Monday, April 20, 2015

Issue 573 Impact of Driverless cars 1 April 20, 2015

In the future, driverless cars will be an important aspect of society.  In fact, you will finally be able to drink and drive, while probably eating some buffalo wings.  So in our part one in my two part series I will highlight some important changes to how a driverless future impacts us.  Let us begin.

No more driver licenses:  With a driverless car, you never need to apply or obtain a driver’s license.  Reason being is that you will never have to drive your own car again.  While it will take a while for this to occur, (and the military being a possible exception) why bother owning a car?

No need to own a car:  That is right, you will not have to own your own vehicle ever again.  You will have the equivalent of robotic taxis come to your door at a preprogrammed time to drive you to work.  Or if you intend to go shopping, you simply summon the closest car via an app on your smartphone.  

Speeds increase:  With this change over to driverless cars, the cars can drive at faster speeds without people having to worry about crashing into others due to their on board systems.  You can literally drive at 100+ miles per hour to get wherever you are going because you need not fear crashing.  While we drive, slower speeds equal safety, but robots use precision technology and sensors which allow for efficient flow of traffic, hence the faster speeds.  

As speeds increase:  Once speeds on these roads increase, to insure that people who want to drive their own cars and robots cars do not get into accidents, it is most probable that States, towns or government in general will make it illegal to drive your own car.  They will mandate that people cannot drive their car on certain roads or not allowed to drive completely as people will get into accidents with driverless cars, and not the other way around (yeah, we suck at driving).

Cars that we may still own:  If this does not result in the banning of car ownership, it would mean that cars can be transformed into mobile offices, or even bars.  Literally, they will be custom made to suit each individual in the same way you might customize a house that you live in.  So you can still have your garage, and the car will pull out in front of your house, open the door for you when you approach and then finally, have a cup of coffee waiting for you when you get in.  All cars will have Wi-Fi, and other electronic goodies that will make your ride as comfortable and as none noticeable as possible.

Conclusion: This is the primary impacts on us the drivers.  However, what about the government and how much it collects from us in taxes, fees, and tickets on our cars and our driving.  Well, see the next issue for details.

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