Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Issue 579 The Effort to Reduce Paper April 28, 2015

Paper alternatives have been on the upswing.  Mainly because trees have gained valuable importance due to the belief in global warming.  So what has been done to reduce paper usage and thus, protect us from too much CO2?

Paper alternatives:

1) Use of electronics:  As you have seen, people have been using electronic media more and more.  I could even say it is in the transitional phase where traditional paper books are becoming less and less popular as you can store an entire library on a single computer, for much cheaper cost.  Offices have also gone paper free in an effort to reduce costs, such as using email over memos, and similar practices where paper is only used when deemed absolutely necessary.  

2) The toilet:  France, has a toilet that actually sprays water on your butt.  Yes, you get squirted.  This is set up to spray off the dingle berries on your rear without using paper products (it even has a dryer).  

3) Plastic/rubber alternatives:  There is also a myriad of products that once used wood based products, but are now using plastic or rubber.  Actually, they have made thin sheets of paper made out of plastic material.  

Conclusion:  This is a small sampling of what is being done, with the youth of each country pushing the technology further with their ever stronger beliefs in conservation and environmentalism.  But we also must remember that if we replace paper, we use something else instead, i.e. plastic made from oil, or plants, or water as in the case of that sprayer toilet.  Also, there is other byproducts such as toxic chemicals used to make those computers, which is potentially just as damaging if not more so to the environment than wood based ones.  So there is a balance and lifestyle choices to be made and kept in mind.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Issue 578 Why real story Books Work April 27, 2014

There has been an upsurge in historical books that read as story books.  These books are Bill O'reilly's Killing series and Glenn Becks books like Miracles and Massacres.  But why are these books so successful?  Let us discuss.

Why they succeed:  Basically these books harken back to a time when history was learned through storytelling and not a textbook.  Very similar to oral traditions, or even the Bible.  Thus, by taking on this format you do not even know your reading a history book unless someone told you.  O'reilly's books focus on a single event, and adds historical content as the story progresses that helps us understand why an event is occurring the way it is, or how it influences the person being focused on (such as Abe Lincoln, Jesus, etc.).  Glenn Beck does similar, but he writes in a short story format, and purposely integrates historical quotes from the people involved in the actual writing, even going as far as rewriting entire chapters to fit the historical dialogue.  Basically, it is writing history in the same way as Harry Potter, or other fantasy series, but it actually being historical fact.  And that is what makes it fun to read and not drudgery like when reading a text book.  Hence the success of these two authors.  The people they focused on, the way they presented their information, all demonstrate that history can be fun for people outside of being a historian.  Basically it is actually fun to read and you learn at the same time.

Conclusion:  These books, with the way they present information are a game changer in my opinion for the future of textbooks.  Why write about the Delaware River crossing by George Washington and his men, when you can put yourself in the event by reading it as a story.  Story books are flexible and can grab the interest of those who get intimidated by a massive textbook.  So, in my opinion, this is the bar that sets the standard for the future of learning history.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Issue 577 Cellphone wallet April 24, 2015

The wallet of the future is our cellphones.  In fact the technology is here already, it is just taking time to become the new world standard when it comes to money and the buying and selling of goods.  So for those who do not know, I will tell you what this cellphone wallet do.

The cell phone wallet:  Well for one, it will act as a basic cell phone.  It will be a total smartphone with the best camera, access the internet, and communicate in every way shape and form.  It may even become transparent and have roll out screens so as to become even more compact.  And let us not forget add on’s that can enhance performance or cater a phone to be a tool for medicine, fighting crime or for playing games like an old fashioned handheld Gameboy.  However, the wallet function is yet another unique innovation that makes the cell phone the epitome in gadgetry.  Basically, you have an app for your visa card, MasterCard, and even select ones with different numbers to pay for good with.  And then you place the phone on the radio identification scanner as the phone sends out the go signal and then you official pay for what you are buying.  That’s it.  You select the credit card on your phone (credit app in this case) of your debit card app, and then you hold it over the touch and go component of the credit card machine to pay.  No longer will you have to pay with hard currency.  

