Thursday, December 12, 2013

Issue 226 Mix it up Baseball December 12, 2013

Here is a concept, mix it up baseball. In this idea, we do mixed martial arts (MMA) style competition, but rather than seeing which martial art can defeat which, we see which type of baseball can defeat which. So we have baseball, softball, stickball, cricket, and probably more that I can't remember or have never even heard of before. So how would it all work?

How it would work: Obviously you set up the field like normal with 3 bases and a home plate. You have the standard configuration of a man guarding each base and a pitcher. What would need to be confirmed is how far apart each base is going to be in comparison to the other sports that are similar to baseball. I do not know for certain if stick balls bases are closer of farther apart, and things like cricket have different variations of itself. So a standard, with a happy medium between all the sports involved, will need to be developed.

Bat wise, the player gets to choose which bat they will want to hit the ball with. So they can choose a cricket bat, baseball bat of any make and model, a stick ball bat or even a classical bat from the history of these sports. This will cause the pitcher on the other team to change balls accordingly to suit the bat (for the sake of fairness). However, the pitcher may throw the ball in any way he/she pleases. So a pitcher can throw a curve ball, a fast ball, or even an underarm swing like in softball. Basically this is to counterbalance the batters choice on which bat they are allowed to use.

The number of players will also have to be decided. Some variations of these sports have more players than a typical baseball or softball team. Others may have fewer players. So another medium will be needed to decide which is best for the overall competition. My guess is that a regulation size team from softball or baseball should fit the bill however.

Why play like this?: Well it comes down to the why not scenario. MMA was an informal way of looking if a karate guy could defeat a sambo guy, a kick boxer, or a military martial artist. Here it is the same deal, but with respect to baseball. It's all about that "what if" this type of team, went up against that type of team. We could even have exhibition matches as a test with using the most similar of these sports to see who would win in a head to head battle using these modified rules. From there it is all about the fun of seeing which group would win against which in a fun and surprising ways as a player chooses a cricket bat, while the pitcher throws him off with a typical curve ball from baseball. It is this kind of what if that is fun and exciting to watch.

Conclusion: These kinds of what ifs are fun an exciting. It causes debate and fervor as the different teams go head to head and maybe even learn from each other. Sportsmanship from each team and traditions from each sport will intermingle and these unpredictable scenarios become exciting. Some may be asking, why, just why would you suggest this kind of idea? Well my answer to you is why not?

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Issue 225 Women and baseball December 11, 2013

Did you know that women have played professional baseball? No not soft ball, I mean in the minors, in exhibition matches for the MLB and in leagues dedicated toward women in general. So why not have women be allowed to play with the boys (contracts for women have been banned in the MLB since the 1950s).

Ladies: Much of the arguments against women playing in baseball is that they are not athletic enough, don’t have long enough legs, big enough hearts, can't run fast enough....blah, blah, blah. Well I say that is all bunk. I have way too many women who deserve to be called Amazons for how athletic they are (and beautiful on top of that). The fact is that girls can be and are in some cases more athletic than boys. Sure girls and boys can and will have diverging interests, but allow these women at least a shot to smash that ball out of the ball park.

Why should they be allowed to play: It is silly not to. Baseball is a male dominated sport. Basically it is a boys club. Thus the only true reason to not at least let the ladies try out is because the MLB wants to protect their investment in the men who play. If these ladies get in on the action, then they may even show up big stars like Derrick Jeter or Alex Rodriguez. The fact of the matter is there is absolutely no legitimist reason that I can come up with as to why the girls should not be allowed to play the game.

Conclusion: Yes I am in favor of Baseball letting the girls get in on the fun. In fact, I feel that baseball has become boring as of late due to it (for me at least) becoming stagnant. So letting the ladies play ball should shake things up a bit. Baseball is America's pass time, and women have been involved in baseball since the beginning (Jackie Mitchell, a woman, even struck out Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig). So if a woman player can take down those all stars, imagine what would happen in today’s game if women were allowed to play. So batter up girls, and play ball.

