry negotiates with all of their workers, with Ford and the other motor companies on one side while all the motor companies workers on the other.  This universal scale of negotiation is detrimental for the companies involved.  The economic conditions of each company differ so one overlapping deal will financially burden some of these auto companies.  In some cases they can adapt, in others they be forced to fire the very workers that the union was trying to protect.  In the worst case scenario the entire company collapses resulting in union workers loosing their job.  Also, the contracts that are being negotiated at this universal scale become limited because there are so many varying interests that have to be met.  If it was an employer to employee contract negotiation then it would allow for better deals. 

 Direct negotiations:   An even better situation would be if employees negotiated directly with the factory boss rather than the entire company itself.  For example, say Ford motor company has a factory in New York and another factory in Alabama.  Because taxes and the economic conditions in Alabama are less burdensome the Alabama plant is more profitable allowing for a better deal for its workers.  On the other hand the economic conditions and taxes in New York are higher, so a deal that accommodates these harsher working conditions must be made that is mutually beneficial to both factory owner and worker involved.  In other words, a union member can get customized benefits based on living and economic conditions.  With this customized negotiation, factories stay open, maintain profits and the workers get the custom benefits based on the needs of the area they live and work in.  Not to mention it lessons the chance that workers will be fired to keep costs down.  The logic is that not all agreements are good at the national or even State level, so we need customization to get the best deal per employer to employee.

 Conclusion:  Unions by nature are good and are generally responsible by way of union elections.  However, the lack of union member freedom and customization of benefits inhibits them.  It is time unions update themselves for the 21st century with these changes.  It is time to ensure the American peoples right to work.      

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Issue 98 Pay per Performance June 13, 2013

Teaching is an honorable profession with teachers seeking to pass on their knowledge to students to help them get ahead in life.  So wouldn’t you love to give a great teacher more money?  Wouldn’t you love to give the minority bad teachers incentives to improve by giving them less money for their failures?  Well we can if we pay a teacher based on performance.  That’s right, a teachers pay can be based on how well they teach students.  In other words, the more successful a student is in the classroom, the higher the teachers pay.

 Why pay per performance?:  Simple, good teachers need incentives to keep teaching.  Some teach purely on the fact that they love teaching, but if they don’t get enough to live on or they are paid the same as a horrible teacher then why teach there.  They loose any reason to teach at a public school and can go to a charter or a private school where their skills are more highly valued.  Not to mention, if public schools paid based on performance (also known as merit pay) they would be more competitive in acquiring top quality teachers against their private and charter compatriots.  The minority bad teachers on the other hand have incentive to try harder whether they have tenure or not because they will be getting less money and they want the maximum their pay check can offer.

 So how can we measure performance?:  It can be measured through teacher evaluation, very detailed teacher evaluations with strict guidelines so as to prevent the teacher from manipulating student performance to make them look better than they really are.  This manipulation of student grades to alter performance records will be the primary source of corruption within this system.  However, with careful oversight, and I mean real oversight, fraud can be prevented.

 Incentives:  So with the best teachers being paid the maximum and the worst being paid the minimum schools will get better due to teachers being paid exactly what they deserve.  Bad teachers will either get batter or be forced out due to lower pay.  The best teachers will be rewarded and will innovate to try and keep performance high.  There are obstacles however.  One obstacle is union contracts.  While unions unto themselves are good, when they protect workers they can sometimes hurt like in the case of teachers.  Teachers are forbidden from working longer hours in some cases because they may be paid based on the number of hours they work.  The contract tries to keep every ones pay equal and or prevent overwork.  However, it limits the time a teacher can spend with a student out of school.  Therefore the contract is in this case too limiting.  The other obstacle is the opinion that those who work for the government should not be paid based on performance because they are considered public servants or that they should have equal pay to prevent corruption.

 Conclusion:  Quite frankly I do not consider public school teachers a part of government.  Teachers are individuals with a specialty who are hired by the government to perform a service.  Essentially they are private contractors being paid to teach people who cannot afford a private and expensive education.  They are not public servants, but public heroes aiding their students to carve a path for their own future.  Therefore, a great teacher should be paid more because that teacher is successful in educating their students.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Issue 97 Charters, Community Education and Innovation June 12, 2013

 One of the best things to happen to education is Charter Schools.  They receive a minimal amount of money from the parents of students, as they are State supported and are run autonomously by their owners.  Essentially, it takes the affordability of a public school and combines it with the creativity and adaptability of a private school.  These schools live and die through their students.  If they can’t attract enough students, they lose money and may as a result shut down.  This means that if they want a parent to send their child to a charter, the charter school has to innovate and improve upon itself to be worth the cost.  It is meant to appeal to parents who have lost faith in the public education system, but do not have the ability to send their child to a private school.