This is the tip of the iceberg.   Can you imagine magazines with QR codes that are scannable?  Your phone can scan the items you want out of the magazine so it acts like a virtual shopping cart, and then you can purchase them via your cell phone by picking which app to pay with.  At stores you can scan all your items and then purchase them as you walk out in the same way.  You will never have to wait in line for a cashier ever again.  Of course, this would mean Wi-Fi would be in every store, but that is a small expenditure when you consider the cost savings potential.  Heck, you can buy the style you want via the cell phone, pick your size and then pick it up at the store itself after trying it on.  Our cell phones are not only wallets, but are expandable tablet PCs and laptops.  Buy anything while on the go. Do anything on the go.

Conclusion:  Already, driver’s registration cards are stored on phones too.  This also means you can store any business card, or ID card on your phone.  We store photos on our phones, so this is not a big stretch.  Basically anything in your wallet is able to be placed electronically in your phone. This technology is evolving.  And you know what, smartphones are going to be a big part of it due to how many functions we can cram into them.  So be ready for the next big wave in innovation as your phone will literally contain your whole life in it.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Issue 576 Content and Communication April 23, 2015

Content and Communication are the two essential components for anyone trying to make a content based service.  Basically, this blog is one such type of service.  So here I will break these two components down for you so you too can start your own web based content service.

Content:  Content is what you put into the blog, video or whatever material or medium you are using.  So it is what you write about, talk about, or depict visually for your audience.  The content must be authentic and thus, will attract an audience so that your message or story spreads and thus people will be attracted to your blog or similar content service. 

Communication:  This is the hard part.  You can be well researched with your content, and have the most powerful and most interesting content, but if you cannot communicate, then you will fail.  Communication allows for people to question you, and get to know you.  It adds that human element behind you, the mysterious writer/host/filmmaker.  You do not have to pressure yourself answering everyone's comments, or force yourself to read every posting about what you have provided to your readers/listeners/viewers.  The point is to be able to talk with them and interact, but not be overwhelmed by them.  So you can talk to a few people at a time.  Skim through what people have said and answer questions either in a posting, or in a reply depending on how many people have asked the question or how deeply you deem the answer must be.  By showing you are talking to them, you show that you care about your readers who already care for you and what you have to say.  And it creates a relationship which becomes perpetual so long as you maintain their trust.

Conclusion:  These two things are key to having a successful blog or similar content service.  And they are very easily accomplished if you know what you are doing.  So good luck to you my fellow writers.  And I look forward to reading your work.  

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Issue 575 Health Insurance Myth April 22, 2015

Are you paying blindly for health insurance?  You may be in fact just paying a health insurance company for no reason whatsoever.  Allow me to explain.

Why it is messed up:  Do you have a three, five or ten thousand dollar deductible?  If you do and you are not paying it up in less than the first half of the year, then what was the point of having the health insurance in the first place?  So your insurance never kicks in and thus you are just throwing away money.  As such, you may have health insurance, but you are paying doctors and other healthcare professionals like you don't have any insurance in the first place.

What to do:  We have a semi free health care system.  Sure we cannot buy across State lines or national borders.  There is semi monopolies in each State for buying health insurance.  And we have expensive health care.  But this is in part due to our focus on health insurance, rather than cheaper, but equally effective health maintenance and care.  We have made the mistake of thinking that health insurance is important as we pay high premiums for low copays.  Fact is, that we can simply pay the $100 bill the one time we go to the doctor that year and not have to spend a single penny for health care beyond that.  As such, you must look for cheaper alternatives for both doctors and for drugs which are out there.  You simply have to be willing to look and of course ask.

Conclusion:  Part of the reason health insurance is expensive, as you know, is because it is not a truly free market.   But we are being fooled into thinking that it is necessary to health care.  I have seen interviews where doctors find cheap medication that is less than $10 for their patients and thus the patients never have to use insurance.  Other doctors have the equivalent of a subscription based service and thus patients never have to pay a dime to an insurance company.  Options are out there.  Just have to know where to look.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Issue 574 Impact of driverless cars 2 April 21, 2015

Welcome to part two of a possible driverless future.  In this case, government will take a major loss in revenue from us not driving anymore. And also, how roads will change to accommodate driverless cars.  Let us discuss.