If it is to your liking my readers, we can turn this Issue into a petition. Just comment yes in the comments section if you want to see women play in the MLB.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Issue 224 Donation to the debt December 10, 2013

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has a special part of its website which allows people to donate their tax dollars toward the federal government. Now, not many people want to give any more money that they already do in taxes toward this hated government agency (no one likes paying taxes). So what about an alternative idea? An idea where the money is tax deductible and goes immediately to pay off the national debt.

The idea: It would work by first making the donation go toward paying off the debt owed by the United States. So any donation would go to pay off the massive debt that the government has now. To incentivize more people to donate, the donations would be tax deductible. So you are still paying the government, but in this case you are using that money to pay off the debt exclusively.

How it works: For one, these donations would not pay the interest on the debt. The money to pay the interest on the debt would come out of the Federal government first before all other spending. This insures Congress and the President do not cause our nation to shirk its responsibilities. Also, the money that gets donated will be used immediately to pay off parts of our national debt. So at no time will it ever be held in an account. This will ensure that the Congress does not get any funny ideas about borrowing from the fund like they do with Social Security and Medicare. The fact that it act as a charitable donation helps to relieve people of parts of their tax burden like a traditional charitable donation, but the twist is that it helps them as the government will have to spend much less to pay off the debt the next time around. As such, potentially we will be able to lower taxes because we will have less to pay toward the national debt.

Conclusion: Again, this is an idea. It takes an existing program and tweaks it to help solve a social ill. In this case the worst ill of all, the national debt. I would personally put the treasury in charge of all of this (if I were in charge that is) as they would subtract the yearly interest payments on the debt before all other spending and would also insure that the money donated goes to pay off the debt as soon as it comes in. Let's face it; if we leave it to the politicians our debt will just continue to grow. In fact, if you add the unfunded liabilities (money we know that we owe in the future) our 17 trillion in debt skyrockets to 112 trillion dollars. America, we have a lot of work to do. Let’s pay off the debt and do it now.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Issue 223 Pay for organs!!! December 9, 2013

Did you know that in the United States people can sell for money their bone marrow, blood, sperm and eggs? Well, now you do. But what about our other organs like a kidney? Should we be able to sell one of the two of them? Let's discuss.

Selling organs: Iran is the only country in the world that allows people to sell a kidney legally. And guess what, they do not have a waiting list for recipients like in the rest in the world. In fact, there list is made up of people who want to donate there organs. Can you imagine a diabetes patient not having to wait months on dialysis just to get a new kidney? Think of it, Iran has probably one of the most tyrannical governments in the world and yet they found a way to save all these people who in other countries would probably have given up by now. This is the result of selling organs; people have a chance to live.

Benefits: Out side of the obvious people lining up to donate, there are other benefits as well. Iran's program has an adoption style system for the donor and recipient to get to know each other. What normally may have been a faceless transaction has become a way to create friends and extend families irrespective of blood relations. According to the "expert" on the show "Stossel" many of these people form family like bonds after the procedure. They invite people over for dinner, family parties and more as they now share a kind of bond. However, the donor has the option to remain anonymous.

Another benefit is that the people donating get money for their wants and needs. Some have used that money to pay for weddings, expand their businesses, add new additions on their houses, or even to just buy a car. So these people who are donating are in no way victims as they reap many benefits. Is there anything not to love about this?

Not loving it: Those who are opposed to such ideas see nothing but victims. The reason is due to the black market selling of such organs. They feel that the donors become victims (not true thanks to the Iran example), that it is faceless (again Iran defeats this senseless argument) and that it would create a larger black market. Well I have my doubts on the larger black market idea. A black market for things like drugs, prostitution and organ selling exist because of those practices being illegal. A system of organ donation works the same way as the current one with the only difference being that the donor gets paid.  This for the most part eliminates the possibility of a bad organ being given to a patient that needs it (especially one that is stolen from someone as you actually get to meet the donor before the operation). So these arguments are mostly baseless as the black market for such organs will shrink and become less profitable as the paid donor program progresses (if it were to be allowed in a country like the United States that is).