 Here are the benefits:  For one all students are treated the same with the same high standards.  Another benefit is that teachers in charter schools can work longer hours and more days as opposed to their public school counterparts who are limited by stricter contracts.  One of the best features of charters is that the teacher’s contract has a fire at will clause.  While this may sound terrible to some, it is actually keeping teachers in line as they are hired and fired based on performance.  This also means no seniority and so it does not matter how long a teacher has been teaching if the school is forced to fire someone only the best performers are kept not those who have been there the longest.  The reasoning behind this is would you send your child to a bad doctor, so why send them to a bad teacher.  Quality is measured by standardized tests and performance evaluations to ensure quality and ensure fair and equitable treatment.

Freedom:  Charters allow their teachers to choose and/or develop new methods of teaching which is retained as long as it works, again keeping with being competitive.  Classes are not designed to let kids skim by, students receive homework per subject and gym classes are not about playing games, but actual physical fitness.  Discipline is also innovative in some charters with Saturday schooling, pushups in the hallway or even placing a misbehaving sixth grader sit in front of an eighth grade class in the case of Dr. Ben Chaves’ charter in Oakland California.  Of course expulsion rules and rules on religion remain the same as those in public schools as per State requirements.

 Critics: Two arguments exist against charter schools.  The first is that people feel that charters are stealing students from public schools.  However, this is school choice 101.  This creates smaller classrooms in the public schools which mean more attention to the remaining students.  Also, this means that the money that was going to educate that student in the public school can be reallocated to other areas of the school that need it.  It could also mean a small budget cut as those funds being collected to educate a child no longer in the system are not required anymore, so it could mean a bit of tax relief in education taxes.  The other argument against charter’s, and also against the elimination of tenure, is that rather than create a charter we should improve teachers abilities by training them giving them a second or even a third chance.  People do worry about a teacher’s lively hood if they get fired and want to help prevent that.  However, the question must be asked, whose kids will be sacrificed to bring the subpar teacher back up to par?  Are you going to let your kid be taught by a bad teacher, setting your child back, so that bad teacher can get batter at teaching?  How many bright futures must be sacrificed?  An education system is not about improving bad teachers or protecting the livelihood of a teacher.  It is about the future of Americas children, giving them knowledge that they can use to succeed in life.

 More Innovation:  Other innovations in education due impart to the creation of charter schools have occurred.  One such innovation is active listening where students show they are listening by using various hand gestures to show they understand, have a question or are confused.  It is designed to keep the children engaged while allowing the teacher to better monitor how much their students understand.  Disposable teaching methods have also been created such as songs to help instill the basics of a subject like geography or math.  Another innovation is teachers having earpieces where the principle is at the back of the classroom giving advice and pointing out students who are not engaged allowing the teacher to adapt the lesson on the fly.  Some charters even pay their students to tutor other students which provide a financial incentive for the student to listen and provides backup to teachers for students who need a little more TLC.

The ideas keep coming:    Another innovation, as shown on John Stossel’s show Stupid in America which aired September 17th on Fox news, was Khan Academy.org which provides online tutoring and lectures.  Teachers will assign a lecture which averages 15 minuets to the students for homework or in class where they learn through an interactive program.  The program tracks the progress of each individual student and shows indicators to the teacher where a student is having trouble.  From that point the teacher goes to that student’s aid and once resolved moves to the next student having trouble.  It allows for students to go at their own pace which allow those students who want to, to move ahead while the others can take their time.

            Similar to Khan Academy.org is the concept of individualized education through online schooling such as through the group k12.  Enforced by parents, students enter a virtual classroom with an actual teacher on the other end.  They can actually see each other via web camera.  It allows students to learn at their own pace while the teacher aids them when and where they need help.  It is also flexible as a student will have to go on at specific times, but allows them more time for social activities like sports.  All the while, standardized State exams are used to measure performance.

Alternative ideas:  Ever hear of Community Education Resource Network?  It uses volunteer teachers to teach students at just $30 a month, and if a parent cannot pay, the parents themselves volunteer time to make up the costs.  In general, they use old textbooks to educate students.  Some might be saying old text books, but in truth those old textbooks are not always outdated.  The newer textbooks may just have a format change or politicians ordering the books to be more feminist, or accommodating to a specific ethnic group.  So in no way are the textbooks outdated as they contain all the useful information as their later edition counterparts.