Can't have us pay fees:  So we will not need a driver’s license.  As such, the State governments will lose that revenue from us having to pay to get a new license.  There will be no more traffic tickets either, so the millions in collected money from stop sign cameras and parking tickets will vanish as robots always follow the rules.  Also, no need to own car insurance and thus no way to tax people if they are no longer paying for it.  Literally, as a robot is driving, there will be no more accidents save a random malfunction, but that will not matter to you, the driver, as you no longer are liable for an accident.  The malfunction becomes the cause of the accident as there will be no blame to go around.  So laws punishing people for driving without a license or insurance will vanish.  Can't fine people for driving under the influence, or reckless endangerment as the car is driving, not you.  

The roads themselves change:   It is said that we can remodel an entire city a year with eight trillion dollars (make it green and healthy to live in).  But in this case, we can cut down on that cost as with driverless cars, there will be no traffic lights, signs or even lines on the road.  You simply will have to maintain the road itself.  All that electricity and materials can disappear.  And perhaps all the traffic intersections will transform into traffic circles so as to accommodate a non-stop flow of traffic.  Why have any kind of traffic sign if no one is going to need them to drive.  In fact, the only thing even remotely sign related will be advertisements on those former traffic signs which will aid in paying for the roads upkeep. 

Maintaining the roads:  With all that lost revenue, the cities and States will need to replace it to maintain roads and to provide for regular services.  So advertisements by companies will be bought to replace old signs on the side of the road and above them.  If you own a vehicle, the taxes/fees to register your own car(s) will go up, including the cost for an inspection.  Companies that run taxi like services may see an increase in taxes too, but that will be balanced by not having to pay for the cost of a driver.  This too will also balance out by not having to pay insurance.  Additionally, local taxes may increase to accommodate lost revenue instead.  It all depends on the city or State you live in.  However, I doubt it will increase that much if at all.  For one, signage, and maintenance of all other aspects of driving outside of maintaining a road surface will vanish.  That means less personal and less work and costs.  Also, police will no longer have to drive the highways to maintain safety against reckless drivers, which means personnel there may be able to be cut down as well.  Essentially why would they really need to increase costs that much, when they will be spending even less to maintain order and safety on the roads in the first place?

Conclusion:  I don't know the timeline, but all of this can come to pass.  Who knows, all cars may become smart cars and thus you will not need signs in the first place as the car will know when another car is coming and slow down or stop for you at a corner.  The sky's the limit with technology and what will change with respect to driving.  Look forward to it.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Issue 573 Impact of Driverless cars 1 April 20, 2015

In the future, driverless cars will be an important aspect of society.  In fact, you will finally be able to drink and drive, while probably eating some buffalo wings.  So in our part one in my two part series I will highlight some important changes to how a driverless future impacts us.  Let us begin.

No more driver licenses:  With a driverless car, you never need to apply or obtain a driver’s license.  Reason being is that you will never have to drive your own car again.  While it will take a while for this to occur, (and the military being a possible exception) why bother owning a car?

No need to own a car:  That is right, you will not have to own your own vehicle ever again.  You will have the equivalent of robotic taxis come to your door at a preprogrammed time to drive you to work.  Or if you intend to go shopping, you simply summon the closest car via an app on your smartphone.  

Speeds increase:  With this change over to driverless cars, the cars can drive at faster speeds without people having to worry about crashing into others due to their on board systems.  You can literally drive at 100+ miles per hour to get wherever you are going because you need not fear crashing.  While we drive, slower speeds equal safety, but robots use precision technology and sensors which allow for efficient flow of traffic, hence the faster speeds.  

As speeds increase:  Once speeds on these roads increase, to insure that people who want to drive their own cars and robots cars do not get into accidents, it is most probable that States, towns or government in general will make it illegal to drive your own car.  They will mandate that people cannot drive their car on certain roads or not allowed to drive completely as people will get into accidents with driverless cars, and not the other way around (yeah, we suck at driving).

Cars that we may still own:  If this does not result in the banning of car ownership, it would mean that cars can be transformed into mobile offices, or even bars.  Literally, they will be custom made to suit each individual in the same way you might customize a house that you live in.  So you can still have your garage, and the car will pull out in front of your house, open the door for you when you approach and then finally, have a cup of coffee waiting for you when you get in.  All cars will have Wi-Fi, and other electronic goodies that will make your ride as comfortable and as none noticeable as possible.

Conclusion: This is the primary impacts on us the drivers.  However, what about the government and how much it collects from us in taxes, fees, and tickets on our cars and our driving.  Well, see the next issue for details.