Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Issue 594 1st and 2nd Principles May 19, 2015

Now this is about principles.  In this case 1st principles which guide our actions and the 2nd principles which guide our interests.  Let us discuss.

1st Principles:  These are our natural rights, our morals and that which guides us.  So such things as freedom of speech, expression, and to act and do anything so long as it does not harm others are the core component of this.  But this also includes love, compassion, gratitude, and humility.  For these act as the lens by which we exercise our freedoms.  So we use freedom of assembly to get together, and use compassion in that assembly of people to better understand those around us.  We use empathy, acceptance, and attempt to understand each other without being rude or unkind as that would divide us.  It is the same in a relationship.  If we have our lover, we treat them with respect (a 1st principle) or else they will leave us.  Yes I know these examples are simplistic, but these basics of treating others well, and exercising our right without harming others are designed to guide us and our 2nd principles.

2nd Principles:  While 1st principles guide us, 2nd principles are our interests.  So a simplistic example is food.  It is in our interest to get food to eat.  But without the first principles, we would be attacking others for their food.  This is because if we stole from others, we would be violating property rights of the other person (a 1st principle).  But through the lens of 1st principles this also means that nothing should prevent you from growing your own food, sharing it for free or hoarding it if you feel it necessary.  This is because the 1st principles say that the food you own is yours to do with what you please.  Another example is low taxes.  This is a second principle because it too is an interest.  So how can we screw this up?  Simple, by you advocating one group pay more so you do not have to.  This violates fair treatment amongst fellow citizens (the 1st principle is fairness).  But once you put your own interests above those of others and you ignore fair treatment, or as in the case of the food example, their property rights, harmony breaks down and society becomes disjointed.  Basically, without the 1st principles, the 2nd principles would be sought via an ends justify the means mentality, which is a recipe for disaster.

Conclusion:  1st principles guide us, and 2nd principles govern all our interests.   When the 2nd principles go first, then we attack each other, we stop caring because it is all about what we want at the cost of everything around us.  But with the 1st principles firmly in place, we need not fear a thief or mob, for they tell us to respect each other, behave civilly, and listen in an attempt to better understand, and work with others.  

Monday, May 18, 2015

Issue 593 People and power May 18, 2015

So there are two categories for people in power in my opinion.  They are the arrogant and the charitable categories.  As to whether they are naive or not is something else altogether, but I am going to explain the characteristics of both.

The Arrogant:  This people are snooty. They feel they are above everyone else.  But they may be just covering up a weakness.  That they are insecure in their position.  Thus they will lash out or suffer from depression or even both.  Additionally, they will do as much as possible to ensure they remain in power in the first place.  So they may sacrifice friendships, or the redeeming parts of themselves to do so.   But then these people could also lose touch with reality and even feel they can do no wrong.  Thus, this broad category of individual.

The Charitable:  This group can also lose touch, but they attempt not to.  Charitable people simply want to help and are generally self-sacrificing.  As such, if they are unaware of it, they could destroy their own fortunes attempting to accomplish the greater good.  But generally, those who understand their positions will benefit themselves and use this to further their own charitable goals for they realize they need the position they are in to be as charitable as they are in the first place. 

Conclusion:  Obviously, no one wants to be the arrogant person in power, for they are really people who are suffering from the gift of power.  But charitable people are a special kind of person for they risk themselves.  They willfully may place themselves in a vulnerable position just to help others.  Both types of people in power are generally smart, otherwise they would not be in power in the first place.  But what they do and how they act while they have this power allows others to truly know who these people are.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Issue 592 How I would limit Abortion May 15, 2015

While I know as a pro-lifer, I cannot fully ban abortion, I can at least take the money out of it so that it becomes less commercialized, and thus becomes a pure medical practice.  Here is my idea.