Conclusion: These innovations are all well and good, but are met with resistance.  This resistance sometimes comes from departments of education who will reject charter school applications but are under no obligation in instances to explain the reasoning for the rejection.  It could be something as trivial as a paperwork error.  To solve this monopoly on approving charters and their innovative framework, we should allow universities and private schools to sponsor their own charter schools.  As both universities and private schools already have the proper documentation to teach students a charter can piggy back on that and end the board of educations monopoly on approving the creation of charter schools.  Of course these charters will be given the same resources they need from their sponsors as now their sponsors reputation is on the line.  Who wouldn’t want their child to go to a charter sponsored by Princeton or Harvard?

            Education is going through a revolution that is making it cheaper, more effective and more accessible to everyone.  It is true that the foundation of every State is the education of its youth, but it is also true that failing schools equal failing neighborhoods.  Now with schools competing and resistance to change faltering, the future looks bright for America’s future, the children who replace us. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Issue 96 Vouchers June 11, 2013

            School vouchers are another answer to school choice.  It is a lump sum of money given to parents of children who qualify for the purpose of educating their child.  The money may be used to go toward a charter school, a private school or even a public school to offset the schools cost.  Because the cost is offset by the voucher, it allows for parents a wider variety of options when choosing a school creating school choice.

 Who's in charge?:   Who should implement a voucher program?  The States, like that of New York or Texas, that’s who.  They have a vested interest in the education of students for a good education means a better workforce which means both higher property values and it attracts bigger better businesses.  The Federal government is far too big and clunky, not to mention too far away to implement a proper program.  As such, the Federal government is only capable of a one size fits all program resulting in some people getting money when they don’t really need it or not getting enough.  States can implement a voucher program through the county governments to allow for a more customized approach. This program of course will have to be implemented by the States education board or similar body.

Make it fair:   Vouchers should be distributed based exclusively on income and the costs of the area in which the applicant lives.  This is achieved by means testing at the county level of government to ensure parents get the maximum amount they need as the county governments knows the costs for its citizens to live under its leadership.  The parents who would get the voucher will generally be citizens who meet the poverty line in the county they live in and thus keep voucher distribution fair.

Competition:   Schools that loose students due to parental choice will be forced to compete for students because they want that voucher money too.  Therefore they will try to make themselves more attractive to parents resulting in children getting a better education from public schools who reform to meet the new threat of losing students to other schools.

 Fears:   Vouchers have been criticized because it will cause public schools populations to decrease.  Thus, only the undesirables, the disabled who cannot be accommodated and the poor will be left in the public school.  Fewer students mean more attention by teachers towards the remaining students.  Going from 30 to 25 students in a classroom means a teacher has five less students to worry about.  Smaller class sizes means more attention to students who need it and results in they student getting a better education. 

 The second critic to vouchers is that the school will loose money.  Well yea, with one less student to teach means the money going towards educating that student becomes unnecessary.  So what tax payer would mind a budget cut which reduces the economic burden on parents and the community at large?  This is a tax relief that may even allow more students to be able to go to a private or a charter school.  This is not a bad thing unless you believe that lost money could have been better spent on the other students.  But the problem with that argument is that both private and charter schools both educate their students with less money, usually with equal or better results.  Money has not, nor will it ever be the solution to educations problems.  School choice is.

 Conclusion:  Vouchers look to fund students, not schools.  By funding students, you give the parents options to send their children to better schools.  At the same time, it forces schools who are failing to innovate to get those students back and thus get the money in the voucher.  This means school choice leads to better schools.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Issue 95 Make the Schools Compete June 10,2013

            Is it possible to make public schools compete against themselves?  Yes, it is very possible if done correctly.  I believe it can be done by eliminating school districts and ensuring your tax dollars go only to the school your child is attending.  Eliminating school districts can lead toward a more competitive public school system and can be done in the following method.  First, make it so that children within a certain radius around a particular school have priority so that if they cannot get into a school of their choice they will still be able to attend a school.  This is the safety net.  Those students who wish to go to a different school will have to apply in a similar fashion to if they applied to a charter or a private school.  Those who meet the requirements will then be chosen by lottery based on the number of available openings in the school.  This allows for parents to get their children out of bad public schools in their area to a school with a better learning environment and give peace of mind to parents that their child is in a better, and some times safer, situation. 

 This may affect travel to school:  A parent may be asking themselves, how do I get my child to a school that is further away?  It works the same way when a parent sends their child to a charter or private school out of their area; they arrange transportation or drop them off themselves.  It is up to the parent to decide if distance is a consideration in applying to a school further away.

