Credit cards are basically cheap low denomination loans that you
must pay back. However, having too many credit cards can lead to
financial ruin. Let us discuss.
How it leads to poverty: The reason why having too many
credit cards can lead to financial ruin is due to the lack of ability to see
those funds disappear. You do not consistently see your balance going
down. So when people realize that they have spent all that money, then
they proceed to typically get another credit card to pay off the debt they have
now incurred. This becomes a vicious cycle that can lead to the
destruction of your credit score and thus you’re being unable to get a loan or
risk a higher interest rate. Also, what many people do not realize is
that if your debt is high enough, regardless of the amount of income you gain,
you can still become impoverished. More debt equals poverty. So how
can this be avoided.
Simple solution: You should not have more than two
credit cards. At most two is easy enough to keep track of on a daily (or
even a weekly) basis. One of those credit cards will be used for large
purchases or when you lack the cash. The other will be used if and only if
you cannot pay down the first card quick enough and thus will only be used in
emergencies. I personally have one credit card which I use exclusively
for internet purchases, and for when I like cash. Otherwise I pay off as
much of the debt incurred before interest is tacked on so as to avoid a higher
credit card bill (usually I just pay off the entire amount owed). For
those with two credit cards, you can switch back and forth between the two so
the amounts on both remain low and thus make it easier to pay off even if you
have to pay interest on the debt. Also, if you find a credit card that
has a better interest rate, then you should eliminate the card you have that
has the highest interest rate and replace it with the new one. You can
then proceed to use the new card to pay off the old cards debt so that it does
not hang over you. From there it is all a matter of carefully picking
your purchases and buying more cheaply so that you stay ahead of the debt and
finances you have.
Conclusion: We all have to be smart with our
money so as not to burden ourselves or loved ones with financial instability.
As such, I found two credit cards maximum to be the best way to maintain
my financial wellbeing without accruing too much debt. So cut out the
excess in your life so that you too are not forced into poverty by your own
spending habits.