Friday, December 6, 2013

Issue 222 Innovation/cash December 6, 2013

How does a person make money off a product? Well the only way to do that is to innovate. So how do we apply this in every day life?

Something New: The first way is to come up with something entirely new. This means something like the old slip and slide or a cell phone. Basically something that will be copied by others. So you can create a brand new way to buy goods like with electronic currency (Bitcoin), or a new way to use a computer like Google glass (the wearable computer). My idea for putting small water turbines into your plumbing systems to generate electricity is another of these concepts. Basically come up with something brand new that no one has thought of yet.

Make it better: Another way is to improve on something. Our cell phones are improved on constantly because we now have touch screens rather than key pads. Eventually we may just use our eyes to manipulate our phones in the same way Google glass uses peoples eyes to manipulate their computer screens. A person can innovate on cars like with the current 3 wheeled car concept or the "car tilt" technology that allows a car to shift its weight like a motor cycle for tighter turning radius and performance. But such innovation is not restricted to about food. Ever hear of an adult milk shake. Well I fist did on food network on the Show "Rachel Versus Guy" where they had celebrities compete for being the best cook. One of those celebrities made an adult milk shake (a milkshake with alcohol in it). I would later find another such type of milk shake at the restaurant Red Robin during their October fest celebration where my Uncle had a vanilla milk shake with drizzled caramel and Samuel Adams Boston Lager mixed together. It was yummy. I want to try mixing a little Vodka into a raspberry milk shake my self. Then there is the "Luther" a cheese burger that replaces the bun with two glazed donuts. No I have not tried it yet (but I want too so bad). So technology and food can be innovated with, not to mention clothing. If you’re already in a company, improve on an already proven product like a Dairy Queen Blizzard soft drink, the apple IPhone, or even proven computer software like Microsoft's operating systems. Never be satisfied with what is, you must want something greater out of the product to make it better.

Conclusion: Your probably wondering where the money comes in. Well that comes from selling your product(s). If it is your own invention, get a patent fast. From there you can have someone sell it for you or sell all your rights to that product for cash. Right now there is a 17 year old kid that created new apps for smart phones, and the companies are lining up to buy the programs he made. So you can do this too. If your already in a company, this could mean a promotion or at the very least a raise (beer companies seem to do this kind of innovation often). Start innovating and never stop. It comes down to the old adage, "if you build it they will come." So what are you standing around for, get to work, your not going to be the next bill gates by just twiddling your thumbs. Good Luck and Gods speed.

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