Where did the school board go?:  Then there is the question of what will happen to school boards, and other administrative bodies that run the school districts.  Simply put, they will disappear.  They will no longer be required as the principle and the school staff will gain autonomy over how best to educate their students.  This allows for a more focused education program specific to those particular schools students.  If a parent thinks that the program the school created is garbage then they have direct contact with the principle to advocate for change without the bureaucratic globally gook or they can seek out a different school for their child to attend.  Notice with this option, parents can not only choose from private and charter schools, but from other public schools as well.  More choice for parents in investing in their child’s future is always a good thing.

            Of course oversight will still be required to prevent corruption.  Well Dr. Ben Chaves has the suggestion to create a single school board at the State level.  In the governance roll, the board can provide oversight to ensure there is no discrimination, no theft of funds and no abuses of power.  Best of all the board should be an elected body making them responsible to parents and you thus make them the police of the schools.

 To whom does the money go?:   The second part of making a public school compete is parents only pay taxes to the school their child is attending.  What do I mean by this?  Well, let’s take two schools, Baldwin Senior High School and Freeport High School.  Under the current system if a student in the town of Baldwin is sent to Freeport High School due to proximity, the parent does not pay education taxes to Freeport’s schools as they are forced to pay education taxes to Baldwin schools because they live in Baldwin and not Freeport.  Obviously, under a system without school districts it would be essential for parents to be paying taxes exclusively to where their children go to school and also vote on that schools budget exclusively.  This provides fairness because students should not be a tax burden if they come from a different town as the town should not have to pay extra for an extra student.  Nor should a parent be forced to support a school that their child does not attend.  These parents because their tax dollars are going to a different school have the right to vote in that schools elections giving them the incentive to vote no to the new school budget to reduce their own tax burden while their child is taken care of in a different school. 

 More competition:  Let’s take competition a step further and say if your child is not attending a public school, you pay no school taxes and give up your right to vote in school elections for you are no longer affected when it comes to taxation and the welfare of your child.  Why should senior citizens pay taxes towards education if they don’t have a student enrolled in the school?  Why should parents struggling to pay for an education system when their children are now off to college?  If you have no children, why should you have to pay education taxes and vote in school elections?  Why should a parent sending their child to a private school have to pay for their child seduction twice?  Would in not make charter and private schools more affordable if a parent only had to pay for the education of their child and not a public school they choose not to have their child attend?  A parent should only have to pay for their child and theirs alone.

 Fears in this model:   Some are probably fearful that this will regulate the poor to be educated in public schools.  Well I am not going to say that it is not a possibility.  With those who can afford private and charter schools and those transferring to possibly other public schools, this leaves a select group left over.  Namely those students who could not go to a different school due to finances, behavior problems, a disability that could not be handled at a different school and parental choice.  Some may think concentrating these remaining students in a single place is a bad thing.  Well it is not as it turns public schools into specialists at educating the impoverished, those with behavior problems to enable them to function well in society, and having an environment catered to the needs of what students remain.  Looks wise, it seems terrible, but education wise it allows public schools to customize their programs to meet student’s needs with more dedicated resources.  Thus, these students will benefit from the specialized and catered environment they are given.  

 Minimizing concerns:  If there is a concern about cost then that can be minimized by a voucher system which also enhances school choice.  If only the tax portion is changed I believe that the voucher will cost significantly more and more which will result in more having to be issued.  If just the districts are change, then costs will drop as a large portion of the education bureaucracy will have been eliminated.  In that scenario vouchers will have less of a roll for it will make public schools cheaper regulating vouchers to only the needy and those who want to send their children to a charter or a private school.  If both come true, then schools will become cheaper, the tax burden will be reduced, and fairness and competition will be brought to the system.  Vouchers in that instance become a form of welfare for the poor exclusively.  Though I do not think anyone would be opposed to having donations to schools being written off as charity on their taxes.

Conclusion:   Together we can make public schools compete.  We can do this by making them beg you the parents to put your child in their school for they want your money.  This gives them incentives to create the best programs possible to attract you the parent into sending your child to be educated by them for the price you deem fit.  This is the reason district lines in my suggestion are erased so as to provide schools with the autonomy needed to create the best school programs and the best education possible.  Without school boards and the rest of the education bureaucracy, save the centralized board at the State level, innovation is free to flourish without bureaucratic red tape getting in the way.  Culminated together, parents and students get school choice and those who have no children or their children no longer use the public system will have tax relief and not corrupt the system with their vote during school elections.  With innovation allowed to enter the system, and maximum parental choice applied Americas education system will become the best in the world.