Thursday, April 23, 2015

Issue 576 Content and Communication April 23, 2015

Content and Communication are the two essential components for anyone trying to make a content based service.  Basically, this blog is one such type of service.  So here I will break these two components down for you so you too can start your own web based content service.

Content:  Content is what you put into the blog, video or whatever material or medium you are using.  So it is what you write about, talk about, or depict visually for your audience.  The content must be authentic and thus, will attract an audience so that your message or story spreads and thus people will be attracted to your blog or similar content service. 

Communication:  This is the hard part.  You can be well researched with your content, and have the most powerful and most interesting content, but if you cannot communicate, then you will fail.  Communication allows for people to question you, and get to know you.  It adds that human element behind you, the mysterious writer/host/filmmaker.  You do not have to pressure yourself answering everyone's comments, or force yourself to read every posting about what you have provided to your readers/listeners/viewers.  The point is to be able to talk with them and interact, but not be overwhelmed by them.  So you can talk to a few people at a time.  Skim through what people have said and answer questions either in a posting, or in a reply depending on how many people have asked the question or how deeply you deem the answer must be.  By showing you are talking to them, you show that you care about your readers who already care for you and what you have to say.  And it creates a relationship which becomes perpetual so long as you maintain their trust.

Conclusion:  These two things are key to having a successful blog or similar content service.  And they are very easily accomplished if you know what you are doing.  So good luck to you my fellow writers.  And I look forward to reading your work.  

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