What I would do: First of all, I would limit abortions strictly to State run hospitals.  No other locations would be deemed acceptable for the procedure as a medical practice.  Thus, it removes the money that private groups make off this practice such as Planned Parenthood.  In addition to the money, there is a level of safety involved by going to the hospital over a private clinic which has an invested interest in having you commit to an abortion as opposed to a hospital which has a vested interest in your health.  As such it removes any form of peer pressure.

Part two of this is to make doctors who perform abortions a specialized form of medicine.  In short, a doctor would have to go to school for specific training on how to do an abortion in the same way an x-ray technicians do.  So this person, rather than a doctor will be called an abortionist and specialize in all aspects of abortion, and solving any issues that occur or result from an abortion that relates to the patient medically.  By having it be specialized and not needing a full doctor’s license, it ensures that the abortion is still cheap like at places like Planned Parenthood and accessible for those that would want or need the procedure to be performed.  Obviously, if the women is a rape victim, the abortionist would need to report it, and if the child is underage, the parents must be notified.  The reason for these measures is that abortion clinics have in the past ignored such laws and thus allowed for rapists to get away, or for underage adults to be peer pressured into the procedure.  In this instance, the rule is an attempt to eliminate that, and with it being in the hospital records, makes it almost impossible to hide.  Hence eliminating the anonymity of an abortion clinic which in some cases have gotten away with usurping the law.

Conclusion:  These two measures combined ensure that abortion stays a professional practice that is limited by law, depending on what State laws govern the practice.  So if the State allows for unlimited abortions, then the abortionist will do them at any State run hospital.  If the State limits the abortions to say those with certain conditions such as a woman's life being in danger, or rape, then the abortionist must follow it.  No more money should be allowed in this industry that I personally see as dealing death, and no more pressuring young girls who are scared and confused as to what to do.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Issue 591 If you can't do anything May 14, 2015

Have you ever felt helpless, then you are not alone.  There are circumstances that are beyond our control, and thus we have to figure out how to deal with them.  Here are some of the ways I try to deal with such circumstances.

Less than desirable situations:  If you are at a bad job, or in a bad situation, the best thing to do is to bring your passion for your work with you.  The idea is that you want your situation to feel the least like work or drudgery as possible so as to not make yourself depressed.  Alternatively, you just surrender to the flow of a situation.  From there, you look to gain the advantage to change your situations outcome.  Basically looking for opportunities to advance.  If there is an opportunity to get out, or there is a situation where you would get into conflict, then you must pick and choose your battles.  Decide if something is winnable, or if it is best to lay low.  There will even be times where you must simply accept a situation and not act at all.  Basically, allow yourself to be yelled at or berated so as to prevent a worse situation.  If you have no control of your situation make the best of it.  All other times when situations arise where you cannot do something of that nature, you simply accept the facts of your situation and thus allows you to approach a problem with a clearer state of mind that is not disturbed by turmoil and distress.  You need a clear head to see opportunities and the best way for an opportunity to come to you is if you keep yourself positive.

Conclusion:  This is not going to be easy.  I learned these methods the hard way.  But, by bringing your passion and keeping your head clear, any situation can become winnable, or improved if you just allow it to happen and then seize the parts in your life that you can actually change.  Basically, this is a way to take control of your situation without actually controlling the uncontrollable aspects of what is going on.  Thus, you will, with time, come out on top of the problem you are dealing with.  Hope this helps anyone of you who read this and that it improves your lives even if by just a little.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Issue 590 Be a guiding light May 13, 2015

We can literally change the world, but that is if we do things in just the right way.  That way is to be an example for others.  Allow me to explain.

How being the example changes things:  Did you know that when you do a good deed for others, it releases positive chemicals in your body that make you healthier and happier.  You know what?  It does the same thing for everyone else around you.  So you can become healthier, just by helping others.  Also, this helping one another becomes a positive influence on those around you.  By doing a good deed, it triggers in other people’s minds to notice when and where they can do good for others as well.