Conclusion: I myself was once against selling organs. I did not like the idea as it felt kind of like prostitution, except you were selling more then just sex. But, what I have found is that this is a voluntary transaction that takes place and allows people to profit off their generosity. So at least let the world experiment with the idea. Let's not have Iran be the only country that saves people from dead or dying kidneys.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Issue 222 Innovation/cash December 6, 2013

How does a person make money off a product? Well the only way to do that is to innovate. So how do we apply this in every day life?

Something New: The first way is to come up with something entirely new. This means something like the old slip and slide or a cell phone. Basically something that will be copied by others. So you can create a brand new way to buy goods like with electronic currency (Bitcoin), or a new way to use a computer like Google glass (the wearable computer). My idea for putting small water turbines into your plumbing systems to generate electricity is another of these concepts. Basically come up with something brand new that no one has thought of yet.

Make it better: Another way is to improve on something. Our cell phones are improved on constantly because we now have touch screens rather than key pads. Eventually we may just use our eyes to manipulate our phones in the same way Google glass uses peoples eyes to manipulate their computer screens. A person can innovate on cars like with the current 3 wheeled car concept or the "car tilt" technology that allows a car to shift its weight like a motor cycle for tighter turning radius and performance. But such innovation is not restricted to about food. Ever hear of an adult milk shake. Well I fist did on food network on the Show "Rachel Versus Guy" where they had celebrities compete for being the best cook. One of those celebrities made an adult milk shake (a milkshake with alcohol in it). I would later find another such type of milk shake at the restaurant Red Robin during their October fest celebration where my Uncle had a vanilla milk shake with drizzled caramel and Samuel Adams Boston Lager mixed together. It was yummy. I want to try mixing a little Vodka into a raspberry milk shake my self. Then there is the "Luther" a cheese burger that replaces the bun with two glazed donuts. No I have not tried it yet (but I want too so bad). So technology and food can be innovated with, not to mention clothing. If you’re already in a company, improve on an already proven product like a Dairy Queen Blizzard soft drink, the apple IPhone, or even proven computer software like Microsoft's operating systems. Never be satisfied with what is, you must want something greater out of the product to make it better.

Conclusion: Your probably wondering where the money comes in. Well that comes from selling your product(s). If it is your own invention, get a patent fast. From there you can have someone sell it for you or sell all your rights to that product for cash. Right now there is a 17 year old kid that created new apps for smart phones, and the companies are lining up to buy the programs he made. So you can do this too. If your already in a company, this could mean a promotion or at the very least a raise (beer companies seem to do this kind of innovation often). Start innovating and never stop. It comes down to the old adage, "if you build it they will come." So what are you standing around for, get to work, your not going to be the next bill gates by just twiddling your thumbs. Good Luck and Gods speed.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Issue 221 Wearable computers December 5, 2013

Well, I have not done an issue on technology and its potential in a while so I thought about talking about a concept that is still developing. That concept is the wearable computer.

What is it?: A wearable computer is exactly how it sounds, a computer that you wear. The overall goal is to make a potable system much like your cell phone but integrated into your cloths. So your jacket may have a radio, mp3's and phone built in (this in an actual product that is already in existence by the way). Already skiers are enjoying heads up displays in their goggles with built in cameras so that they can post their journey from mountain top to bottom (and any crash in between). Google has its Google glass concept where a set of eye glasses has a mini computer attached that you can manipulate with movements from your eye. We also have a product that is taking the market by storm, "smart watches" which hook up to your phones via blue tooth technology so that you can screen your calls and access your phone all the while never taking it out of your pocket (basically a watch with a touch screen). These are just some of the concepts that have already reached the consumer market.

Why did it take so long?: This is an easy question. It is because the companies selling them had to be sure that people would actually buy there product. So they tested and modified each one for ease of use and of course sex appeal. Cause in the end you’re not going to wear something that makes you look like crap.

What’s Next?: Here is where the futurist in me gets to give my opinion on the next version of the product. Right now NASA and other private research groups are looking into the next generation of space suit. What they envision is an article of clothing that can not only protects from cosmic radiation and space itself but also act as a life sign monitor which protects its wearer in case of harm. For instance, the suit could become entirely rigid in case of a broken bone through the use of something called memory metals/plastic and liquid metals. A memory metal or plastic is a metal or plastic that can remember its original shape from when it is first formed. So you can bend it into any shape you want and then return it to that original form by either applying heat, cold or even an electrical impulse. Liquid metals are a type of metal substance that combines several materials to make the metal behave like a liquid, but can solidify on impact or become rigid when electricity is applied. Much of this technology is being researched by the military for use as an active protection system for soldiers. But every day use can include safety gear that reduces the impact of a fall on a construction site, on the football field or even just doing some really dangerous stuff like fire fighting. Basically, the active protection systems can protect our bodies in the same way a cars air bag does in a car crash. This is not all, can you imagine the next Swiss army knife being a piece of cloth. By using electrical impulses it could manipulate the cloth into taking the shape of a screw driver, a knife or even a beer bottle opener. Clothing itself could become an everyday multi tool, or if the military and intelligence agencies have there way, a potent hidden weapon system. Already police are experimenting with a gauntlet that is bullet resistant, has a built in taser, a weighted glove and a communication terminal. Now with these smart cloths it can combine the ability to call forth whip like weapons to capture and restrain opponents or vibrate like a speaker to act like a sound wave crowd control device (regular people may simply turn their cloths into a boom box). Eventually we will have the ultimate wearable computer system, an exoskeleton that can help the disabled walk again or give soldiers and emergency response personnel super human abilities. The limit is really a person’s imagination and the current level of technology.

Conclusion: It is going to be a very interesting world as technology progresses. Articles like this will eventually fad as such technology becomes mainstream and gets taken for granted like how a calculator used to be the size of a grand piano. I cannot wait to see what comes next.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Issue 220 Only 1 winner December 4, 2013

Following on yesterday’s theme of not rewarding failure, I would like to discuss why students are now being given out participation trophies. So even if there is a single winner, everyone still gets a prize of some sort. Stop making our kids a bunch of sissy's.

Feel good mentality: The reason why children are being given all these awards is because of the feel good mentality. That you did something great even if you failed, or lost. People don't like the idea of children feeling disappointed and dejected after having lost a game of baseball, or in a contest like a spelling bee. They want all these kids to continue feeling great about themselves regardless of their results. So basically it is all about protecting their feelings.

Sissies: Cut the crap. By rewarding failure here you are doing a disservice to children. You are essentially telling the kids that when they fail at something that they will still be rewarded regardless. Problem is that the world has not, nor will it ever work that way. People are rewarded for their efforts if and only if they get results. Our society is merit based and the sports and contests should reflect that. Sure I don't want to see children cry because they lost, that they were not the best. However, crying about it gets you no where in life. If you want to be the best next time, if you want that reward, then you have to earn it through hard work. If parents and adults in general taught this to there children, then these kids might just grow a back bone and stop throwing a tantrum every time they don't get things there way.

2nd and 3rd: As this trend of rewarding failure continues, I question even the wisdom of second and third place. Third place is insignificant compared to first and second, while second is simply the first loser. Or the best out of the losers if you will. In society, there are never rewards for third place in anything, but in certain instances rewards do come to those who come in second, but it is rare. So why continue with concept of second and third place in sports or anything for that matter. I can understand the argument that they are the next two best out of all the participants, but that simply does not cut it. If they loose, tell your kid, "you did your best", and you can reward them yourself for their best efforts. But don't give them a trophy for it when it is not deserved.

Conclusion: I may be being too harsh. Maybe even zealous, but I want America's kids to be mentally prepared for the world ahead. Schools and parents that give out trophies for just showing up do not reward the effort that the child shows. It does not reward the sweat and efforts they put in if they know that they do not have to try hard just to get a prize. It to me looks like you are just showing America's kids that its OK to just out right fail without trying. I don't like the idea of that. So I will not tell you how to raise your kid, but just caution you that rewarding a loss may not be the best thing for your child as the feelings of losing may be more important to their potential future.