But just doing good deeds is not the sole way to be an example.  It is also how you conduct yourself around others.  Your self-esteem, your confidence, your talents, and even how you simply talk can inspire others to change themselves.  So in addition to being kind and also courteous, if someone is mean to you, attempt to answer in a loving tone, or sympathetic tone as opposed to yelling at them back.   If someone says they can't do something the way you do, offer to teach them how you do a task and show them that they can adapt it so they can do it in a way that makes it work for them rather than simply copying you.  Basically, treating others how you want to be treated, while standing at the moral, and ethical high ground.

Conclusion:  The idea is to create a ripple effect.  If people treat others well, then entire towns will, followed by cities, provinces, and then entire countries.  It basically combines the pay it forward rule, with the treating others the way you want to be treated rule.  So it is designed to perpetuate across entire nations to help change lives and even the way we all think about ourselves and others.  But you still will need to stand on an ethical, and moral pedestal, while maintaining compassion and attempt to empathize and understand those around you.  It is certainly not an easy path, but it can work if we try hard enough.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

issue 589 Planes of the future May 12, 2015

I recently did an article on hybrid planes and boats, but it got me thinking, what planes of the future would look like.  Let's begin.

What would Planes look like:  For one, they may be seamless.  Traditional flaps will vanish with the mass production of flexible materials on the edges of the wings which allows for the same maneuvering and turning, but can also be used to increase efficiency of the flight itself. Solar panels and wind turbines can and will be integrated onto the wings of prop driven aircraft to increase fuel efficiency as well.   Other design elements include flying wing designs which will have clear flooring and or skylights.  There is boxed/diamond wing designs which connect the front wings to the tail in a diamond like shape when seen from below, which increases lifts capacity and reduces drag.  

Other unique ideas may be hybrids between blimps and planes essentially having a three story tall cruise ship in the sky.  However, I doubt it will have a pool, but some may have small hot tubs.  Other shapes are all possible and in fact, planes could even lose their landing gear.  There is another idea which has aircraft land on a cradle of sorts to land instead.  Though that idea is likely to be scrapped with tilt rotor and vertical takeoff and landing technology coming out of its infancy.  This also may mean that personal aircraft may get a boost as many new planes will become automated and thus fly themselves.

Conclusion:  These are just some of the design ideas being tossed around.  There are other ideas, such as bringing back boat planes, or even scramjet planes that can get people from New York to Tokyo in less than 2 hours.  As to what takes hold and what new niches are formed in the aircraft industry, we will just have to wait and see.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Issue 588 Problems with wind power May 11, 2015

Like solar, wind power has its problems as well.  So let's discuss.

Space issues:  Wind power, like solar, is free energy.  However, to get a large enough amount of electricity from wind, you need a wind farm that covers vast areas of land.  As such, it eats up large areas of land that can be protected for wildlife/forests, or used for farming, or even used for development.  As such, efforts to increase efficiency, or place them out of the way are being made.  One such solution is leasing parts of farmland so that a farm can exist underneath the turbines which makes the land usage more efficient.  Another is to integrate the turbines into the city by putting them on roofs, or have them tethered to blimp like structures.  Other ideas are being looked at, but the one I see that is best is integrating the most efficient wind turbine into someone’s house so that people can generate the electricity they need themselves without the need for some utility company.

Catching the wind:  The other issue is one that is well known.  What if the wind is not blowing?  Well, truth is it is always blowing usually, we just have to reposition the turbine into the direction and altitude of the wind.  So even if there is no wind at ground level, it may be blowing well at two stories up, and could be even stronger at six stories in the air.  So the tethered approach is one way to solve this, or to have a telescoping neck for the turbine to elevate itself as high as possible to catch the strongest winds possible.  There are also turbines being developed that will spin even with the gentlest of breezes which will mitigate the need to go a full six stories in the air just to catch wind.  Thus it is also an issue of efficiency with respect to the rotors on the turbine itself.

Conclusion:  Like solar, wind power generation is still coming along at a slow pace due to the imperfections of this technology.  But given enough time and investment, you too may be attaching a turbine to your home.